Scriptural Texts from Volume I of the Letters


1.  My food in this world is to do the will of my Heavenly Father.

2.  Prepare the ways of the Lord; in solitude make straight the paths of the Lord

3.  Blessed be the time when there will be but one sheep-fold.

4.  How good it is for brothers to live in unity.


6.  Bear one another’s burdens and you will fulfill the law.

8.  Those who live in charity live in God.

9.  The Desired of the Nations has come to live among us.

10.  He is risen victorious from the tomb!

11.  They were all filled with the Holy Spirit.

12.  The Lord has visited his people, and all Israel has rejoiced.

13.  My God, my heart seeks you!

14.  He appeared to us as a man of sorrows who knows what it is to suffer.

15.  I raised my eyes to the mountains of Sion, to wait for my help.

16.  His soul was overwhelmed with sorrow.

17.  What shall I render you, O my God, for all the benefits I have received from you.

18.  Go out from your own country and into the land that I will show you.

19.  O my God, in beholding your glory my heart will overflow with delight!

20.  Rejoice, daughters of Sion, I announce to you a Saviour!

21.  Charity is gentle and well-disposed.

22.  A true friend is recognized in adversity.

23.  Lord, grant your people a spring of living water, so that they may not thirst again…

24.  O my God! For what an epoch you have destined us!

25.  Hasten your coming, O my God!

26.  The one who believes and perseveres to the end will be saved.

27.  The children of wisdom will make up the assembly of the just.

30.  And the Holy Spirit rested upon them.

33.  God gives his grace to the humble.

34.  God is wonderful in his works!

35.  What shall I render to you, O my God!

36.  The mercies of God are eternal.

37.  The just continue to shine until the dawn of the perfect day.

38.  Jesus, having loved his own, loved them to the end.

39.  The Lord has led me to rich pastures. I shall want for nothing.

42.  Lord, teach me to do your Will, for you are my God.

44.  O my God, may your Angel accompany us in all our ways.

45.  I will be pleasing to the Lord in the land of the living.

46.  My God, you are my strength in time of tribulation.

48.  You have broken my bonds, O my God.

50.  The Lord has done great things for us. Holy is his name.

51.  The just will flourish like a palm tree.

52.  The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?

53.  Say to the daughter of Sion, here is your King.

55.  Behold, I bring you good news: a Savior has been born to you!

56.  I cry out to you, Lord, and you do not answer!

57.  Jesus Christ is my life, and for me death is gain.

58.  My God, you have restored me to life according to your promise.

60.  Lord, let the One who is to save us appear!

61.  The truly obedient will be victorious.

62.  My God, you have delivered our souls from the snares of the enemy.

63.  And I said to the Lord: here I am!

64.  The Lord has placed me on his holy mountain to proclaim his law.

65.  Lord, give your wisdom to the new King!

66.  Those who seek counsel are led by Wisdom.

67.  Those who put their trust in God will never be shaken.

68.  Taste and see that the Lord is good.

69.  And Mary kept all these things in her heart.

70.  My soul is sorrowful even unto death.

71.  Those who sow in tears will reap in joy.

72.  Lord, teach me the way of your divine commandments.

73.  Lord, watch over your people.

74.  The Lord has led me to good pastures.

75.  O God, may your will, not mine, be done!

76.  I will set you up as king on the holy mountain.

77.  The zeal of your house consumes me, Lord, it is for your glory that my face has been covered with opprobrium.

80.  Lord, it is for the glory of your name that my face has been covered with opprobrium. (Isaiah)

82.  You have set me free from the snare of the hunter, O Lord, I will bless your name.

84.  The Lord is truly risen!

85.  The Lord has raised up the poor from the dust.

86.  Drink joyfully from the waters of the fountains of the Lord. Isaiah

89.  Bless the Lord, you who live within the portals of the House of God.

90.  My God, may your Will not mine be done!

91.  Lord, how wonderful are your works!

93.  They who are victorious in combat shall be crowned in glory.

94.  How wonderful are your works, O my God.

95.  May your Will be done, O my God, not mine!

96.  My peace I give you, my peace I leave with you!

97.  Let not your heart be troubled nor dismayed.

98.  I have drunk deeply from the torrents of your delights, O my God.

100.  Blessed be the Lord who has saved us!

102.  Come and eat the bread I have prepared for you.

104.  My soul glorifies the Lord!

105.  The sufferings of this life are as nothing in comparison to the glory that is reserved for us.

106.  Lord, you have been my protector in the day of tribulation.

107.  Lord, you visit me in the morning, and soon after that you try me.

113.  Lord, you are my hope in the land of the living.

114.  Lord, you have made known the greatness of your Name.

115.  Lord, our hope is in you!

117.  The Lord has worked wonders on our behalf.

118.  Lord, you have broken my bonds, and I will offer you a sacrifice worthy of praise.

120.  May infinite thanks be rendered to you, O my God!

121.  Glory to God in the heavens, praise to the Lord our God!

125.  And Mary kept all these things in her heart.

126.  Your Name and your law are the delight of my heart, O God!

129.  Cary one another’s burdens and thereby you will fulfill the law.

130.  If you are thirsty, come to the source of living water.

131.  My God, we have raised up our hearts to you.

132.  The Lord has changed our tears into joy.

133.  Let those who are thirsty come to me, and let them drink.

134.  Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.

135.  Our tears and groans have been changed into songs of joy.

136.  O God, come to my help!

137.  Those who act and instruct will be great in the kingdom of Heaven.

139.  Bless the Lord, O you who live in the portals of the house of God!

140.  You have fought the good fight. You will be crowned.

142.  Jesus Christ is my life, and for me death is gain!

143.  Those who act and instruct will be great in the Kingdom of Heaven.

144.  Blessed are those who trust in the Most High; they will rest in peace. . . David

146.  All excellent work will in the end be recognized!

147.  How inscrutable are your judgments, Lord, who could fathom them?

148.  Lord, you are our support in the day of tribulation.

150.  Act with courage, you whose hope is in the Lord. David

153.  Whoever perseveres to the end will be saved.

154.  May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be our strength and our light!

155.  My soul glorifies the Lord!

157.  The Lord has taken his servant Israel under his protection.

159.  This day of rejoicing fills us all with delight!

160.  Love one another just as I have loved you.

161.  My soul glorifies the Lord!

164.  Taste and see how sweet is the Lord!

167.  The just have fulfilled a long journey in a short time.

168.  May the Lord our God hasten his coming. May he come to save us.

169.  My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit is transported with joy in God.

170.  The Lord has done great things for me.

171.  Blessed is the servant whom the Master will find watching and praying.

177.  Jerusalem, praise your God!

179.  Lord, I have put my trust in you, and I have not been confounded.

180.  Those who sow in tears will reap in joy.

181.  The one who combats will be crowned.

182.  The Lord has chosen you as his own.

185.  Jerusalem, praise your God!

186.  Here is the place of my repose!

187.  Taste and see that the Lord is good.

189.  Let us praise the mercies of the Lord!

190.  May your Will, not mine, be done, O my God!

191.  The virtuous share in the immortality of God.

192.  The Lord has rebuilt Sion, he has manifested his glory!

193.  The shepherds went away, glorifying God.

194.  Taste and see that the Lord is good!

