Licence Agreements

All suppliers of clinical and complementary services must have an approved licence agreement in place prior to the start of operating from your premises. It is essential that the detailed documentation is completed by all parties and has written approval from Saks Franchise Services Ltd.

It is recommended that you take legal advice for the completion of each licence agreement.

It is essential that the correct company guidelines are followed to ensure turnover, client details, insurance and rent payments.

Details of each nominated supplier can be obtained from Saks Franchise Services Ltd.

Nominated Suppliers

Franchisees may only use appointed nominated suppliers to the network for products or services. With reference to products, refer to the ‘Nominated Suppliers’ list, which indicates who our current suppliers are.

If a Franchisee does not use a nominated supplier to perform a service or receive their products, this is a direct breach of your Franchise Agreement and may jeopardise the agreement. The only way an alternative supplier of a product or service would be allowed to be used is if written approval was granted from Saks Franchise Services Ltd.

Partnership Agreement

If you wish to open a franchise or introduce a partner to your existing business, it is essential that you have a clearly detailed partnership agreement, which covers topics such as; your roles, obligation to the partnership, salary, holidays, shareholding of the business, etc.

Legal advice must be sought and the agreement is approved by both parties prior to opening or purchase.

Limited Companies

If you wish to open a franchise as a limited company, you will be required to register the name of the company with Companies House.

If the limited company has more than one Director / Shareholder, then it is advised that a shareholders agreement is clearly detailed.

Legal advice must be sought and the agreement is approved by both parties prior to opening or purchase.