Association des Professeurs d’Anglais de la Guadeloupe

Rallye Anglais

Edition 2004 – Epreuve Finale – Les lycéesDUREE: 1 heure / Etablissement: / Composition de l’équipe (noms, prénoms, classes)
Temps: / Score: …... /120 / Quel score pensez- vous avoir réalisé? Classement:

N° I: Right or wrong ? Tick the correct answer.

R / W
  1. St Croix is part of the British Virgin Islands.

2. Barbados is the most Eastern Caribbean Island.

3. Saba’s capital is called The Bottom..

4. The island associated with Antigua is Anguilla

  1. St Kitts’capital is Basseterre..
  2. The Bahamas is composed of about 700 islands

N°II Underline the correct answer :

1. Who possesses the real political power in England ? a)The Queen b) The House of Lords c) The Prime Minister

2) Great Britain is a grouping of :

a) England, Scotland and Wales b) England, Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland c) England and Scotland

3) The first Prime Minister of Saint Lucia was: a) John Compton b) Percival Pattersonc) Lester Bird

4) Who wrote “In the Castle of my Skin”? a) George Lamming b) André Brinkc) Shakespeare

5) What are Heathrow and Gatwick ? a) two famous mayors of London b) two underground stations c) two airports

6) The address of the British Prime Minister is a) 114 Baker street b) 102 Carnaby street c) 10 Downing street

7) Who wrote “A Year in San Fernando” a) Charles Dickens b) Mark Twain c) Mickael Anthony

N°III) British English or American English? Fill in the boxes :

N° / AMERICAN English / BRITISH English / FRENCH
1 / Banknote
2 / Elevator
3 / Subway
4 / Autumn
5 / Couleur
6 / Camion
7 / French Fries
8 / Essence

IV. Guess who I am ?

  1. My real name was William Frederick Cody. I lived in the American Far West. I was the Indians’ friend but the buffaloes feared me. I am …………………………………………………..
  2. I usually appeared as a humourous character who had a small moustache, a bowler hat and a walking stick. I am ……………………………………………
  3. I gave life to many characters you certainly loved when you were very young. You can still meet them in leisure parks, in Paris, in Florida or Los Angeles. I am ……………………………………………..
  4. I was nicknamed “The Iron Lady of the Caribbean”. I was the Prime Minister of Dominica. I am ……………………………………….
  5. I was a US film actress and singer, whose real name was Norma Jean Baker. People still think of me as the most typical example of a sex symbol. I am ……………………………………..

V. Play on words and sounds. Read and find the word, the phrase or the sentence.

Examples : You’re peeing European I.C.Q  I seek you

1. Youth in Asia  ………………….. 4 O.I.C.U  ……………………………………

2 No –eye deer …………………… 5. I.O.U  ……………………………………….

3. the semi-trees ………………………. 6. U.N.O  ………………………………………

VI. The chat room. Pick out the “faux-amis” and provide the appropriate words :

Julie : You know what’s arriving enter Vanessa and John ?
Mike : Oh ! Did they quarrel again ?

Julie : It is a long story.

Mike : So, just resume it for me. I don’t have much time.
Julie : You know how lunatic John is. One moment he’s in a good mood, the next he gets angry…
Mike : I have already advertised him . I have told him that Vanessa is very sensible and couldn’t put up with his character. But go ahead ! Achieve your account !

Julie : I don’t know what the situation is , but they’re both miserable and…

Faux amis
Right words

VII. Idiomatic expressions. Fillin the gaps in order to complete the following expressions.

1. To make e - - - meet (joindre les deux bouts)

2. To earn one’s l - - - - - ( gagner sa vie)

3. To p - - - - the town red (faire la bringue)

4. To see life through rose-coloured g ------(voir la vie en rose)

5. To be dressed to k - - - (être sur son trente et un)

6. To have other f - - - to fry (avoir d’autres chats à fouetter)

VIII. What is what ? Use the clues in brackets to identify the flags and tick the appropriate boxes.

FLAGS / Jamaica
(black, yellow and green.) / Ste Lucia(blue, black and yellow) / Antigua
(a rising sun). / Dominica
(a parrot in the middle) / St Kitts
( stars and stripes)

IX. On the chat again. There are 10 mistakes in this message. Write the correct forms in the boxes.

I send you this message like Paul cannot using the Internet anymore. The Paul’s parents reproach him to exaggerating and they have stopped the subscription. He is come to my place and he said me that I must to help him and he added : “ I will pay you when I will have money.” Despite his explanations his parents are always angry and they even don’t want that he uses the phone.

