Abbey Grange Academy PTA Meeting Monday 18thSeptember at 7.30pm

REF / Notes / Actions
1 / Present: Marion Kemp (MK), Lynda Walker(LW), Sarah Devlin (SD), Stephanie Cassidy(SC), Helen Bellamy HB), Janet Bove (JB),Annmarie Firth, Angela McConnell, Philip McConnell, Rachel Thompson, Elizabeth Thompson, Charles Achinah-Boampong, Helen Bellamy, Lorraine Olowosuko, KarimaAsklow
Apologies: Karen Simkin and Sarah Loughman.
2 / Welcome : Marion started the meeting with a prayer
3 / Minutes of the Last Meeting: Approved
Matters arising:
  • The groups discussed a request to all parents/carers for unwanted but still good quality uniform needed to go out. The request could go out before parent evenings as a reminder of how families can help the PTA. Children are reluctant to bring in uniform to school on the bus.
  • Sarah to confirm what funds were promised and what funds were given, to school for the mentoring space/garden.
  • 5/9/2017-The Year 7 Parents Coffee Morning was very well attended, approximately 80-90 came. Parents/carers were asked to give a donation from the tea and coffee provided, and we raised £41.20.
  • The position of deputy chair is currently vacant
/ Request for uniform to go out to all families.
SD to feed back information to MK regarding funds promised for mentoring space.
Different venue for next years Year 7 Welcome coffee morning.
Add to Octobers Agenda
4. / Treasurer’s Update :
SD gave an update confirming our commitments for 2017/18 have been paid out to school:
Hardship fund £1,000
French Trip (Y8) £500
Astro Turf £650
2 Prom Tickets £50
Virtual Books £300.58
Easy funding cheque for £16.55 received and banked during the break.
Balance £1,964.56
Funds to debit £ 300.58 (virtual books)
Cleared funds £1, 663.98 / Need to promote Easyfunding again on the website/and emailed letter.
Will need approx £500 for Winter Fair floats.
5. / New Members of the PTA – Academic Year 2017/18
Names and email addresses were collected from all new members.
MK explained that all members will receive a copy of the minutes and updates about parent’s evenings when members will be asked if they can help serve refreshments. / MK to update Karen with new members email addresses
6. / 100 Club:
SD explained that parents/carers can buy a number for the whole academic year. 10 draws are made over the year at each PTA meeting. (3 at the Winter Fair) The winning number receives a cheque for £50. Tracy in the office is sending the reminder again to see if there is further interest. / 97 numbers have been sold. (£970.00 – 500= £470 profit)
SD to request list of names allocated to numbers before the Winter Fair.
7. / Virtual Books - SEE ATTACHED
  • Before the summer break the PTA were approached by email regarding the purchase of an initial package of virtual books. The vote was passed by email to pay for the package and look again next year.
  • Members asked if this could be mentioned at the Year 7 moving on evening. Members would like feedback on the uptake of this package and who it will benefit.
  • Can they be read on the IPADS?
/ MK checking how children have access. MK to attach info to mins
LW asking staff if this can be mentioned at year 7 moving on evening.
MK checking deadline if want to continue paying next year.
8 / Refreshments – 2017/18
Marion explained to new members that we provide refreshments at all the parent/carer evenings. The teaching staff receive free tea and coffee plus complimentary biscuit. Karen Simkins is in charge of refreshments and will email out dates to members asking if they can help.
  • Thurs 28th Sept Open Evening 6.30-8.30pm
  • Wednesday 15th Nov
  • Wednesday 22nd Nov
/ KS to email new members
9 / Second Hand Uniform
It was agreed the uniform will have a proper sort out on the Friday afternoon/eve before the winter fair. We have lots of white shirts which don’t really sell, it was suggested by Helen Bellamy that the shirts could be given to the Art Department and a small charge of 20p to students to buy one. / MK to ask Art Dept if they can make use of the white (not so white) shirts. Charge students 20p
JB to provide a new price list for the winter fair.
10 / Winter Fair 18/11/2017 – 12.30-2.30pm
Stephanie introduced herself to the new members as the Winter Fair co-ordinator and outlined what stalls we have and who is booked already i.e. Archery. People can help by asking their local hairdresser, restaurant, takeaway, etc to donate a raffle prize or voucher for the fair. Contact local businesses for donation in return for an advert in the programme.
Raffle tickets are on sale throughParentpay – and can buy on the day at the fair.
Rainbow Tombola – each Abbey has a colour and the children are asked to bring in a prize for the tombola in their house colour. It was noted pupils don’t like bringing in items. – need to encourage
or ask parents to bring things into school at parent evenings
The group discussed a bottle tombola but decided it wasn’t a good idea for students to be carry alcohol on the school bus.
Ask teachers to contribute an item to a Christmas hamper. / HB – to contact Martial Arts @ West Park for a taster session prize, and ask Pure Gym if they would bring a game.
SD – to contact North Leeds Life to put an advert in.
SC- contact Mr Birch for the school band to play
SC to set up Facebook page and twitter.
SC to send SD template letter for the Silent Auction letters and list of people Jo used to contact.
Need Jars for Jarbola
SD & SC to bring postersfor next meeting to give out to members to put in local area.
11 / Any Other Business
  • None

12 / Date / Time of Next Meeting : 17th October at 7.30pm