Cherokee County Schools

Ms. Jeana Conley,Superintendent

911 Andrews Road, Murphy, NC 28906

(828) 837-2722 ~ Fax (828) 837-5799

Cherokee County Board of Education Meeting of November 12, 2015 beginning at 6 pm held atMurphy Middle School


Board Members Present

Ms. Wanda Arrowood , Chair, Mr. Paul Brown, Vice Chair, Ms. Debbie Hogan, Scribe, Dr. David Ackerman, Mr. Randy Barnett, Mr. Winfield Clonts, and Mr. Tim Coffey

Board Attorney: Mr. John Henning

1.Call to Order. Ms. Wanda Arrowood called the Cherokee County Board of Education meeting to order then Mr. Barry McClure made welcoming comments.

2.Principal’s Welcome. Mr. Barry McClure, Principal of Murphy Middle School made welcoming comments.

3.Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. Tim Coffey led the Pledge of Allegiance.

4.Mission Statement. Ms. Debbie Hogan read the mission statement.

5. Approval of Agenda. The agenda was approved.

6.Approval of Minutes. The minutes from the October 8, 2015 regular board meetingwere approved.

7.Public Input. Ms. Arrowood called for public commentand Ms. Debbie Lindsay and Ms. Laurie Barlow requested to address the Board. The Board heard each during executive session.

8.TCEC Trebuchet Team Recognition. Ms. Jeana Conley recognized students from TCEC who made up the TCEC Trebuchet Team that competed in the District wide “Punkin Chunkin” competition.

9.Teacher of the Year Recognition. Ms. Kim Gibson identified the Teachers of the Year as:

Board of Education

Ms. Wanda Arrowood, Chair, Mr. Paul Brown, Vice Chair,Ms. Debbie Hogan, Scribe,

Dr. David Ackerman, Mr. Randy Barnett, Mr. Winfield Clonts, Mr. Tim Coffey

An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer

Cherokee County Schools

Ms. Jeana Conley,Superintendent

911 Andrews Road, Murphy, NC 28906

(828) 837-2722 ~ Fax (828) 837-5799

AESAnn Williams

AHSDane Rickett

AMSKendra Gibson

HDEMSNancy Vento

HDHSWendy Britt

MarbleKristen Higdon

MCEMSChad Brooks

MYSSonya Crouch

MESGenia Carter

MHSLeia Hays

MMSJulie Hughes

PESHolly McKellar

REMSSherry Brookins

TCECBen Pendarvis

Board of Education

Ms. Wanda Arrowood, Chair, Mr. Paul Brown, Vice Chair,Ms. Debbie Hogan, Scribe,

Dr. David Ackerman, Mr. Randy Barnett, Mr. Winfield Clonts, Mr. Tim Coffey

An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer

Cherokee County Schools

Ms. Jeana Conley,Superintendent

911 Andrews Road, Murphy, NC 28906

(828) 837-2722 ~ Fax (828) 837-5799

Each teacher was presented with a check for $100.Following this, Ms. Gibson identified Ms. Julie Hughes of Murphy Middle School as the District Teacher of the Year and she was awarded with a check for $1,000.

Board of Education

Ms. Wanda Arrowood, Chair, Mr. Paul Brown, Vice Chair,Ms. Debbie Hogan, Scribe,

Dr. David Ackerman, Mr. Randy Barnett, Mr. Winfield Clonts, Mr. Tim Coffey

An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer

10.Principal of the Year Recognition: Ms. Gibson next announced Mr. Paul Wilson as the Cherokee County Schools’ Principal of the Year. Mr. Wilson was presented with a check for $1,000.

11.Recognition of Google Certified Educators: The Board recognized Mr. John Parker who announced teachers who’ve obtained their Google Certification. Teachers announced are: Pam Myers and Julie Hughes. Mr. Parker informed the Board that others were in the process of earning their certification at present and that this certification aligns with the rollout of the ChromeBook initiative.

12.Facilities Update. Mr. John Higdon delivered a Facilities update to the Board. During his update, Mr. Higdon advised the Board of HVAC needs at Murphy Middle, Martins Creek, and Marble. He next addressed bleacher repairs, inspections, and services for Hiwassee Dam, Andrews Middle and Murphy Middle and identified Seating Safety Solutions as the company that would perform the services for an expense of $2,600. Lastly, Mr. Higdon addressed the progress on the Martins Creek ballfield project. The Board discussed the authority of Ms. Conley approving cost expenditures up to $30,000 and next discussed voting on a cost ceiling for the MCEMS Ballfield project. No further action was taken.

13.Budget Request. Ms. Stephanie Anderson was recognized and presented budget amendments for:

I.State Public School Fund

II.Federal Programs Fund, and

III.Capital Projects Fund for approval. Ms. Anderson informed the Board that a request for use of ½ cent sales tax for the projects identified by Mr. Higdon was for a total amount of $36,899.

