Sefton Local Pharmaceutical Committee Chief Executive Officer Dr Lisa Manning PhD, M.R.Pharm.S Chairman G BATTEN B.Pharm M.R.Pharm.S. Vice Chairman N Beckingham B.Pharm. M.R.Pharm.S Treasurer Laura Benyon B.Pharm. M.R.Pharm.S Tel : 07912043872 Fax: 01704 833346 Address: 2 Redgate, Formby, Liverpool , L374EW Email:
The Meeting of Sefton Local Pharmaceutical Committee will take place at The Royal Clifton Hotel on 7pm 31st July
Present and Apologies
1 / Minutes of previous meeting2 / Matters arising
3 / CEO Business / LM
4 / Chairman’s Business / GB
5 / Business Plan / All
6 / Members Business / All
7 / Treasurers Report / LB
8 / Any other business / All
9 / Date of next meeting
/ 10th sept 2pm
10 / 23rd oct 7pm
Sefton Local Pharmaceutical Committee Minutes
18th June 2014
Name / Designation / OrganisationPresent: / Dr Lisa Manning (LM) / CEO / Sefton LPC
Neil Beckingham (NB) / Vice Chair / Sefton LPC
Laura Benyon(LB) / Treasurer / Sefton LPC
Una Harding (UH) / Member / Sefton LPC
Andrew Worrall (AW) / Member / Sefton LPC
Martin Smart (MS) / Member / Sefton LPC
Jas Malhi (JM) / Member / Sefton LPC
Jitendra Patel (JP) / Member / Sefton LPC
Stephen Bennett (SB) / Member / Sefton LPC
Damien Lynch (DL) / Member / Sefton LPC
Shiraz Khan (SK) / Member / Sefton LPC
Alan Cummings (AL) / Contracts Manager / NHSE Merseyside
Suzanne Lynch (SL) / Head of Medicines Management / Sefton CCGs
Chair Accepted Minutes / Graeme Batten
No. / Item / Action
1 / Apologies
Apologies received from: Graeme Batten, Sarah Winckles, Keith Byrne
2 / Minutes of last meeting and Matters Arising
2.7 / NSP -The committee voted on the proposal from Lifeline and by unanimous agreement it was upheld that the committee cannot recommend the terms and conditions as proposed by Lifeline for the service. This was based on the proposal not complying with NICE guidance (Paper 52) and the reduction in payments making the proposed service unviable for contractors and potentially causing safety issues as staff would not be able to attend the specific training etc.
It was actioned LM to write to all community providers to inform them of our decision and to the head of public health, Janet Atherton. LM also to write to sefton council to inform them of our decision.
JS will audit the service and map an interaction with costings
CATC- LPC confirmed they are in agreement that supplying under 1 year is necessary for the service
Healthchecks- currently the service is suspended as training issues identified. LB noted Health Diagnostics training was not satisfactory to commissioner’s requirements. Also equipment is not ideal. Patients were still identified as diabetic although the readings may not be accurate, hence the service did achieve its aim of identifying diabetic patients. It was queried that providers identified that were not adhering to the service requirements of the commissioners, may have to help with costs incurred in retracing patients?
LM has contacted commissioners and asked that training be provided asap so the service can resume asap
LM to reschedule meeting with Joanne Ball
EHC- discussed the reply from Dr Briggs regarding no extra payment for adding on the quick start POP service. LM has sort advice from PSNC who state that quick start should be either COC, POP or implant LARC. It should not be restrictive but provide options and should have an increment of funding as there is extra work in terms of consultation, paperwork, supply and clinical risk.
The committee agreed that an extra payment would be required as there is extra risk and increased liability with extra work for e.g. counselling on missed pils etc.
JM agreed to map an interaction with risks involved etc.
LM to contact commissioners and inform them of PSNCs reply.
Out of stocks- LM thanked SW for her work on this, LB asked for the info to be shared.
Repeat ordering-LM updated the committee that the patient info leaflet has been well received and that the jointly agreed principles should shortly be approved by the LMC
Minutes approved as an accurate record / LM/JM
3 / Visitors
3.9 / SL
Discussed that previous invoice issues have been resolved but NB advised that it would be helpful if the pharmacy PPD codes are present on invoices as at the moment it is hard to cross reference payments with invoices.
Palliative care service- delays in roll out due to new contract structure requirements. Once finalised details of providers and lists of drugs will be sent to all community pharmacies, GPs etc. so that all pharmacy contractors can signpost to these providers.
SL stated she is discussing improving inhaler technique service with respiratory leads and would like to utilise targeted MURs for CCG priorities/key areas
LM discussed alcohol brief intervention service and trying to get the recommendations from the pilot study commissioned. SL informed the committee that Lifeline are now sub contracted by commissioners and will send details of the lead
Gluten-free pilot- service is being evaluated and proposed to go pan-sefton, LPC encourage this and the service is to be taken to the PLPN for endorsement.
