Designation as a ‘Required’ or ‘Elective’ course

TYPE OF COURSE: Required for BSCME, BSME and BSIE Majors

Course (catalog) description

COURSE DESCRIPTION: IE 201 Financial Engineering, 3 Hours. Principles and techniques of economic analysis in engineering and management science. Basic probability theory and decision problems under risk and uncertainty.



Textbook(s) and/or other required material

SAMPLE SOURCES AND RESOURCE MATERIALS: Engineering Economy by L. Blank and A. Tarquin, 7th edition, McGraw-Hill Science Publishers, 2011.

Course objectives

COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course introduces students to various aspects of financial analysis that are necessary for all engineering programs. It introduces such topics as interest rates, cash flows, project financial analysis, rate of return and alternatives comparison.

Topics covered


1 Economic decision making processes, concepts of cash flows, interest rate, equivalence, minimum attractive rate of return 5

2 The time value of money 6

3 Shifted uniform and gradient series 4

4 Nominal and effective interest rates 6

5 Present worth analysis 6

6 Annual worth analysis 4

7 Rate of return analysis (single alternative) 5

8 Rate of return analysis (multiple alternatives) 5

12 Examinations 2

13 Final exam 2

Total 45

Class/laboratory schedule, i.e., number of sessions each week and duration of each session



Type of Instruction Contact Hours/Week

Lecture/Discussion 2

Recitation 1

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component

This course prepares students for financial transactions necessary for everyday life. It also prepares them to be able to sell a project to management in industry. It makes them aware that the financial end of a corporation, sometimes looked down on by engineers, is really very important and helping the company to make a profit is an important goal.

Relationship of course to program outcomes

As shown in the BSIE Course Outcomes Matrix:

A. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering

E. Ability to formulate and carry out mathematical solutions

H. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in global and societal context

Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation

Pat Banerjee, Professor of Industrial Engineering, August 16, 2013.

Comments on outcomes

Following are possibly approaches to incorporating specific student learning outcomes into this course:

A. Use of mathematical calculators and computers to carry out calculations

E. Students are required to formulate engineering problems based on scientific and engineering principles

H. Students learn to measure the economical impact of different engineering solutions on large systems (e.g society, countries, public, etc.)

These outcomes are what students are expected to gain from this course.


Designation as a ‘Required’ or ‘Elective’ course

TYPE OF COURSE: Required for BSME Major

Course (catalog) description

COURSE DESCRIPTION: ME 205 Introduction to Thermodynamics. 3 Hours. Principle of energy transport and work; properties of substances and equation of state; first and second laws of thermodynamics; applications to mechanical cycles and systems.


PREREQUISITE(S): Physics 141 General Physics I (Mechanics), 4 Hours and Math 181 Calculus II, 5 Hours

Textbook(s) and/or other required material


Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, 7th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011.

Course objectives

COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course introduces introductory level materials in engineering thermodynamics to all majors of engineering students. It offers following topics –thermodynamic concepts (10%); properties of substances state and phases (30%); conservation principles and the first law of thermodynamics (30%); entropy and the second law of thermodynamics (20%); system analysis using the second law of thermodynamics (10%). Students learn fundamental concepts and how to use them for solving real-world engineering problems. A combination of visual demonstration, problem solutions and conceptual design approaches for engineering thermodynamic systems is used for enhancing fundamental understanding and engineering applications. Issues of communication skills and contemporary problems are also discussed.

Topics covered


1 Thermodynamic concepts: systems and surroundings; equilibrium and quasi-equilibrium processes; work, heat transfer and power 4

2 Properties of substances state and phases: internal energy, enthalpy, specific heat, and equation of state. 12

3 Conservation principles and the first law of thermodynamics: conservation of mass and energy; control volume formulation; steady state and steady flow analyses; unsteady state analysis. 13

4 Entropy and the second law of thermodynamics: isolated systems; reversible and irreversible processes; entropy relations; control volume analysis; isentropic processes; component efficiencies; cyclic processes and the Carnot cycle. 10

5 System analysis using the second law of thermodynamics: reversible work; availability; irreversibility. Efficiency in energy utilization 4

6 Examinations 2

Total 45

Class/laboratory schedule, i.e., number of sessions each week and duration of each session



Type of Instruction Contact Hours/Week

Lecture/Discussion 3

Laboratory 0

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component

This course shows how to use undergraduate calculus as well as basic concepts of work, energy, and efficiency in energy utilization, to formulate and solve energy and industrial processing systems for design problems. Principles of zeroth, first and second laws of thermodynamics are learned to use them to calculate energy balances and to maximize energy utilization for both steady and unsteady states with and without flow. Issues of communication skills and contemporary problems are also discussed.

