Story Development

Isabella Zygouras (Victoria)

Ashleigh Connor (Vanessa)

Danielle Connelly (Veronica)

Story Summary

Three girls walk into building. Vanessa, Victoria and Veronica go to their lockers and get their books and have a chat about boys and parties. Veronica talks about how shewants a boyfriend. Veronica talks about Xavier, who she has a crush on. Victoria walks off to go get a drink. Victoria sees Xavier with another BOY (WHAT!!) and wants to keep it from Vanessa, so she doesn’t get hurt. All of them are walking to class and Victoria slips it out that Xavier is cheating. Vanessa and Veronica start to fight and argue with each other (verbally) because Vanessa never told veronica that she was dating Veronica’s crush. Vanessa storms out and goes to find him. She slaps him in the face. The still stay friends because they realise that Xavier wasn’t meant to be in their life and they don’t need someone like that.

Script - Remember the Biatches

(Three girls walk into the building and go to their lockers)

Vanessa/Ash: OMG! I got the worst sleep last night….. I kept having this nightmare and it was so scary... I started to cry.

Victoria/Bella: Oh that’s so sad... What was it about?

Vanessa/Ash: I’m not even sure anymore... but it was really scary.

Veronica/Dani: Anyway... I couldn’t sleep last night either because I was too busy thinking about Xavier.

Victoria/Bella: Why do you like Xavier so much….he isn’t even that hot?

Veronica/Dani: Umm yeah he is.. Don’t you agree Vanessa?

Vanessa/Ash: Um yeah sure. If you say so.

Veronica/Dani: Well he is so hot. Like OMG. Like I couldn’t sleep because of him. Is that a bad thing?

Vanessa/Ash: Yeah, probably is.

Victoria/Bella: So girls, what do we have first?

Veronica/Dani: I don’t know, but Xavier is so amazing. He is just so perfect. You could never get anyone else as perfect as him.

Vanessa/Ash: You need to stop talking about Xavier already. It’s getting quite annoying.

Victoria/Bella: Stop guys. No need to fight. I’ll be right back; I’m going to get a drink.

Veronica and Vanessa: Okay, bye.

(Victoria goes outside to get a drink and sees Xavier with another boy)


Xavier: I’m.. Just gonna…. Go.

(Victoria keeps going to the drinking taps and gets a drink.)

(Victoria goes back to the lockers to meet up with the girls to walk to class)

Victoria/Bella (to the girls): So are we ready? Let’s go.

(Walk off and walks across the agora.)

Victoria/Bella: So how were your weekend’s girls?

Veronica/Dani: Mine was alright. I had to go away with my parents to see some sculptures. It was so boring...

Vanessa/Ash: Well I had a great time. I went shopping and just went totally out and brought so much vintage stuff. Like how cute? How was yours Victoria?

Victoria/Bella: I had to look after my brother. What a wonderful thing, right? But anyway, I just saw Xavier your boyfriend outside the building with another boy. And it wasn’t just a friendly talk. It was more. Hands round the waist, flirting with each other type of thing.

Veronica/Dani: Boyfriend? He isn’t my boyfriend. What do you mean boyfriend?

Vanessa/Ash: He’s my boyfriend! I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I just couldn’t. You liked him and I didn’t want to hurt you. I know it was wrong and I know that I should have told you. I’m sorry!

Veronica/Dani: You’re sorry? Don’t act like you’re sorry. You’re not sorry. Firstly, you are supposed to be my friend and secondly you kept it from me, but Victoria knew.

Victoria/Bella: You guys shouldn’t be fighting. It’s just some stupid little thing that was kept from you Veronica. Get over it.

Veronica/ Dani: Don’t tell me to get over it when you are supposed to be my best friend and you don’t even tell me.

Victoria/ Bella: You know what. Stop fighting. Please go and sort Xavier out Vanessa. I don’t want another drama.

(Vanessa walks off to go and find Xavier)

Victoria/Bella: Look, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but I couldn’t because it would ruin their relationship and our friendship. I honestly didn’t mean to say anything to hurt you.

Veronica/ Dani: But you were supposed to be there for me and tell me stuff and you never did that. How am I supposed to trust you again?

Victoria/ Bella: Answer this. Have I ever kept anything else from you? Think. I have never done anything to you since we have been friends and I didn’t intend on hurting you. I’m sorry.

Veronica/ Dani: Well, just don’t keep anything from me again. It hurts you know.

Victoria/ Bella: I’m sorry.

(Vanessa finds Xavier and walks up to him)

Vanessa/ Ash: Why? Why did you do it?

Xavier: Do what?

Vanessa/Ash: Don’t say what. You know what. Outside the drinking taps, with another boy.

Xavier: It’s not what you think.

Vanessa/ Ash: Nothing ever is, is it? I thought I could trust you, but you know, maybe I should just not trust anyone anymore.

Xavier: Don’t think like that Nes. Give me another chance? You won’t regret it.

Vanessa/ Ash: One; don’t call me Nes. (Slap him in the face) That was okay when we were dating and two; how do you think I can trust you? (Slap him in the face)

Xavier: That hurts, but I’ll make it up to you, I promise.

Vanessa/ Ash: That’s what you said last time. Promises don’t last forever. We’re done.

(Vanessa turns her back and walks away)

Victoria/ Bella: Are you okay?

Vanessa/ Ash: Yeah, I’ll be fine. I guess he wasn’t the one.

Veronica/ Dani I’m sorry I took it so personal. I guess I just liked him too much and couldn’t handle the fact that you kept it from me. I’m sorry.

Vanessa/ Ash: Don’t be sorry. I’m the one that kept it from you. I shouldn’t have and it was wrong of me.

Veronica/ Dani: Thanks. Well let’s forget about it. His out of my life and his out of yours. That’s all that matters. We don’t need him, we need each other.

Victoria/ Bella: That’s what I want to hear. As long as we have each other, we will be fine.

Vanessa/ Ash: Let’s go.

(The three girls walk off)

Shooting List

This is where you create a list of different shots that need to be recorded, what location, the duration, etc.

Scene # / Shot # / Shot Size / Duration / Location / Description
1 / 1 / Wide shot / 10s / school / Walking to their lockers.
1 / 2 / Medium close-up / 10s / school / Vanessa talking about her dream.
Scene # / Shot # / Shot Size / Duration / Location / Description