Cover page
First page inside
Newspaper of the
International Computers Camp
Greece, Athens 2010
ICC – Makes life easier
ICC – Ionic Cucumber Camp
*** chapter
** title of the article
* subtitle in interior of the article
Second Page
*** Editorial
** ICC in Greece, Athens
* Hello ICC!
40 degrees Celsius , ~ 40 students, ~ 40 workshops … not only the weather is hot in Athens these days. Also the camp for blind and visually handicapped youngsters is hot! Welcome to Athens, the town where long ago philosophers came up with new societal concepts. Welcome to ICC which wants to contribute to a more inclusive societal change.
Newest computer technology, communication and interaction skills as well as intercultural exchange build the basis of ICC for participants coming from all over Europe. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) revolutionizes the lives of everybody. More than for any other group ICT also impacts on the lives of people with disabilities. Assistive Technologies provide access to mainstream ICT applications which forms, if accessible, the basis for inclusion, be it in education, on the job or in everyday life.
To make inclusion happen, people with disabilities have to get ready to use these technologies. It’s not only technology, it is training in social skills and also intercultural exchange facilitated by technology which allows young people to learn from each other, to discuss their own situation and to learn to work and advocate for their future.
It is the 16th ICC here in Athens:
- ICC 1993, Graz, Austria
- ICC 1994, Linz, Austria
- ICC 1995, Linz / Graz, Austria
- ICC 1996, Linz / Graz, Austria
- ICC 1997, Zeist, Netherlands
- ICC 1998, Lyon, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- ICC 1999, Stockholm, Sweden
- ICC 2000, Stuttgart, Germany
- ICC 2001, Skofia Loka, Sweden
- ICC 2002, Loughborough, Great Britain
- ICC 2003, Zollikofen, Switzerland
- ICC 2004, Budapest, Hungary
- ICC 2005, Brno, Czech Republic
- ICC 2006, Königs Wusterhausen, Germany
- ICC 2007, Espoo, Finland
- ICC 2009, Vienna, Austria
- ICC 2010, Athens, Greece
Each year about 100 students, during both ICC weeks (15-17 and 17-20 years old), have been taking part, what sums up to a community of more than 1500 blind and visually handicapped ICC participants coming from more than 25 countries. This is the impressive history of ICC.
We lived wonderful days here in Athens and built new friendships during this first week of ICC 2010. All this is only possible due to the outstanding work of the host, the University of Athens and the experienced ICC team. We are thankful for all their efforts which made this camp happen.
May the ICC 2010 contribute to a fulfilled and prosperous future for all participants and staff involved! If you have enjoyed it, please act as ambassadors of ICC, transfer the message to other youngsters to come up from national minorities and to join an international group of peers with the same interests and goals.
