20th Century Colorado

•Over View

•Making life better, Transportationimproves​, Moffat Tunnel​, Women andHealth care​

Troubled teens​,Workplace, Ludlow Massacre ​

Making Life Better

•Colorado had changed drastically from the western frontier territory to a state of the 1900’s


•Sugar Beets

•The ______was first recognized as a plant with ______properties in the early 1700s.

•______are grown for sucrose production became a viable industry in the United States by about 1870.

•Sugar beets grow well in ______, because of the availability of ______, and the ______

What are sugar beets used for?

•Sucrose from sugar beets represents the ______

•Sugar beets contain from ______.

•Sucrose is ______.

•Sugar beet pulp and molasses are processed by-products and are widely used as feed ______

•Beet tops are an excellent source of protein, vitamin A, and carbohydrates,

•Tops are equal ______.

Great Western Sugar Co.

•Founded by ______

•Pioneered bringing the sugar beet to Colorado

• The first sugar mill was built in ______


•The workers

•Original sugar beet workers, ______, Colorado

•Were ______, were the main workers

•______those who early on farmed the sugar beet fields in Colorado.


Other Industries

•Mining continued to be ______

•______were the second largest industries

•______began to grow as traveling to the state and up into the ______

  • Transportation


•Model T  Everyone could own one


•Better trains/railways



•Colorado is a large state






•How to build that much road?

•Maintaining the roads?


•Who would construct it?



•The Skyline drive at Canon City was created


Race to the clouds!

•Daring drivers wanted to see what their new cars could do

•The hoped to drive up the famous ______

•The ______!

•Today driver race one another up pikes peak in the Race to the clouds

•The course climbs ______

•Rail Roads


•1890= ______


•Moffat Tunnel


•Denver, Salt Lake and Pacific Railroad greatest issue was eliminated


•Only eliminated 23 miles of track


•Governor Routt was one man who wanted women to win the war



•Health Care

•House hold inventions gave women more free time


•Churches and women’s group started hospitals to care for people

•Troubled Teens

•A Special Court


•Judge Ben Lindsey started a special court for teens


•Teens went to reform schools



•This new idea gave a second chance to a large number of kids

•Work Place

•Workers are treated poorly




Women and Children worked too

•Worked with




