English I
2013-2014 Course Syllabus
Mrs. Casey Stephens
Room: 82
Website: access my website at www.warrencountyschools.org or http://www.warren.kyschools.us/~southwarrenhighschool/
School Phone Number: (270) 467-7500
Course Objectives:
English I is designed to meet the criteria set forth in Kentucky’s Core Content and Program of Studies. During this course, students will
1. learn to enjoy and appreciate elements of literature.
2. demonstrate an understanding of grammar, mechanics, and usage.
3. use new vocabulary words in context.
4. analyze critical interpretations of literary works.
5. write a well-developed essay, using a strong thesis as the basis.
6. research a given topic by using technology and other sources and correctly
documenting all sources by adhering to the MLA format.
7. to develop skills of literary discussion—in terms of speaking, listening, and writing.
8. write various portfolio-related pieces which will be compiled in the students’ ninth grade working portfolio.
9. demonstrate various reading strategies while being introduced to new literary works.
10. be adequately prepared for their choice of sophomore English class and for real-world application.
Overview of Content:
The following is a list of possible reading selections that will be read throughout the course of the year.
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
The Odyssey by Homer
The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom
Hero by S.L. Rottman
Non-fiction (Biography or Autobiography of student’s choice)
Various short stories and poetry from textbook
*Occasionally throughout the year, the students may view a film of an acceptable rating based upon one of the above literary works read and discussed in class. By signing the syllabus sheet, you are agreeing to let your child view these films in our classrooms. If you do not agree, your child will complete an alternate assignment. If you do not agree, you must make note of this on the signature sheet of this syllabus. If there is a signature only, we will assume you agree.
Journal writing
Formal business letter (on-demand practice)
Personal Narrative (portfolio writing)
Literary Analysis Essay (portfolio writing)
Other practice on-demand and open response writing activities
Review parts of speech
Subject-verb agreement
Correcting Run-ons and Fragments
Mini-lessons of mechanics, punctuation, usage, and spelling throughout the year as needed
At various times throughout the year, students will be involved in group and individual projects which will entail standing up in front of the class and presenting their finding to their peers.
During the course of the year research will be incorporated into each unit of study. As a class, we will collaborate with the librarians in teaching students the importance of research and citation. Students will learn the basic principles of research, including documenting sources using correct MLA format. The student will be taught about credible sources, documentation, the importance of citation, and plagiarism issues.
*At the teacher’s discretion, the above information may be substituted or changed based on the availability of materials or modification of policy / curriculum.
Necessary Supplies:
Three-ring binder
Loose-leaf notebook paper
Blue, black, and red pens
Colored Pencils
Composition Notebook
Grades will be determined on a point system. Your total points divided by the total possible earned points will determine your grade. Grades may reflect homework, notebook checks, quizzes (including pop), tests, projects, presentations, participation, writing, etc. Please make an effort to keep up with your own grades throughout the course of the semester. Writing assignments will be scored analytically according to the Kentucky Writing Scoring Rubric. Grades will be determined based on the 1 -12 scale. Errors will be deducted from that base score to determine your final grade. Each error will result in a one-half of a point deduction. The grading scale will follow the Warren County policy:
A=90-100 C=70-79 F=0-59
B=80-89 D=60-69
Homework and Tests:
Students are expected to turn in all assignments on time. Smaller homework assignments will not be accepted late. These include answering questions over a short story, reading notes, etc. Larger assignments such as essays, portfolio pieces, etc. will be accepted late, but ten points will be deducted for each day it is late.
Make-up Work Policy:
In the event of an excused absence, it will be the student’s responsibility to check with me to see what was missed. The student will have three days to make up any missed assignments. Make-up work should be placed in the “make-up work” tray. Late work must be handed directly to me to receive any credit.
Cheating WILL NOT be tolerated in my class. I consider cheating to be stealing anyone else’s work and calling it your own. This includes, but is not limited to, copying from another student; text messaging, downloading from the Internet, plagiarism, and/or using cheat sheets. If any of this behavior is observed, you will receive a zero on the assignment or test and disciplinary action may follow.
Tardy Policy:
You must be in the classroom before the tardy bell finishes ringing.
Classroom Rules:
Students will
1. Follow all school rules.
2. Be respectful of teachers, students, materials, etc. This includes being courteous and considerate; profanity will not be tolerated.
3. Be prepared (on time, work complete, supplies ready, no sleeping, etc.)
4. Be willing to learn and participate. This will make the class much more exciting and beneficial for all.
5. Final copies of all written assignments must be in blue or black ink or typed.
6. No whining / complaining allowed. If you have a legitimate concern, see me privately, and we will discuss the matter in a mature manner.
4 Blue Tickets = 4 Hall Passes
You will have to present a blue ticket to me in order to use the restroom in class. Before you leave the room, you will have to give me your cell phone. Once you have gone through all your blue tickets, you are no longer able to leave the room during class time.
Technology Policy:
Technology can ONLY be used when the teacher grants permission. Technological devices should not be out during class without permission. If a device is out during class without permission, it will be confiscated. Please complete and sign the Personal Device Usage Contract in order to use technology in the classroom.
Food and Drink Policy:
Food and drink is allowed until it becomes an issue in the classroom. If you bring food or drink in the classroom, you will need to make sure no trash is left.
Teacher / Student & Parent or Guardian Agreement
It is so important that the teacher, student, and parent / guardian work together to make this a successful educational experience. Please read and sign below to signify the beginning of this academic endeavor.
I have read and understood the syllabus. I agree to comply with the rules and procedures and meet all expectations.
Remember this is also your permission slip and consent to view films that may be shown.
Student Signature Date
I have read and understood the syllabus. I agree to support the student and teacher while trying to meet all expectations for a successful year.
Parent/Guardian signature Date
Email address
Phone Number (home, work, and/or cell)
South Warren High School
Personal Device Usage Contract Permission Signature
I, ______(print name), the parent/guardian of
______(print name), a student in
______class do hereby grant permission for my child/student to bring their personal electronic device (device type: ______) to school to be used for educational purposes only. The above mentioned school and/or district are not financially responsible for any downloaded applications purchased by students, data plan overages, or charges associated with texting/multimedia packages through your service provider. Teachers are not permitted to require students to download applications that are not free to the user. Warren County District Employees cannot repair or troubleshoot problems with personal devices.
I fully agree and understand that the choice to do so is both mine as a parent/guardian, and that of my student. Therefore, I agree that the above mentioned school and/or district will not be held responsible for any loss, theft, or damage that may occur to the personal device. I also agree to hold my child accountable to the proper use of any personal electronic device and to be supportive of the school should my child violate the personal electronic device or technology acceptable use policies.
Parent/Guardian Signature:______
Student Name: ______
Teacher Name (if applicable): ______
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the School Principal.
The minimum requirements for any student owned device connected to the district network are as follows: the device
must run an Apple, iDevice, or Android based operating system, have a wireless network card, and must sustain battery
power for at least two hours.