CareerTech 2006:

Innovations in CTE

GIS Workshop

OCTOBER 11, 2006 at the Hilton, East Brunswick (Exit 9 NJTPK)

I. Title of Presentation

Geospatial Technology – USDOL Top Growth Industry –Powerful Partnerships

II. Description of Presentation

The current worldwide market for Geospatial Technologies is expected to have annual revenues of $30 billion in 2006. In this exploding field, experienced vocational and comprehensive high school educators and law enforcement personnel will present their implementation of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) curriculum for secondary and postsecondary students. The presentation will highlight this project-based approach to preparing students to achieve DOL recognized national certification as a GIS Technician in this third biggest growth industry in the United States.

III. Presentation Plan - Overview ofthe proposed session, including content activities, visual aids, and handouts:

Participants will develop an understanding of:

What Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is;

Why the USDOL considers this a major career opportunity for students;

What is involved in offering a GIS training program; and

How students use GIS to develop higher level thinking skills while building their understanding of this powerful technology.

This panel presentation will be moderated by Sylvia Kaplan who assisted the Newark Public Schools in initiating one of the first secondary school GIS certification programs in New Jersey. Each panel member will focus on a particular area of expertise in implementing this high growth occupational training area.

The presentation will begin with an explanation of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the effects that it has had on the school and community. Using PowerPoint presentations along with handouts, the speakers will show how GIS has helped students think in spatial terms, gather data from a multitude of sources, place this data on layers and query the data to answer specific “What If” questions.

Panelists will discuss the basics of a GIS course, national GIS Technician certification, and specialized GIS training in Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Economic Development, Public Health and Safety for students in high school and adult education and for both professionals and non-professionals.

The creation of cooperative relationships to provide regular education and up-date training sessions in GIS with:

County and municipal governments, and

Fire, police, and other first responders,

will be explored.

In addition to the handouts of the power point presentations by each speaker, a request form will be provided, for those schools/individuals interested, in obtaining a copy of ESRI’s Map Book and a trial period software license.

GIS is having a huge impact in many industries and career paths in our country.

NASA studies predicted that the geospatial industry would grow by $2.9 billion by the end of 2005. The current worldwide market for Geospatial Technologies is expected to have annual revenues of $30 billion in 2006, consisting of $20 billion in the remote sensing market and $10 billion in the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) market.

"In a period of nationwide economic downturn, the geospatial industry offers hope. …tens of thousands of trained workers are needed to fill positions that are going begging," said Emily Stover DeRocco, head of the US Labor Department's Employment and Training Administration.

Examples from New Jersey schools and New Jersey student projects using local data sets, satellite images and computer aided designs (all part of a local GIS) will be shared with the group.

IV. Summary of Experiences in Conduct of Presentations

Sylvia Kaplan –Educational consultant and former NJDOE manager with over 42 years in education..

John D. Moore - Current GLOBE program partner, director for N.J., and mentor for K-12 teachers in several American Meteorological Society (AMS) online graduate courses in meteorology, and water in the earth system and oceans. Contributed to NSF projects such as GLOBE, CoVis, and NASA Classroom of the Future. Has presented in various forums as an expert in applications of real time data, satellite imagery and remote sensing in the K-12 community around the world. He and his students are recipients of Intergraph Corporation's "Educational Best Practices Award" in Geographic Information Systems. Moore was selected as a 2006 Japan Fulbright Scholar and an Earth Watch Institute Fellow. A member of the US Department of Education's Teacher Corp where he presented at USDOE Teacher Workshops promoting the use of Geospatial Technologies to improve student achievement. Recently elected as the President of the Satellite Educator's Association and is also the local AMS Chapter President. John is a member of AMS and the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society.

Officer Joseph Latigona– 20 year veteran of Medford Township Police Department. Currently serving as School Resource Officer. STARS (GIS) certified. Presented at Agricultural Education Seminar on “Implementing GIS” and at Essex County College on “Law Enforcement and the Use of GIS”. Has made numerous presentations at the high school and adult education levels. Currently developing a comprehensive digital school wide Crisis Kit that will result in more efficient risk assessment, mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery using GIS.

Ms. Monique Buggs – GIS Spatial Technology And Remote Sensing Certification Course Teacher -Newark Public Schools - Newark Science High School. GIS Day 2005 Student projects, community connections and apprenticeship with the University Medical Center.

V. Recommended Audience:

__X__Secondary Educators/Administrators

__X__ Postsecondary Educators/Administrators

__X__ Adult Education Staff

__X__ Business, industry and community partners

Additional Professional/Non-Professionals:

__X__ Emergency Management Personnel/Homeland Security Agencies

__X__ Law Enforcement Agencies / Fire Company Services

__X__ Economic Development Personnel / Real Estate Companies

__X__ Workforce Investment Board Members

__X__ Agri-Business/ Precision Agriculture individuals