Chapter 5: Getting Started: Preliminaries
Quiz questions:
- The ultimate source for Christian theology is ______.
- The question of ______is the question of what needs to be said before beginning the study of theology itself.
- According to F.D.E. Schleiermacher, heresy is that which preserves the appearance of Christianity while contradicting its ______.
- For most Christian theologians, the four primary sources of theology are the Bible, tradition, reason, and ______.
- The terms spiritual theology and ______theology are sometimes used interchangeably.
Multiple-choice questions:
1) Theology emerged as a primarily theoretical, rather than practical, discipline during the period of
- the Reformation, especially in Geneva under John Calvin
- the rise of the Enlightenment in Germany
- the founding of universities in western Europe in the twelfth century
- the early patristic writers
2) In the modern period, systematic theology is largely characterized by
- organization around the historic creeds
- reflections on the Trinity
- the relationship between Christianity and culture
- a concern for method
3) Study of the concept of God’s relationship to time is an example of
- philosophical theology
- historical theology
- systematic theology
- biblical theology
4) John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion is a major work of
- philosophical theology
- historical theology
- systematic theology
- biblical theology
5) The phrase “What has Athens to do with Jerusalem” is associated with
- Thomas Aquinas
- F.D.E. Schleiermacher
- Martin Buber
- Tertullian
6) The idea that God cannot suffer became embedded in Christian theology
- because it was shown to have important roots in Scripture
- during the Enlightenment, when questions about suffering were central
- when early Christian theologians adopted the notion from Greek philosophy
- in the eighteenth century in Germany
7) The close link between theology and spirituality was maintained by
- Alasdair MacIntyre
- Thomas Merton
- Karl Rahner
- Walter Bauer
8) The following theologian did not seek to ground Christian theology in human experience:
- Karl Barth
- Friedrich Schleiermacher
- Karl Rahner
- Paul Tillich
9) Which of the following theologies is most likely to argue for the importance of neutrality in the study of theology?
- liberation theology
- postliberal theology
- liberal theology
- Augustinian theology
10) Walter Bauer is best known for his view that
- Christian unity in the early church lay in its adoption of formal doctrines
- orthodox views were imposed by the church in Rome over against earlier views deemed to be heretical in retrospect
- orthodoxy is the majority view of most Christians, achieved by consensus
- heresy refers to ideas that arose later as corruptions of original, orthodox teachings
11) For F.D.E. Schleiermacher, heresy
- is always associated with marginalized or minority communities
- occurs when Christianity associates too closely with secular philosophy
- arises when theology becomes detached from Scripture
- is an inadequate or inauthentic interpretation of Christian faith
12) The “critical appropriation of classical culture” is an approach to Christianity and culture developed by
- Justin Martyr
- Tertullian
- Augustine
- Aquinas
13) According to H. Richard Niebuhr’s typology, which theologian represents the “Christ and culture in paradox” approach?
- Martin Luther
- John Calvin
- Thomas Aquinas
- Menno Simons
14) Which theologian represents Niebuhr’s “Christ above culture” approach?
- Tertullian
- Martin Luther
- Augustine
- Thomas Aquinas
15) In general, Christian theology
- has always been a practical discipline
- interacts and overlaps with multiple other fields of study
- has kept itself detached from secular culture
- is confined mainly to seminaries and divinity schools
Wiley-Blackwell 2010