On behalf of the University of Athens
Georgios Kouroupetroglou, Greece
On behalf of the board of ICC
Klaus Miesenberger, Austria
*** Contents
*** Editorial
** ICC in Greece, Athens
Text Klaus Miesenberger, Austria
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*** Facts about ICC
** ICC: The Unique Opportunity for Blind & Partially Sighted Youth
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*** The Venue
** Athens, the capital of Greece
Text Anna Fischer, Germany and Matei Andreica, Romania)
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*** Leisure Time
first part
** “All for one and one for all” - Tactile Museum and ICC participants - Titans, heroes and Olympic Gods in the hands of ICC participants
Text The Godfather
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Part two
** Our trip to the Acropolis Museum
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Part three
** Icc2010 life
Text Sclifos Alina, Moldova
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*** Excursion
First part
** Our exciting trip - To the zoo park, temple, beach and greek tavern
Text Ciara Moser, Austria
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Part two
** Free time at the ICC
Text Cojocari Doina, Moldova
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*** Greek cooking
** Traditional food
Text Mahmote Lucia, Barsan and Anamaria, Romania
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*** Greek Arhitecture
** The Poseidon temple in Sunion
Text Andrew Koukounias, Greece
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*** Greek Mythology
First part
** Greek “Myths”
Text The Godfather and Rex
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Part two
** Greek Gods and Goddesses
Text Andrew Koukounias, Greece
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*** Impressions and Statements
First part
** My Impression of the Volunteers
Text Lisa Manthey, Germany
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Part two
** Sleepless nights at ICC
Text Yvonne Stegmann, Germany
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Part three
** The most beautiful day
Text Ecaterina Popatova, Moldova
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Part four
** First impressions on the ICC Camp in Greece
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** Camp statement
Text Yvonne Stegmann, Germany
Page –
*** Greek Dictionary
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*** Tech facts
** IT Facts
Text by, C. Schult, Germany
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*** About ICC
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*** Bye bye
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*** Facts about ICC
** ICC: The Unique Opportunity for Blind & Partially Sighted Youth
* The Idea of ICC
The idea of ICC is simple – and this simplicity seems to be its power:
Support Centers at Linz University, Austria, and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany offer support to blind and partially sighted students in their inclusion into mainstream studying. The usage of computers has been a prerequisite from the beginning in the late 80s. Like wheelchairs – enhancing the physical mobility of the physically disabled – the computer enhances the „literal“ mobility of the print disabled. It opens a door to the „digital universe“ to be accessed through computers adapted to their needs. Having high skills in ICT is a must for this target group, much more than for the average population.
Additionally, the process of making a profound decision of what and where to study, finding out how to structure and set up a study or where to get support asks for counseling and supply with information. The high complexity of this process for blind and partially sighted people in terms of technical, pedagogical, as well as social aspects asks for an early start of preparation.
To be able to get in touch with possible students at an early stage, to show up higher education as possible career path, to give counseling for studying, to introduce modern ICT as a mean for successful studying and to motivate them for international and intercultural exchange is the core idea of ICC.
Of course the ICT focus changes rapidly but this core idea to accompany young students to higher education paths stays the same.
* The International Camp on Communication and Computers:
Makes visually impaired students aware of technology and their advantages, necessary computer skills, needed efforts to enhance their technical skills and the level of flexibility / mobility as well as their social skills.
Supports the students in making a decision for their educational and vocational future and motivates them for an early and profound preparation before starting their career in higher education.
Is an excellent opportunity to make contact with partially sighted and blind peers from other countries and to exchange interests and experience.ICC should be seen as a starter for this process, giving an incentive to students to do their best to graduate at secondary school and to prepare themselves well for the entrance into Higher Education and the labor market.
* The Concept of ICC:
- Internationality: From local minorities to an international interest group
- Motivation: Workshops from „Introducing ICT“ to “Computers & Communication”
- Self–Experience: Challenging leisure time activities
- Personal Support: Without „overprotection“
- Co–operation & Networking: With and by recognized experts
- Awareness Raising: By, with and for the designated „target group“
* Impact
It is clear that a single „Camp on Computers and Communication“ is not able to solve all the issues related to the inclusion of visually impaired people – in social, political, economical, ethical, pedagogical or technical dimensions – but every change and evolution needs a starter and the necessity for such a start is obvious. ICC is proud to be motivator and enabler.
Besides this, ICC bears a broad field for experts taking part to learn – hands on, from each other, to get to know concepts and methods applied in other countries. Teachers and specialists from all over Europe accompanying the groups of students and preparing workshops have a unique opportunity to learn from other colleagues, other cultures and form a very dense network concerning their professional working area.
Last but not least ICC offers a unique chance to the local organizers to make the public aware of their work and the need for inclusion. The camps always get big audience – as „sensational events“ with technical, social and international highlights in local, national and international press, radio and TV – supporting the local organizer‘s PR work.
The refreshing and creative international atmosphere away from the well known everyday (working) life, the freedom in contents and methods to concentrate on the student‘s necessities and abilities bring our goals into grasp.
