District and School Assistance Grant Appendix B
DSAC StatewidePriorities2016-17
Statewide Priority and Project Descriptions
Funds for Statewide Priorities activities are in addition to the district’s DSAC Grant allotment.
- Monitoring Site Visit and Planning Grant for DSAC-Served Level 3 Schools in Percentiles 1-5: There is a need to review the systems and structures of schools in percentiles 1-5 to provide information that will inform school improvement planning.
- Objectives:
- To provide a Monitoring Site Visit (MSV) by an approved vendor that results in a report focused on the ESE Turnaround Practices and provides information and data to inform school improvement planning.
- To engage district and school staff in improvement planning with the support of the DSAC.
- Outcomes:
- Participants will have access to high quality MSV data.
- Participants will engage in a school improvement process supported by the DSAC.
- Participants: Participation is open to Level 3 schools in percentiles 1-5.
- $24,000 for each Level 3 school in percentiles 1-5 that elect to participate in an MSV.
- $5,000 for each Level 3 school in percentiles 1-5 that elect to engage in follow-up school improvement planning with the DSAC.
- Modified Monitoring Site Visit and Planning Grant for DSAC-Served Level 3 Schools in Percentiles 5-10: There is a need to review the systems and structures of schools in percentiles 5-10 to provide information that will inform school improvement planning.
- Objectives:
- To provide a Modified Monitoring Site Visit (MSV) by an approved vendor that results in a report focused on the ESE Turnaround Practices and provides information and data to inform school improvement planning.
- To engage district and school staff in improvement planning with the support of the DSAC.
- Outcomes:
- Participants will have access to high quality Modified MSV data.
- Participants will engage in a school improvement process supported by the DSAC.
- Participants: Participation is open to Level 3 schools in percentiles 6-10.
- $12,300 for each Level 3 school in percentiles 5-10 that elect to participate in a Modified MSV.
- $3,000 for each Level 3 school in percentiles 5-10 that elect to engage in follow-up school improvement planning with the DSAC.
General Guidance and Instructions
- DSAC-Served Level 3 schools in percentile 5 may choose either one of the options detailed above.
- District participation in the priority is optional.
- MSV funds may be used only with an ESE approved vendor.
- Districts may not repurpose unused Statewide Priority fund allotments for other uses (i.e., they cannot be directed to other projects via a DSAC Grant Amendment).
- Individual districts may apply for additional funding (over and above the district’s basic DSAC Grant allotment) in order to participate in the Statewide MSV Priority.
- Districts may submit a single grant application that includes both their base district DSAC grant allotment, and/or funds for the Southeast DSAC Principal Leadership Network. Additional instructions on preparing the narrative and budget workbook are detailed below.
- Districts may also choose to submit partial applications. That way a district or partnership has the flexibility to get school year activities funded immediately and make decisions about how any remaining funds will be used at a later date. Districts exercising this option will subsequently amend the appropriate budget workbook(s) and need to do so by the DSAC grant deadline of March 17, 2017.
- If you have questions about completing the application materials, please e-mail or call Abigail Slayton, the Regional System of Support Program Specialist, for assistance (; 781-338-3517).
Instructions for requesting funds to participate in the Southeast Principal Leadership Network
Individual districts may apply for funds for participating schools to engage in an MSV or Modified MSV and improvement planning.
- Proposed budget expenditures for the MSV and Improvement Planning Priority may be incorporated into the same budget workbookyou are using for your district’s DSAC grant allotment.
- Complete the StatewidePriorities worksheet in the budgetworkbook:
- Select MSV optionfrom the dropdown menu
- Select Improvement optionfrom the dropdown menu
The district’s eligible funding will be displayed, and will be added to the district’s base DSAC Grant allotment.
- Provide details on proposed expenditures in the Budget Summary worksheet.
- Wherever possible, use the designated spaces for Regional Priorities categories within the line items in the budget worksheet.
District and School Assistance Grant Appendix B: Statewide Priorities ~ Page 1 of 3