

Mr Ron Hargreaves
Mr Jim Desmond / Deputy Chairman
Sellafield Ltd
Mr Matthew Lee
Mr Stephen Tandy / Sellafield Ltd
Environment Agency
Mr Simon Hunter
Mr Michael Ainsworth
Rev Lindsay Gray / LLWR
Environment Agency
Churches in Cumbria
1 / AGENDA ITEM 1 Chairman’s introduction
2 / The Chairman opened the meeting with Apologies from Professor Steve Jones and noted that he (Mr Ron Hargreaves) would be acting Chairman)andthen welcomed those attending, including representatives of the public.
3 / AGENDA ITEM 2 Minutes of Meeting 78
4 / Prior comments were made on the minutes of the last meeting and noted by the secretary. The changes have been made and the final version of the minutes has been placed on the WCSSG website. The minutes were accepted by the committee.
A Discussion ensued regarding website updates, the set up of the room and the protocol for the alert of cancellations (noting that the EHSC had never been cancelled), all points were noted by secretary for discussion with secretariat.
Mr Tandy also noted that he would be leaving the committee to replaced by Mr Michael Ainsworth; the Chair noted the committee’s gratitude for Mr Tandy’s input over the years.
5 / Environmental Health Matters (presented by the Chairman)
6 / The chair gave a summary of scientific studies that have been published over the last six months one regarding the use of gamma spectrometry for radioactivity monitoring from the air. It was noted that the limits of detection of this equipment is currently too high for use by Sellafield but it may be an area to consider in future. Another article dealt with research of cancer incidence in Poland being lower in areas of higher radiation, it was suggested that this is an immune response phenomenon.
References to these articles will be placed on the WCSSG website
7 / AGENDA ITEM 3: Annual Report on Discharges and Monitoring of the Environment for Sellafield Ltd – Mr Desmond
8 / Mr Desmond presented slides that are available on the WCSSG website (
9 / Questions from the Committee
10 / Mr Hargreaves noted that natural doses dwarf those quoted by Sellafield Ltd.
11 / Questions from members of public
12 / None
13 / AGENDA ITEM 4 Beach Monitoring Update- Mr Desmond (Sellafield Ltd)
14 / Mr Desmond presented slides that are available on the WCSSG website (
In Summary
Monitoring of the beaches continues. Total finds in 2012 were 248 with the proportion of particles (as opposed to stones as) of total finds at 92% (compared with 2011/12 - 95%), with the majority of finds at Seascale and Braystones beaches.
The pattern of finds shows that the discovery rate of the physically larger particles (greater than 2 mm in size) has decreased considerably over time, but the physically smaller particles continue to be found at around the same rate. There have now been 3 campaigns of seabed sediment sampling to investigate the presence of active particles in sediment from the vicinity of the sea pipelines. Only one particle, of relatively low activity, has been found in over 1000 samples taken; however this frequency of find is not inconsistent with the results of monitoring the beaches
15 / End of Presentation - Questions from the Committee
16 / Mr Tandy asked what mass was taken per seabed grab; Mr Desmond replied 1-1.5kg of sediment depending on the packing of substrate.
MR Tandy queried the elevations in Seascale in Early March and was told that as only 8 finds had been made it may look like a high result but is not statistically significant.
17 / Questions from Members of the Public.
18 / A Member of the Public stated concern for beach users and asked what health research is being undertaken.
Mr Desmond responded that the Health Protection Agency have researched the impacts and published results on their website, these show that there are no health concerns. The Member of Public queried the validity of these reports as many assumptions are made.
Mr Desmond replied that any assumptions are conservative rather than representative and still show results 100,000 times lower than the HSE consider a risk.
A Member of Public asked ifthe reduced area coverage could still provide confidence; Mr Desmond responded that 150Ha coverage had been consistent for 3 years with a reduction from 250Ha 3 years ago, under advice from the HPA.
A Member of Public asked if the number of finds is increased why coverage is not being increased. Mr Desmond responded that the find rates had remained consistent, it was agreed the Member of Public would contact Mr Desmond for further clarification.
A Member of Public noted that the annual monitoring our environment Sellafield report 2011 appeared to have an error on table 13b page 27, Mr Desmond agreed to review this.
A Member of Public asked if warning signage could be placed on the beaches regarding particle finds.
The Chair responded that he thought it unlikely that the public would be able to assimilate the necessary information from signage sized information. Mr Tandy added that signage may cause undue public distress and Mr Ainsworth stated that risk assessments show a very low risk of harm at the beaches and despite this monitoring still continues.
A Member of Public noted that Sellafield Ltd are monitoring areas with high beach finds but asked if the HPOA should be more concerned with beaches with high occupancy, adding that the coverage of these appears to be reducing. Also asking that if the seabed programme is finding nothing would money not be better spent elsewhere.
Mr Desmond responded that the coverage of monitoring is weighted in terms of risk, with more effort at higher risk areas.