Motion made (Dr. David Ackerman) and seconded (Mr. Tim Coffey) to approve the Budget Amendments as presented by Ms. Anderson. Voting is unanimous.

Following this, Ms. Anderson presented an application for use of Public School Building Capital Fund from the North Carolina Education Lottery in the amount of $42,762.85 for debt services payment on the Andrews High School Building B renovations.

Motion made (Dr. David Ackerman) and seconded (Ms. Debbie Hogan) to approve the Application for use of Public School Building Capital Funds from the North Carolina Education Lottery in the amount of $42,762.85 as presented by Ms. Anderson. Voting is unanimous.

14.Mountain Youth School Update. The Board next recognized Mr. Justin Clapsaddle, Principal of Mountain Youth School. Mr. Clapsaddle delivered an in-depth overview of operations of, and facilities upgrades made to, MYS. Mr. Clapsaddle then informed the Board that he had implemented a school uniform policy. He then addressed his vision of where he wants to go with alternative education and informed the Board of a Partnership with Tri-County Community College to begin C&C class. Lastly, Mr. Clapsaddle formally requested approval to change the name of Mountain Youth School to The Oaks Academy.

Motion made (Mr. Tim Coffey) and seconded (Mr. Randy Barnett) to change the name of Mountain Youth School to The Oaks Academy as requested by Mr. Justin Clapsaddle. Voting is unanimous.

15.Andrews Middle School’s School Improvement Plan. The Board recognized Mr. Andy Pyle, Principal of Andrews Middle School who delivered a very detailed report on his school’s School Improvement Plan. The Board accepted the School Improvement Plan as reported by Mr. Pyle.

16.Marble Elementary School’s School Improvement Plan. The Board recognized Ms. Chanda Bias, Principal of Marble Elementary School who delivered a report on her school’s School Improvement Plan. The Board accepted the School Improvement Plan as reported by Ms. Bias.

17Policy Review. Ms. Debbie Hogan presented several policies for first and second reading. The following policies were heard for second reading and were approved: 1100 Governing Principles, 3315 Elementary Interscholastic Competitive Sports, 7305 Reading the Policy Manual, and 7932 Basic Standards of Conduct and Performance for Non-Teachers.

Motion made (Ms. Debbie Hogan) and seconded (Dr. David Ackerman) to approve the policies presented for second reading. Voting is unanimous.

After presenting the policies for second reading, Ms. Hogan reported policies for first reading. Those policies presented were1320/3560 Title I Parent Involvement, 3405 Students at Risk of Academic Failure, 3420 Student Promotion and Accountability, 3450 Academic Policy for Honor Students/Class Rankings, 5022 Registered Sex Offenders, and 5027/7275 Weapons and Explosives Prohibited.

18.Superintendent’s Report. Ms. Jeana Conley delivered the Superintendent’s report to the Board. Ms. Conley began by announcing the approval of an Overnight Fieldtrip for Andrews High School to Berea College, KY, the SADD Coalition to Stonewall Resort in WV, TCEC to Washington, DC, and MCEMS to Space Camp in Huntsville, AL. After this, Ms. Conley informed the Board that teachers at MCEMS had secured $12,000 in grant money to pay for classroom learning projects and supplies.

Following this, Ms. Conley addressed AHS’ request to name the Gym in honor of Mr. Kenneth Solesbee. She explained that she had received a letter from Mr. Lance Bristol which made the request to name the Gym and basketball court in honor of Mr. Solesbee.

Motion made (Dr. David Ackerman) and seconded (Mr. Tim Coffey) to approve naming the Gym and basketball court in honor of Mr. Kenneth Solesbee as presented by the Superintendent. Voting is unanimous.

Ms. Conley next delivered the District Strategic Plan for consideration by the Board during which she identified the District mission, vision, goals, motto and values.

Motion made (Ms. Debbie Hogan) and seconded (Dr. David Ackerman) to approve the District Strategic Plan as presented by the Superintendent. Voting is unanimous.

19. Adjourn for Break and Closed Session. Ms. Debbie Hogan read the motion to adjourn to closed session.

Motion made (Ms. Debbie Hogan) and seconded(Dr. David Ackerman) for the Board of Education to adjourn to break and closed session pursuant to the provisions of North Carolina General Statute 143-318.11(a)(3) and 143-318.11(c), for the following purposes: pursuant to G.S. 115C-319-321 under subsection (a)(1) to prevent the disclosure of privileged or confidential personnel information, and under subsection (a)(3) to discuss matters protected by the attorney-client privilege, and under subsection (a)(3) to receive advise from the School Board Attorney regarding the following lawsuit: S.R. v CCS and K.M. v CCS and to enter a potential lawsuit. Voting is unanimous.

