Finally! After a long haul and some delays, the 2005 book is ready. We will have it in hand on March 19th so, WE AREREADY FOR ORDERS! Thanks for the patience that many of you have shown. We are not making excuses but this endeavor is really a massive project. With family commitments, teaching and coaching, the demands on our time is huge. I am continually impressed by how our predecessors got the book out so early, February if I recall correctly.

This year’s book will be $20.00 per book (shipping and handling included) which is the same as last year. Our printing costs went up a bit but out print shop person is excellent. This service is still the cheapest we can find by far. Please send PERSONAL CHECKS OR MONEY ORDERS ONLY. We are not set up to handle credit cards and don’t want to deal with cash. We only send out materials ONLY AFTER payment has been received.

PLEASE SHARE the order form with athletes, parents, your school library, and track aficionados by making copies. Many of these groups are unaware that they can purchase the book also.

This year’s issue is a little longer. We have attempted to clean up more mistakes from past issues. Continue to contact us with corrections and errors as you see them. We have added a section for the sprints with the schools ranked by the top ten fastest times we could find. Way to go Dave! Thanks again to Wes Cook for the collegiate data.

BACK ISSUES AVAILABLE: Back issues of WHO’S WHO are available for $8.00 per issue. This includes postage. Most issues still available include 1970-72, 1974-78, 1981-85, and 1987 to the present.

COACHES: Please get us your season PR lists for track BEFORE THE SUMMER BREAK! Better yet, use the ATHLETIC.NET SITE created by David Bowdoin. You may notice that the increase in the number of PR lists that we received was a direct result of his site and work. If we all use this site, we will do our sport and those who love it a service. Get a kid to do it for you if time is an issue. If you do not have state results on your PR lists, we can get that easily enough. If possible, include year in school too! You can email your lists to < >. You can also bring your season PR list to the respective state meets. Contact Jeanine James of Gervais at the 1A/2A state meet or Billy Snow or Dave Martin at the 3A/4A state meet. At Hayward, we sit in the east grandstands, south end, straight up from the LJ pit. Thanks to all who got info to us this year. It is truly only with your help that this book is possible. NOTE THE NEW MAILINGADDRESS! Hopefully that should last quite awhile.

Thanks for all you do, have a great season, and we’ll see you along the way!

Dave and BillyMarch, 2005


NAME______No. of copies ordered ______

ADDRESS______2005 WHO’S WHO is $20.00 per copy


Make checks or money orders out to:Who’s Who in Oregon Track and Field

PO Box 552

Sweet Home, OR 97386