City of Algoma

Common Council Meeting Minutes

Monday, November 3, 2014

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by local student Carter Dachelet.

The November 3, 2014 regular meeting of the Algoma Common Council was called to order by Mayor Schmidt at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers.

Present at roll call: Alders Barlow, Beyer, Charles, Dachelet, Dart, Kevin Schmidt, Taylor, and Wiese.

It was noted that the meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law.

A motion was made Beyer, and seconded by Wiese, to approve the agenda for the meeting as amended. Motion passed.

A motion was made to approve the minutes of the: October 6, 2014 regular meeting and the October 21, 2014 special meeting of the Common Council by Dart, and seconded by Charles. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Charles, and seconded by Schmidt, to approve the payment of the monthly bills and credit cards. A friendly amendment was offered to separate out, Reference Number 47449 and 47498, from the list of bills for additional review before being paid at a later time. The motion passed, as amended, with all Alders present voting aye.

Mike Glime appeared before the Common Council to report on the work of the Algoma Main Street program.

Under new business Dart moved, seconded by Beyer, to approve consideration of an applications for a new operator’s license for:

o Jessica Kreil, 626 Adams Street, Algoma, for Steelhead Saloon.

o Terri L. Olson, 1225 Washington Street, Algoma, for Algoma Pizza Bowl.

o Laurie L. Vallaster, E4504 Hwy 54, Algoma, for Ape’s Bar & Grill.

o Cynthia M. Wheeler, N7519 Birch Rd, Algoma, WI 54201 for Southern Comfort.

The motion passed.

Taylor moved, with a second by Beyer, upon the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Board, to make repairs in the West entrance of Knudson Hall consisting of rebuilding the awning, as well installing a new steel door, with the cost not to exceed $5,000, and the funds for the repairs to come from the City of Algoma General Fund account #100-59-55190-7001-000 community building Knutson fund trust expenditures. The motion passed, as amended, with all Alders present voting aye.

The Council grated a first reading to 2014 Ordinance 779 relating to the Adjustment of Wastewater Utility Rates and amending 13.08(5) of the City of Algoma Municipal Code.

Beyer moved, seconded by Charles, upon the recommendation of the Finance and Personnel Committee, to approve Resolution #716 authorizing the issuance and sale of a $500,000 sewer system revenue bond anticipation note to the Bank of Luxemburg pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in this Resolution. This motion will pay off the existing USDA Rural Development Agency loan of $481,539.88, with the remaining funds used for the related legal opinion, cost of issuance, and administrative costs associated with this sale of this note. The roll was called with all of the following Alders voting aye: Barlow, Beyer, Charles, Dachelet, Dart, Kevin Schmidt, Taylor, and Wiese, and none voting against. The motion passed.

Beyer moved, seconded by Dachelet, to approve Resolution #717 authorizing the issuance and sale of a $690,817 taxable sewer system revenue bond anticipation note to the Bank of Luxemburg pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in this Resolution. The roll was called with all of the following Alders voting aye: Barlow, Beyer, Charles, Dachelet, Dart, Kevin Schmidt, Taylor, and Wiese, and none voting against. The motion passed.

After a brief discussion, of Resolution #718 relating to authorizing the 2015 budget for the City of Algoma, consideration was postponed until a future meeting.

The following Committees reported on their activities as detailed in their committee minutes for the period: Finance & Personnel; Protection of Persons & Property; Marina; Park & Rec.; Public Works; Community Development Committee; Tourism & Promotion; Cable; Cemetery; Library; Medical Board; Tree Committee; and Utility Commission. A motion was made to receive the committee reports by Beyer, and seconded by Taylor. The motion passed.

Mayor Schmidt reminded the public that the Algoma Community Band will perform a concert honoring all of our veterans on Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at the elementary school.

Administrator – Clerk – Treasurer Wiswell encouraged all eligible City of Algoma voters to turn out and vote in the fall general election on Tuesday, November 4, 2014. Mr. Wiswell also gave a brief update to the Council about: (1) the preparation of the 2015 budget for the City of Algoma, and (2) status of the GrandStay Hotel and Suites proposed for Algoma, WI.

A motion was made by Beyer, and seconded by Wiese, to enter into closed session pursuant to: Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1) (c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility, and regarding: (1) hiring a full time police officer, (2) contract negotiations with Algoma Police Department employees, and (3) compensation time off. The motion passed with all Alders present voting aye.

Barlow moved, seconded by Taylor, to reconvene into Open Session pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 19.85(2). The motion passed with all Alders present voting aye.

As a result of the closed session the Council, Taylor moved, seconded by Beyer, to extend an offer of employment to Cody Gulbrand to serve as a full time police officer for the City. The motion passed with all Alders present voting aye.

Also as a result of the closed session the Council, Barlow moved, seconded by Taylor, to approve the general outline of the 2015-16 employment contract with the Algoma Police Department employees subject to the final language details being wrapped up by Administrator – Clerk – Treasurer Wiswell and WPPA Business Agent Gary Wisbrocker. The motion passed with all Alders present voting aye.

A motion was made to adjourn at 8:39 PM by Alder Barlow, and seconded by Alder Taylor. The motion carried, and the Council stood adjourned until December 1, 2014 at 5:00 PM.

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