New Beginnings Social Science Syllabus (5th Period)

Teacher Name: Luke Martin

Room: D 152

Email Address: (best way to contact me)

School Phone Number: 439-1200

Course Description:New Beginnings is unique because I will be teaching social science to 9th-12th graders in the same room. 9th graders will be taking World History (1500-present). 10th graders will take the first half of US History which ends with Reconstruction and the Industrial Revolution. 11th graders will take the second half of US History which starts where they left off in 10th grade and ends with modern times. 12th graders will take Government the first semester and Economics the second semester.

Course Structure and Format: The class will be taken entirely online using an excellent program called Edgenuity. Edgenuity will provide a structured course with video lectures, activities, quizzes, and tests for each unit. Although the course will be primarily independent learning, I am a certified social science teacher and will be happy to assist students if they do not understand something. Please let me know by raising your hand if you need help.

Supplies: Please bring plenty of paper, pens, and pencils so that you can take notes while you watch the video lectures.The program allows you to type notes as well but you may prefer to handwrite them also. I would also highly recommend having a folder, binder or divider which will keep notes for social science separate from other classes. Because the class is online, it is extremely important that you bring your chromebook (fully charged), your charger, and headphones to class every day.

Grades:Edgenuity provides immediate feedback by automatically grading tests and quizzes when they are submitted. Parents will also be provided login information for Edgenuity so that they can keep up with their child’s progress. Because Edgenuity calculates and tracks your grades, I will not be entering all of your tests and quizzes into Inow on a regular basis like I do in more traditional classes. I will only put one or possibly two grades into Inow each 9 weeks so that your 9 weeks and semester average can be recorded by the registrar. Use Edgenuity to keep up with your progress, notInow. Also be aware that Edgenuity only grades what you have submitted. It does not automatically enter zeros for work that you should have completed, but have not. If you fall behind the pace that you need to be on and do not finish all of the required assignments before the 9 weeks ends, your actual grade that I enter in Inow may be much lower than what Edgenuity says. It is very important to stay at the pace I set for you and to complete all assignments I have given you before each 9 weeks ends.

Homework: If a student misses class or is unable to stay on pace to finish all of their assignments in time, they will need to catch up using time at home. Most of the program can be worked on at home (except for tests). Please do not contact me outside of class to ask me to unlock future assignments or new units for you. I will only be able to unlock new content for you while I am in logged into the system during 5th period.

Retake Policy: I will allow you to retake some quizzes and tests at my discretion, but I will typically make you watch the lecture for that unit again and show me that you have taken adequate notes. I allow retakes so that you can go back and learn the material. It is not for you to simply guess until you get a high enough score. On some quizzes and tests I will set a minimum score that I will require you to earn before I will allow you to progress to the next unit. If the system says you have exceeded your allowable retakes, please do not ask me to open up new retakes outside of class time. I will only be able to open new retakes during our 5th period class time.

Classroom Rules: The teacher has a right to teach and the student has a right to learn. Any behavior that prevents me from effectively teaching or prevents a student from learning the material in a safe, welcoming, and orderly environment will not be tolerated. I take this responsibility very seriously. The Hoover Code of Conduct will be enforced, including tardiness and dress code violations.

Discipline Procedure: Some disruptions/violations require an immediate office referral. Other disruptions will first be addressed with a student/teacher conference and potentially a change in seating assignment. If a problem continues, a parent will be contacted. If intervention involving the student and parent does not end the disruption, I will refer the student to school administration.

Technology: Because this class uses an online program it will also require a great deal of personal responsibility. Chromebooks should only be used in class for activities assigned to you. Surfing the web, playing games, messaging one another, etc without my permission is not allowed. Please keep cell phones put away. If you allow the chromebook to be a distraction, your grade will greatly suffer because you will likely be unable to complete the course.

Parent Information Form: Please (parent) go to the following link to fill out a google form providing me with basic contact information.

If you are unable to fill out the form online, please write down your name, your child’s name, your phone number, and your email address in case I need to contact you. Have your child return this information to me no later than a week after school starts. Thanks!