NHS commissioned influenza service- this is to be commissioned Merseyside wide and will be open to all contractors who are willing and suitably trained to NHS requirements. The service is to start from the beginning of the campaign and will be for <65 at risk groups and pregnant ladies. There will be a major campaign to highlight pregnant ladies and all targets have been increased to 80%. Pharmacists will be encouraged to identify patients via PMRs and at risk includes certain healthcare staff so Merseycare trust (low uptake) could be potential for service. Training accepted by NHSE will be NPA, most multiples, Novartis and will be self-funded. A self-declaration will be required and updated yearly.
Payment has not be determined yet but may be less than last year as noted private influenza vaccines are offered at less than last years remuneration. LPC noted this was a loss leader from some multiples to attract customers into larger stores and not a reflection on the work required and value of the service.
NB to contact pharmacy Influenza lead to discuss payments
CPAF- 11 pharmacies in Sefton have yet to submit a CPAF from April 13. AC to send details so LM can encourage non-responders to submit. Not mandatory to submit but if they don’t NHSE cannot give assurance to commissioners that they are complying with NHSE contract. Therefore the contractor may get a monitoring visit or may not be commissioned for certain services. Currently NHSE are not accepting responses via pharmaoutcomes. Monitoring visits to commence Sept 2014.
EPS2 – Slow roll out for Sefton, main issues are : staff cards being invalid /locked or not enough cards , contractors not having right equipment or don’t know how to use it, lack of back up procedures to ensure uninterrupted power supply. If contractors unable to provide EPS, payments could be stopped.
Contractors unsure how to return Rx to spine – dependent on pharmacy PMR programme , must contact system supplier
HIS team provide no training for contractors only there to check connectivity on live dates. The contract which was negotiated between PSNC and DoH, agreed that pharmacists will be responsible for their own training
New project manager Rachel Farrell to start shortly, Ainsdale practice to go live July 2014.
LM to include issues in July newsletter.
HLP- are being endorsed by NHSE and are working with public health, CCGs and PLPN to promote this. May involve appointing a project manger which will require buy in from LPCs and a possible financial contribution. Looking at Teeside model and sharing good practice on how pharmacies can promote pharmacy services outside of pharmacies e.g. visit schools to talk about diet/teeth etc.
Sefton LPC support and endorse HLPs and working with NHSE on this. / NB
4 / CEO Business
4.2 / NIHR study from Manchester university had 33% response from initial phase and are now moving onto the second stage of the study which involves contacting patients and interviewing nine pharmacists from contractors in Merseyside.
HLP- LM has been researching HLPs and the committee agreed to set up a task and finish group to look at this JM, MS, UH agreed to be members of the group. LM to send info gathered so far. / LM/JM/MS/UH
5 / Chairman’s Business
6 / Business Plan
3 subgroups to be set up
Communications sub group – consisting of members UH,AW,JP,SB ,SW
Service Development sub group – consisting of members JH,MS, KB, JM, UH
Business plan sub group – consisting of members SK,LB,NB,DL
All Members to read business plan for next meeting / ALL
6. / Treasurers report
LB to look at budget for business planning for next meeting and discuss with business plan sub group. / LB
7. / Members Business
8. / AOB
Flu- committee discussed NHSE proposal, query remuneration as fee should be negotiated and not proposed for NHSE commissioned services. LPC committee voted to support the service if the right level of funding is agreed.
HLP – MS discussed that Lancashire LPC committed funds to support HLP
10. / Date and time of next meeting
24th July 7pm
Chief Executive Officer Update June/July 2014
Inhaler training Knowsley LPC 17/6/14
PLPN – 19/6/14
Primary care strategy meeting – 19/6/14
Joint LMC meeting – 25/6/14
CATC meeting – 26/6/14
Urgent care meeting – 27/6/14
Diabetes network meeting – 09/7/14
Primary care transformation group – 10/7/14
Primary care strategy meeting – 10/7/14
CCG – 11/7/14
To Attend
JMOG- 25/7/14
Sexual Health meeting – 28/7/14
Primary care strategy meeting – 7/8/14
Diabetes network meeting – 8/8/14
Primary care transformation group – 14/8/14
PSG – 13/8/14
Appendix A - Expense Claim from Sefton LPC
Sundry Expenses
Date / Description of Expense / Amount / Receipt?Total
Cheque payable to:
Locum Expenses
Date / Hours and Hourly Rate / AmountTotal
Cheque payable to:
I declare that the expenses claimed have been incurred whilst on
LPC business and are the responsibility of no other body.
Please submit completed forms together with any available receipts to the Secretary