Relationship of course to program outcomes

As shown in the BSME Course Outcomes Matrix:

A. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering

E. Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems

Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation

Saeed Manafzadeh, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, January 16, 2014

Comments on outcomes

A. Use of surface and volume integration, ordinary and partial differentiation, conservation of mass and energy, concept of efficiency in energy utilization.

E. Through homework’s and classroom examples, students learn how to conceive engineering problems, how to relate them to thermodynamic fundamentals, and finally how to express them in mathematical terms.

These outcomes are what students are expected to gain from this course.


Designation as a ‘Required’ or ‘Elective’ course

TYPE OF COURSE: Required for BSME Major

Course (catalog) description

COURSE DESCRIPTION: ME 210 Engineering dynamics. 3 Hours. Dynamics of particles and rigid bodies. Kinematics in different coordinate systems, coordinate transformations. Kinematics, Newton’s second law, work energy relations, impulse-momentum relations, impact problems.


PREREQUISITE(S): CME 201 Statics, 3 hours.

Textbook(s) and/or other required material

SAMPLE SOURCES AND RESOURCES MATERIALS: R. C. Hibbeler, Engineering Mechanics, Dynamics, Thirteenth Edition, Prentice Hall, 2012.

Course objectives

COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course gives students a second exposure to the dynamics of particles and introduces them to the planar dynamics of rigid bodies. Work-energy and impulse-momentum principles are employed. The focus here is on deriving equations of motion from physical first principles, and developing problem-solving skills.

Topics covered


1 F=ma, free body diagrams, simple kinematics, friction models 7

2 Relative and dependent motion 4

3 Cylindrical, normal and tangential coordinates 5

4 Work-energy principles, conservative forces 5

5 Impulse, momentum, impact, angular momentum 6

6 Rigid body kinematics 3

7 Rigid body kinetics, moments of inertia 5

8 Work-energy extensions to 2-D rigid bodies 4

9 Impulse, momentum extensions to 2-D rigid bodies 4

10 Examination 2

Total 45

Class/laboratory schedule, i.e., number of sessions each week and duration of each session



Type of Instruction Contact Hours/Week

Lecture/Discussion 3

Laboratory 0

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component

While students have been introduced previously to Newton’s laws of motion and the related conservation principles of energy and momentum, this course offers a broader and more thorough treatment aimed at developing students’ physical and mathematical problem solving skills. After principles are introduced, students learn to decompose complex problems into their essential elements, express physical principles mathematically, and solve the equations. Problems must be formulated so that they can be solved relatively efficiently. We formulate problems in various different coordinate systems and in stationary and moving frames of reference. Students hone their physical intuition. Current events, issues of ethics, and life-long learning will also be discussed.

Relationship of course to program outcomes

As shown in the BSME Course Outcomes Matrix:

a.  Application of knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering.

e.  Identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems

Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation

Saeed Manafzadeh, Department of Mechanical Engineering, January 16, 2014

Comments on outcomes

a.  Course builds on students’ knowledge of differential and integral calculus, trigonometry, and mechanical principles to derive equations of motion and solve engineering problems.

e.  Each week students are assigned a series of problems for which students are required to apply engineering analysis and solution techniques.

These outcomes are what students are expected to gain from this course.


Designation as a 'Required' or 'Elective' course

TYPE OF COURSE: Required for BSME Major

Course (catalog) description

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Topics: Fluid properties, Statics and kinematics, Integral momentum theorems, Conservation equations, Viscous flows, Inviscid and viscous incompressible flows, Bernoulli's equation, Dimensional analysis, Qualitative analysis of turbulent flows, Boundary layer theory.