20.Return to open session & Closed Session Decisions. Ms. Wanda Arrowood called the meeting to order and returned to open session.

Motion made (Ms. Debbie Hogan) and seconded (Dr. David Ackerman) to return to open session. Voting is unanimous.

After returning to open session, the Board took the following actions based on closed session discussion:

(a)The Board approved the following retirements and resignation:


Edith DavisTeacher, MarbleRetirement03/01/2016

Wendy LedfordTeacher, MESRetirement12/31/2015

Cindy Martin21st CCLC Director, DistrictRetirement12/31/2015

Andrew StewartTeacher, AMSRetirement02/01/2016

Revonda SimondsTeacher, AESResignation11/13/2015

Motion made(Dr. David Ackerman) and seconded (Ms. Debbie Hogan)to approve the retirements and resignationas presented by the Superintendent. Voting is unanimous.

(b)The Board approved the following Leaves of absence:

Name Position/SchoolLeave TypeInclusive Dates

Sherie BarnettEC TA, MCEMSMedical11/19/2015—02/15/2016

Rebecca JohnsonCafeteria, HDHSMedical11/01/2015—01/01/2016

Jacqueline MathisCafeteria, MESMedical11/18/2015—01/06/2016

Megan SwansonTeacher, MMSExtension of Maternitythrough 01/06/2016

Motion made (Ms. Debbie Hogan) and seconded (Dr. David Ackerman) to approve the leaves of absence as presented by the Superintendent. Voting is unanimous.

The Board approved the following hiring recommendations on this date for the positions, schools, type of employment, and effective dates listed below with the understanding that their hiring is based on a clear criminal records check, proper credentials, and adequate position funding:

(c)The Board approved the following hiring recommendations:


Katie BaileyEC TA, MCEMS (Long-term Substitute)11/19/2015—02/15/2016

Viola RogersEC Teacher, AES (Long-term Substitute)11/16/2015—12/22/2015

Daniel DuchaineComputer Technician I, District11/13/2015

Alyssa MontagieComputer Technician II, District (Part-time)11/13/2015

Motion made (Ms. Debbie Hogan) and seconded (Dr. David Ackerman) to approve the hiring recommendation as presented by the Superintendent. Voting is unanimous.

(d)The Board approved the following Substitute teachers:


Kaitlyn Bailey

Sarah Buckley

Avery Carpenter

Shanetta Davis

Amanda Dockery

Ashley Myers

Jeffrey Owens

Haley Rose

Victoria Stiles

John Worden


Motion made (Mr. Tim Coffey) and seconded (Dr. David Ackerman & Ms. Debbie Hogan) to approve the substitute teachers as presented by the Superintendent. Voting is unanimous.

(e)The Board approved the following School Nutrition Substitutes:

Lorraine Kozlowski

Trina Seabolt

Kaitlin Taylor

Cindy Toucher

Motion made (Mr. Randy Barnett) and seconded (Ms. Debbie Hogan) to approve the School Nutrition substitutes as presented by the Superintendent. Voting is unanimous.

(f)The Superintendent announced the following transfers:


Elyse Watras MHSMCEMS11/02/2015

Wendy LeatherwoodMESMHS11/02/2015

(g)The Board approved the following helping hands volunteers:


Reason forApplication

NameSchoolVolunteeringRenewal Date

Pat SteinbrownAHSHelping Hands11/12/2016

Lester GuthrieHDHSWrestling11/12/2016

Holly GutierrezHDHSBasketball11/12/2016

Leon GreenHDHS Basketball11/12/2016

Jenna LaneyMCEMSBasketball11/12/2016

Doug ThrasherMCEMSHelping Hands11/12/2016

Andrew RowlandMCEMSHelping Hands11/12/2016

Ryan PlemmonsMCEMSHelping Hands11/12/2016

Nicole PlemmonsMCEMSHelping Hands11/12/2016

Motion made (Ms. Debbie Hogan) and seconded (Dr. David Ackerman) to approve the helping hands volunteers as presented by the Superintendent. Voting is unanimous.

Motion made (Dr. David Ackerman) and seconded (Ms. Debbie Hogan) to enter into an Improper Equipment lawsuit to retrieve fines and forfeitures. Voting is unanimous.

21.Announcement of the next Board of Education Meeting. Ms. Arrowood announced the next regular meeting of the Cherokee County Board of Education will be held at Central Office on Thursday, December 10, 2015 beginning at 6 pm.

22.Adjournment. There being no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 10pm.

Motion made (Ms. Debbie Hogan)and seconded(Mr. Randy Barnett)to adjourn the meeting. Voting is unanimous.


Jeana Conley, Secretary Wanda Arrowood, Board Chair