A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge of School Children regarding worm infestations in selected social welfare Hostel at


Proforma for registration


Subject for Dissertation

Korra Nirmala Bai

Indian College of Nursing, Bellary

November : 2008

RajivGandhiUniversity of Health Sciences

Bangalore, Karnataka

Proforma for Registration of Subjects for Dissertation :

1.Name of the Candidate & Address:K. Nirmala Bai
M.Sc. Nursing Student (1st Year)
Indian College of Nursing,

2.Name of the Institution:Indian College of Nursing, Bellary

3.Course of study and subject :M.Sc Nursing (1st year)

4.Date of Admission to course:16-06-2008

5. Title of the Topic :

A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge of school children regarding worminfestations in selected
Social Welfare Hostel at Bellary.

6. Brief Resume of the intended work :

6.1 Need for Study :

Children’s well - being is the basic concern of every nation. A healthy child brings happiness to the family, eternal joy to the parent and thrill to the society and hope to the nation. Children are the most valuable asset for any society. There are the builders of the future of any nation. “Children Health – Tomorrows Wealth” Children are price less resources. In 1984 world Health day rightly spot lighted the basic truth indicating that we must safe guard the health bodies and minds of the children.

i. Out of 843.97 millions of population children constitute a major properties of forty eight percent, who are vulnerable to infection and face high morbidity and mortality. The morbidity rate under 0-1 years and 5- 14 years were 12.0 percent and 22.9 present respectively. Increased morbidity rate amount all child hood disorders common intestinal worm infestations affect the health of the children very much.

There is a need to bring awareness among the children’s regarding case, prevention and control of intestinal worm infestations.

ii. A description study was conducted to assess the students knowledge in
pre-school children of Gond tribal community in kundam block of Jaipur District, Madhya Pradesh. The students knowledge was assessed by means of interview method and the mothers who were unaware of worm infestations their children had anemia due to helminthes infestations.

iii. Health education includes the habit of washing hands with soap and later before cooking, before taking food and after defecations should be encouragednails should be cut and cleaned daily with soap and brush, daily bath and scrupulous personal cleanliness should be advised. The under clothes should not be dirty. The children should be prevented from scratching of the perianal region irritation and inching should be relieved by the use of antipruritic creams containing crotomitone.

iv. In India 80 percent of Children population are affected by worm infestations who lives in rural areas because of poor sanitary conditions poverty, ignorance, illiteracy and lack of health education.

v. In view of the W.H.O. recommendation in areas where prevalence of mild to moderate under weight children are greater than 25 percent and where unhygienic practicy are known to be wide spread high priority should be given to deworming programme. In addition to the draining effect on mental and physical well being they are pathogenic, for instance ascaris with highest positivity rate causing abdominal discomfort, biliary diseases, colic, pyogenic cholangitis, acalculous, cholecystitis, cholestasis, diverticulitis, and necrohemorrhagic pancreatitis and is responsible for approximately one third of these diseases in endemic areas.

vi. A study was conducted to find out the knowledge of the students in selected slum area of Sri Lanka. They administrated a questionnaire to the students regarding worm infestations it was proved that the prevalence of worm infestation was more among the children of less educated 81 percent.

vii. A descriptive study was conducted to assess knowledge of the months with age socio economic status. House hold crowding defecation practices in relation to the prevalence intensity and associated risk factors for infestation with round worm, hookworm etc. inter growing countries of Assam. They had collected 328 faecal samples by convenient sampling method and the mothers knowledge was assessed by questionnaire method. Results showed that the children of mothers with the lack of knowledge low socio – economic status, over cording of house holds poor defecation practices were suffering with one or the other helminthes infestations i.e., 81 percent more than the children of the high knowledge high – socio economic status and good hygienic practices.

viii. A description study was conducted on the prevalence of intestinal helminthes infestation in Okinawa, Japan. They had collected 654 faecal samples by simple random sampling method. By means of modified katokatz technique the results showed that 174 percent had three kinds of nematodes i.e., ascaris, trichuris trichura and hook worm.

ix. A study was conducted to assess the prevalence of intestinal helminthes infestation in gondav region Ethiopia. They collected 8006 children by sample random sampling method by means of kato katz technique, the study results showed that ascaris lumbricoides (35.4%) hook worm (16.3%) and trichuris trichura (12.7%).

x. A description study was conducted to determine the prevalence and intensity of hook worm infection in Jalaripet, South India. They collected 151 primary school children aged between 6-12 years by convenient sampling method. Stool samples were processed by modified formalin ethyl acetate sedimentation technique to determine over counts. Study results were shown that the over all prevalence of hook worm infection was 45 percent and the meaneggs count was 12 eggs per gram and the mean worm burden was 1.25 worms per child.