19 / Agenda Item 5- Works Updates- Sellafield Operations- Mr Desmond
20 / Mr Desmond presented information as follows
A variation request for the Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) Installation Permit was submitted to the Environment Agency in April 2013, this included a number of minor changes as well as the more significant inclusion of Evaporator D and the transfer of materials from Harwell to Sellafield, it should be noted that delays the Separation Area Ventilation (SAV) stack project meant that this was not included in this variation.
An LRQA Surveillance audit is being carried out at Sellafield during May 2013, during this a major non-conformity associated with oil storage has been issued.
All fuel storage ponds at Sellafield were inspected by the EA in December 2012 as part of a National Fuel Storage Inspection Programme. A number of recommendations were made however no non-compliances with permits were identified.
In April 2010 Sellafield Ltd incorrectly consigned four bags of non exempt waste to the Lillyhall landfill site rather than to the Low Level Waste Repository (LLWR). The waste was retrieved and bagged waste export suspended while investigations determined the root cause of the event (a failure in the calibration of a bag monitoring machine).
Sellafield Ltd attended Workington Magistrate’s Court on February 7th to face 7 charges relating to this incident (reduced from 9 by EA and HSE). SL pleaded guilty to all 7 charges and presented mitigating features. The case was referred to the Crown Court for sentencing and the case adjourned to the 14th June 2013.
Magnox and Thorp Reprocessing plants have been operational this period without significant issues.
On 22nd March 2013 Sellafield initiated the controlled release of staff due to adverse weather as a precaution related to staff welfare. Safety manning levels were maintained and there were no specific nuclear or significant environmental aspects associated with this incident. This event has been provisionally classified as a level one on the International Nuclear Event Scale. A level one on the INES is an 'anomaly'
The Sellafield site experienced an interruption to its compressed air supplies on March 12th 2013. As a result of this interruption a number of plants were shut down and switched to back-up compressed air supplies in line with well-rehearsed contingency arrangements. Supplies were reinstated within three hours of the interruption. There was no risk to the public, workforce or environment as a result of this issue.
The first consignment of nuclear material from the Harwell site, in the form of Contact Handled Intermediate Level Waste (CHILW) has been safely transported to and received at Sellafield. In November 2011, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority published the preferred option for the long-term management of this material deciding there was a clear and compelling strategic case for transferring the materials from Harwell to Sellafield for interim storage in appropriate facilities, managed by Sellafield Ltd. Following receipt of the necessary regulatory and other approvals, that process has now commenced and the first movement has been successfully completed. The material was transported to Sellafield by the NDA subsidiary train operator Direct Rail Services (DRS), which routinely moves nuclear material and spent fuel between nuclear sites in the UK and Sellafield.
21 / End of Presentation - Questions from the Committee
22 / None
23 / Questions from Members of the Public.
24 / A Member of Public asked if a Radon release in March 213 was due to Sellafield
Mr Tandy responded in the negative.
25 / AGENDA ITEM 6: Regulatory Issues, Mr Stephen Tandy (EA)
26 / Mr Tandy presented the Environment Agency Regulatory Update
To optimise reporting any significant issues are covered in the main WCCSSG.
The EA are undertaking a technical review of the LLWR safety case looking at containment, discharges and long term erosion issues. This review is to be published in the Autumn and LLWR is expected to look for a permit variation, with a final issue March 2014.
The EA are working with ONR, NDA and SL to review variations within the OEF. Looking at discharge committeemen’s.
EA have updated COMARE on SL monitoring regimes and COMARE are satisfied.
The VLLW permit readiness review looking at asbestos disposal routes is being completed in a phased approach.
A statement was made in the minutes of the 78th meeting regarding the swallows and contamination spread at Sellafield and a meeting has been held to review Sellafield wildlife management and the EA are satisfied with arrangements.
A groundwater protection BAT workshop was held in February 2013 with Mr Hargreaves attending to represent the WCSSG. This workshop looked at the application of BAT to groundwater protection and radioactive waste production. Sellafield senior management were in attendance and while lengthy discussions precluded any conclusions, recommendations were made for improvements data gathering has begun to inform a further workshop later in the year
27 / End of Presentation - Questions from the Committee
28 / None
29 / Questions from Members of the Public.
A Member of Public asked what protection was in place at Sellafield to keep swallows out.
Mr Desmond responded that Sellafield have an avian control contractor and remove nesting sites as well as attempt to break the life cycle of swallows with insect removal (as food source).
A Member of Public asked for an update on the contamination of drains in Seascale.
Mr Tandy responded that only routine reassurance monitoring is now in place but if any changes occur a review will be carried out. He added that an MSC student had carried out a study that further reassured this issue.
30 / AGENDA ITEM 7- Terms of Reference Review
31 / The chairman noted that heconsidered coverage in the meeting to be good and the committee agreed
Reverend Gray stated that she felt privileged to attend the committee and noted the importance of the environment to Churches in Cumbria, also stating her interest in being co opted to the committee (post meeting note- this has occurred)
Lack of attendance by local and county councils was noted and disappointment expressed; the secretary and chair will consider this.
A number of minor amendments to the terms of reference wording were noted.
32 / Meeting Closed.