* Locations and Numbers
In the last 15 years, ICC brought together 1305 youth from all over the world and 1033 experts accompanying and tutoring them. 15 ICCs were hosted in 11 different countries (in alphabetical order):
It is the 16th ICC here in Athens:
- ICC 1993, Graz, Austria
- ICC 1994, Linz, Austria
- ICC 1995, Linz / Graz, Austria
- ICC 1996, Linz / Graz, Austria
- ICC 1997, Zeist, Netherlands
- ICC 1998, Lyon, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- ICC 1999, Stockholm, Sweden
- ICC 2000, Stuttgart, Germany
- ICC 2001, Skofia Loka, Sweden
- ICC 2002, Loughborough, Great Britain
- ICC 2003, Zollikofen, Switzerland
- ICC 2004, Budapest, Hungary
- ICC 2005, Brno, Czech Republic
- ICC 2006, Königs Wusterhausen, Germany
- ICC 2007, Espoo, Finland
- ICC 2009, Vienna, Austria
- ICC 2010, Athens, Greece
2 Weeks – 2 Different Foci
For our two different age groups, we provide activities and workshops with different foci (beneath specific ICT and AT) and subject areas:
For the younger group from 15 – 17 years:
Daily life skills and independent living
Communication and Networking
Integration–paths towards higher education
For the older group from 17 – 20 years:
Integration into higher education
Job application, assessment
Labor market integration and
Going / studying abroad & independent living
*** The Venue
** Athens, the capital of Greece
Text Anna Fischer, Germany and Matei Andreica, Romania)
* Athens is the town of Gods.
The town is very large and full of cars.
In the summer it is really hot in Athens, because the town is situated in a valley, surrounded by mountains, which makes all the heat concentrate and stay over the city: the so-called gas bell effect.
* The history of Athens
Athens is one of the oldest named cities in Europe and the world.
Athens was built in the plains of Attika between the Parnitha, Penteli and Hymettos mountains and close to the Saronic Gulf. For ages its important geographic location and its mild climate were the main reasons why people chose to live here. During its very long history, Athens was the home of a brilliant civilization and made a contribution of inestimable value to the world's heritage.
Athens, with its five million inhabitants, has all characteristics of a modern metropolis but it has kept its very unique ancient atmosphere, an atmosphere that reflects in the Athenians and their way of living. Athens follows the changes of the 21st century and it has made its rhythm faster but it has always made certain that the memories of its valuable past are kept.
We were hosted at the ATExcelixi center and treated there like the gods of Athens. Everything was good. We stayed two or three persons in a room. Each room has its own bath. Although outside was hot in the hotel was a nice temperature because the air conditioning was very well adjusted. We only had problems with taking pictures in the hotel’s garden because the Greek prime minister residence is near the hotel.
We visited the Acropolis Museum, Tactile Museum and Acropolis stones in Athens. The guides were very nice. They explained the arts to us very well and detailed. The Acropolis Museum has arts older than 5000 years.
Athens seems to be a happy city: nice parks and buildings with much graffiti on them (maybe a little bit too much), and altogether shiny and green.
(For this article, information from the Athens info guide website has been used:
*** Leisure Time – first part
** “All for one and one for all”
** Tactile Museum and ICC participants
Text The Godfather
* Titans, heroes and Olympic Gods in the hands of ICC participants
Accompanied by Italian music and lyrics, a premiere offered by the Italian participants, we began our journey, in a terrible heat, to the Tactile Museum. The Tactile Museum was created in 1983, by the president of the Lighthouse for the Blind, Protopapadaki L. and the managing director Kefakis Manolis. They tried to find a way to give visually impaired and blind people the opportunity to understand ancient Greek culture through touch. Some of the artifacts have been bought by The Lighthouse for the Blind and others have been donated by other organizations. The ability to feel the exhibits by visually impaired and poorly sighted people altogether is what makes this museum so special.