Explaining Crime--Lecture Outline

Issues for Group Discussion of Explaining Crime

Neoclassical theories (Barkan Ch. 5)

1. Rational Choice Theory—What is the main assumption of this theory? What is an “event decision” and how do “situational factors” and “opportunities” affect “event decisions”?

2. Deterrence Theory--What is the main idea (i.e., what deters crime?)? How is this related to Rational Choice theory? What are “general deterrence” and “specific deterrence”? What are “instrumental offenses” and “expressive offensives”, how might deterrence theory apply?

Social Structural theories (Barkan Ch. 7) –

3. A. Social Disorganization (& Social Ecology) -- What is about the some places (as opposed to people) that produce crime? Less Social Institutions, Social Bonds and Social Control? Social norms breakdown? Role of Poverty?

B. Does Robert Taylor Chicago Housing Project suffer from Social Disorganization (Venkatesh, Ch. 5)? Social Bonds & Social Controls? How do Ms. Bailey & BK’s maintain control?

4. A. Anomie / Strain Theory What causes Strain / Stress (consider economic & non-economic factors [for youth] factors)? How do individuals respond to strain (5 ways)? How does that lead to crime?

B. How does Strain Theory fit with Robt. Taylor Housing Project? (Ven., ch. 5 )

5. A. Subcultural Theories-- How is Subculture related to Strain & Social Disorganization? What is role of “Status frustration”? What sort of values are conducive to crime? [What about middle class delinquents?] What is the role of “differential opportunity”? Subculture of violence?

B. Do Subcultural theories fit with activities of BK’s & MS. Bailey & residents? (Ven., ch. 5)

Social Process theories (Ch. 8)

6. A. Differential Association Theory (a Learning Theory) --Role of socialization & learning from those you associate with… How does one learn & what you learn (that is conducive to crime), techniques, rationalizations, etc…Link to Subcultural thry.

B. How does Ms. Bailey and / or BK’s fit or not with this theory, & how so? (Ven., ch. 5)

7. A. Social Bonding Theory – Main Idea –what keeps people out of crime (role of mainstream institutions)? What are main 4 parts of theory (Attachment, etc.) & how do they prevent deviance?

8. Self Control Theory--What causes this & how does it lead to deviance?

9. Life Course theories? What happens in life course (over time) to increase or decrease involvement in crime? Social bonds, “turning points”?

Critical perspectives (Ch 9)

10. Labeling Theory – Role Societal reaction to deviance, & of double-standards in labeling? Importance of labeling in Self-fulfilling prophesy? Primary Deviance vs. Secondary Deviance?

11. Feminist Theories – Patriarchy and gender inequality role in crime. How are Gender socialization & crime related, for males & not for females? Role of Prior Victimization?

12. Radical and Conflict theories – Economic basis for much crime (poverty especially), key role of capitalism as economic system (creating econ. inequality & poverty), role of powerful in writing laws and directing CJ system against lower classes? Role of class inequality in CJ system?

10-12 B. Do lives of Ms. Bailey, BK’s and residents of RT Project reflect any principles from critical theories? How so, or not? (Ven. Ch. 5)

Lecture & some Group Discussion report-in:

Overview of Explanations/Theories:

Neoclassical Theories (Barkan Ch. 5)

Rational Chice Theory-- Key assumption; Involvement decisions vs. Event decisions

Deterrece Theory -- Key assumption; General vs. Specific deterrence, Instrumental vs. Expressive offenses (& which are more likely to be deterred).

Structural Theories (Macro View) –

1. Social Disorganization theory (Barkan Ch. 7) – overall main idea

2. Strain/Anomie Theory (Barkan Ch. 7)-- overall main idea

3. Subcultural Theories (Barkan, Ch. 7) --overall main idea & Link to Strain & Social Disorganization theories

Process/ Learning/Socialization theories (more Micro level) –

4. Differential Association (Barkan Ch. 8) closely related to Subcultural theories --overall main idea

5. Social Bonding Theory (Barkan Ch 8) --overall main idea

Critical Perspectives (Barkan, Ch, 9)

6. Labeling Theory -- Self-fulfilling prophesy -- --& overall main idea

7. Feminist Theories

8. Conflict and Radical Theories


More Details on Theories:

Neoclassical Theories (Barkan Ch. 5, p. 119-130)

Rational Choice Theory problems

Deterrence Theory problems

Social Structure Focus (Barkan Ch. 7):

Social Disorganization –Barkan Ch. 7

Role of institutions & conditions in neighborhoods (esp. economic), Sociall networks / bonds, Importance of place not people,

Strain Theory [Classic] Barkan Ch. 7

Sources of strain relating to unequal access to Legitimate Means to meet Cultural Goals (Economic focus)

5 Responses to strain (conformist, etc.)

How Ms. Bailey and her actions might fit several types of adaptations to this strain (Venkatesh ch. 5)

Strain Theory variations (Barkan, ch. 7) – Other goals besides material success, esp. for youth, and not achieving them also causes strain and then deviance.

Subcultural Theory – Barkan Ch. 7

Status frustration among Lower-class youth and lack of success in mainstream institutions, move toward alternative subculture & crime (& alternative values conducive to crime), subculture of violence

Link to Strain & Social Disorganization theories (context for development of deviant sub-culture), link to Differential Association theory

Social Process /Leaning / Socialization Focus (Barkan Ch. 8)

Social Bonding Theory – Barkan Ch. 8

Main Idea –what keeps people out of deviance and crime (role of mainstream institutions)

4 parts of theory (Attachment, etc…)

& Weak social Bonds to Mainstream Institutions (families and Schools) lead to delinquency.

Differential Association Theory (Barkan, ch, 8)

Role of learning, from those you associate with… & what you learn (that is conducive to crime), techniques, rationalizations, etc… Link to Subcultural theory.

Critical perspectives (Ch 9)

Labeling Theory – Societal reaction to deviance. Importance of labeling in Self-fulfilling prophesy. Primary Deviance vs. Secondary Deviance. The Double Standard in how deviance by some groups is labeled as crime and same activity by other groups is not so labeled.

Feminist Theories – Role of Prior Victimization among female offenders. Masculinity and Gender socialization & crime. Role of economic marginalization of females and crime

Venkatesh, Ch. 5 info and examples – relate to various theories… esp. Strain theory, Soc. Disorgzn, Subculture theory, Social Bonding theory (or not?), Labeling Theory, among others.

Development of Teen Brain & rational thought, implications for why teens commit deviance and crime, and how we view them as like responsible adults. Another more biological, individual oriented idea / explanation.

Announced in class -- 1 long Essay Q on Test 2 will be on Social Theories / Explanations– you should know 3-4 main ideas from 3-4 different theories (of your choosing), not all from same chapter, and be able to figure out how specific examples / information from Venkatesh ch. 5 (or 3 & 4, also assigned during this test unit) fit or not with each

Not Covered in class, but know some of for exam:

Conflict & Radical Theories (Barkan Ch. 9) – How law helps capitalism’s ruling class (private property, use of vagrancy laws) Econ. Inequality & Poverty cause crime; Class inequality in criminal defense; how white collar crime is treated (double standard)

Life Course theories--What happens in life course (over time, at different life stages) to increase or decrease involvement in crime? Role of Social bonds, “turning points”? (Barkan Ch 8)

Self Control Theory (Barkan Ch 8) – simple main idea….

Study TIP: See the Summary Tables of theories early in each chapter and Chapter summaries at the end for decent, brief overview of all of the theories noted above. You need to know more details than that, but those are good places to start…