PREREQUISITES: MATH 220, Introduction to Differential Equations; PHYS 141, General

Physics I (Mechanics).

Textbook(s) and/or other required material


edition, McGraw-Hill (2011). Also, C. M. Megaridis, “Laboratory Manual, Fluid Mechanics I,” 2005 (posted on course web site).

Course objectives

COURSE OBJECTIVES: This is an introductory course in the mechanics of fluid motion. It is designed to establish fundamental knowledge of basic fluid mechanics and address specific topics relevant to technological applications involving fluids. Also, to introduce relevance of fluid dynamics to engineering design. The course includes a laboratory component as well as important applications such as flow in pipes, flow over airfoils and flow in channels. Students successfully completing this course are expected to: be able to perform basic calculations for design and analysis of simple systems involving fluid motion; be familiar with standard experimentation tools in the field; be aware and appreciative of the importance of fluid processes in the well-being of the society; gain experience working in groups; be able to compose clear and effective engineering reports.

Topics covered


1. Fundamental concepts 3

2. Hydrostatics (Laboratory in fluid properties and statics) 4

3. Hydrostatics in non-inertial systems (Laboratory in liquid rotation) 1

4. Control volume approach 2

5. Integral form of governing equations (Laboratories on momentum equations and Bernoulli’s equation for a stream tube) 6

6. Dimensional analysis and similitude (Laboratory on drag and dimensional analysis) 4

7. Introduction to the continuity and Navier-Stokes equations 8

8. Potential inviscid flows 5

9. Turbulent pipe flows (Laboratory on friction loss in viscous pipe flow) 3

10. Boundary layer flows 4

11. Introduction to flows over immersed bodies 3

12. Laboratory 30

13. Examinations 2

Total 75

Class/laboratory schedule, i.e., number of sessions each week and duration of each session



Lecture 3

Laboratory/Discussion 2

Contribution of course to meeting the professional component

This course shows how to use vector analysis and basic concepts of ordinary and partial differential equations to formulate and solve physical problems involving the motion of fluids. Principles of statics and dynamics are used to show how to calculate forces imposed by fluids on solids, and to describe flow fields inside tubes, in between plates and outside bodies of various shapes (plates, airfoils, spheres, cylinders). Students study principles of power generation via fluid/solid interaction and scaling between prototype and models. Some basics of compressible flows are introduced via the compressible Bernoulli equation. Issues of fluid systems design and their safety are also discussed.

Relationship of course to program outcomes

As shown in the BSME Course Outcomes Matrix:

a. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering

b. Design and conduct experiments, as well as analyze and interpret data

e. Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems

Person(s) who prepared this description and date of preparation

Alexander L. Yarin, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, August 25, 2013

Comments on outcomes

a. Use of vectors, linear algebra, differential and integral calculus; principles of statics and dynamics; graphical representations of results, analytical formulations and computer software.

b. In all laboratory sessions, students are asked to utilize the experimental setup to demonstrate the fundamental laws of fluid motion and also to physically interpret the measurements in their reports.

e. Many of the homework problems require detailed understanding of the fluid system before a solution is identified and pursued.

These outcomes are what students are expected to gain from this course.


TYPE OF COURSE: requirement for the following programs: ME, IE, and CE MAJORS

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Engineering design process, modeling and analysis. Product dissection, prototyping. Technical communication, AutoCAD, engineering graphics software, 3-D views, multiview projection, dimensioning and tolerancing, standards. Team design projects.

PREREQUISITE(S): Eligibility to register for ENG 160 English Composition I.

SAMPLE SOURCES AND RESOURCE MATERIALS: Engineering Design: A Project Based Introduction, 4th Ed., Clive L. Dym, Patrick Little, and Elizabeth Orwin, John Wiley & Sons, 2013.


1. Students will be able to analyze the engineering function of existing products.

2. Students will be able to specify human needs as engineering design requirements.

3. Students will be able to generate, analyze, evaluate, and select among engineering design solutions to meet specified requirements.

4. Students will be able to communicate technical ideas in writing and orally.

5. Students will be able to communicate technical ideas using accepted graphics standards and modern computer tools.