X. Identification.

1. Tick the appropriate boxes to identify these famous people.

WHO? / recipient of Nobel prize for literature in 1913 /
strict moral standards
very serious /
Prime Minister from 1966 to 1977 /
developed the idea of non-violent protest / Under death threat for publishing The Satanic Verses / awarded theNobel Prize for literature in 2001
V.S Naipaul
Mohandas Gandhi
Rabindranath Tagore
Queen Victoria
Indira Gandhi
Salman Rushdie


…. …… …..….…….…. .… …..

1.Write the number of the correct sentence under each picture.

  1. A moving van came to the door of Mr. Grey’s house.5. He was busy at his office.
  1. Mrs. Grey watched while the men loaded the van. 6. He was going to throw it into the van.
  2. Mrs. Grey stopped him, saying it contained her husband’s bones. 7.Mr. Grey collected a lot of rare bones.
  3. One of the men brought a big wooden box out of the house .8. The man nearly dropped it on his feet.

2.Why did the man nearly drop the box on his feet ?


1. St John Perse was one of the three Caribbean writers who were awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Who are the two others?

2. Who is the politician who led the bloodless revolution in Grenada

and is believed to have said “forward ever, backward never”.

3. What does the abbreviation CARICOM stand for ?

4. The Jamaican Prime Minister is also the head of the CARICOM. What’s his name?

5. Who won the 100-metre race at the world championships last August?

6. What are the two animals that symbolize the US Democratic and Republican parties?


1.“I wish I were rich” means:2. We have yet to hear him say “thank you” means :

a. I am not rich.a. He’s always saying “ thank you”.

b. I am rich.b. We have never heard him say “thank you”.

c. I will be rich.c. He says “thank you” if he’s forced to say it.

3. “I wish I had been to the party” means :4. “I wish I had not told him the truth”means:

a. I will go to the party.a. I regret telling him the truth.

b. I did not go to the party.b. I regret not telling him the truth.

c. I went to the party.c. I will tell him the truth.

5. “I can hardly hear what you are saying” means : 6. “We will go out unless he comes home”means :

a. I can’t hear very well what you’re saying. a. We will go out if he comes home.

b. I find what you’re saying very hard and painful. b. We will go out if he doesn’t come home.

c. I don’t want to hear what you’re saying. c. We won’t go out if he doesn’t come home.


1. The capital of St Vincent: KTWIONGNS  …………………………………………….

2. Jamaica’s national fruit : EKEAC ……………………………………………

3.A famous Jamaican ragga singer : PTANLCEO ……………………………………………

4.Most former British colonies are part of this organisation: TMOCWHLMNAOE …………………………………

5. A synonym of “surprising” : ZMNAGIA …………………………………………………………..

6. A usually black cap with a flat square top worn by members of some universities on formal occasions: RMTOBDARORA


7. The typical English bus with two levels : DDUCOEBKRLEE ......


a. A day when people and newspapers, radio programmes etc… play tricks on people by making them believe something that is not true.

b. In the U.K. a day when people light bonfires to remember the time when a Roman Catholic tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament on November 5th,1605.

c. A place in Cuba where a group of Cuban dissidents launched an attack with the aim of ending the government of Fidel Castro in 1961.

d. The day that children particularly enjoy in the US.

e. A ceremony at which students receive their certificate.

Write the appropriate letter in each box.

The Bay of Pigs / April Fool’s Day / Graduation / Guy Fawkes’night / Halloween

XVI . Flying to the islands

Write the names of these islands which you should be able to identify:

1. 2. 3. 4.

……………… ………………………. …………………………….. …………………

Clues? 1. Bajan 2. Calypso , socca dance 3. Bauxite 4. Safe zone and dangerous zoneBON VOYAGE!