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7. Review of literature :

Review of literature is to find out the methods for research study and the various aspects of study must be included to confirm or refuse earlier findings. It provides basis to locate pertinent data and new ideas that need to be included in the present study. It helps the investigation to find the comparative data that could be used for supporting the present finding to draw conclusion.

1.A comparative study was conducted on 131 mothers in two rural areas of Bangladesh to examine the knowledge regarding the perception of helmenthic infestation, in relation to the use of health facilities and treatment seeking behavior. Questionnaire was administered regarding helmenthic infestations. The results should that almost all respondents considered worms to be a cause of bad health and high percentage of mothers had obtained de-worming treatment for their children. But there were differences in mothers description of the causes and prevention of helmenthic infestation. It was concluded that mothers of one area had more exposure to health education and the bio-medical knowledge of helmenthis when compared to the other due to the social and cultural constraints.

2.A description study was conducted to assess the students knowledge in pre-school children of gond tribal community in Kundam block of Jaipur District, Madyapradesh. The students knowledge was assessed by means of interview method and the mothers who were unaware of worm infestations their children had anemia due to helmenthic infestation.

3.A Comparative study was conducted on the prevalence of intestinal parasites among children living in rural and urban settings in and around Chennai. They collected 324 stool samples by convenient sampling method out of 324 samples 125 specimens were collected from rural area and 199 stool sample were collected from urban area. The findings reveled that the over all prevelance of intestinal parasites was 91 per cent. Among that ascaris lumbricoidis was 52.8 per cent, trichiuris trichura was 45.6 per cent and anchylostoma duodenal was 37.6 per cent.

4. A descriptive study was conducted on prevalence of intestinal worm infestations at Hyderabad. They collected faeces of 300 samples by simple randam sampling method. By means of microscopic examinations study results have shown that they helmenthic parasites encountered were ascaris lumbricoids 46.2 per cent, trichiuris trichiura 22.69 per cent and H.Nana 3.04 per cent.

5. A longitudinal study was conducted in between a gap of 30 months to find out whether the primary health care intervention was effective in reducing the prevalence of three common intestinal nematode infections i.e., ascaris lumbricoides, trichuris and hookworm in three communities in Negeria. Primary health care was provided by axillary aids, health inspectors, field assistants and to provide screening, surveillance environmental sanitation and mass expulsion chemotherapy. Overall percentage of infestation were decreased by 78.7 per cent, 86.9 per cent and 84.0 per cent which were recorded for ascaris lumbricoides, hookworm and trichiuris trichiura.

6.A study was conducted to find out the knowledge of the students in selected slum area of Srilanka. They administered on questionnaire to the students regarding worm infestations. It is proved that the prevalance of worm- infestation was more among the children of less educated 81 per cent.

7.A descriptive study was conducted to assess the knowledge of the mothers with age and socio economic status. House hold crowding defecation practices in relation to the prevelance intensity and associated risk factors for infestation with round worm, hookworm etc., intergrowing countries of Assam. They had collected 328 faecal samples by convenient sampling method and the mother’s knowledge was assessed by questionnaire method. Results showed that the children of mothers with the lack of knowledge, low socio economic status, over crowding of house holds, poor defecation practices were suffering with one or the other helmenthis infestations i.e., 81.0 per cent more than the children of high knowledge, high socio economic status and good hygienic practices.

8.A descriptive study was conducted on the prevalence of intestinal helminthes infestation in Okinawa, Japan. They had collected 654 faecal samplesby simple random sampling method. By means of modified the Kato Katz technique the results showed that 17.4 per cent had three kinds of nematodes i.e., ascaris, trichuris trichura and hookworm.

9.A study was conducted to assess the prevalence of intestinal helminthes infestation in Gondav region, Ethiopia. They collected 8006 children by sample random sampling method. By means of Kato Katz technique, the study results showed that ascaris lumbricoides 35.4 per cent, hookworm 16.3 per cent and trichuris trichura 12.7 per cent.

10.A descriptive study was conducted to determine the prevelance and intensity of hookworm infection in Jalaripet, South India. They collected 151 primary school children aged between 6 to 12 years by convenient sampling method. Stool samples were processed by modified formaline ethyl acetate sedimentation technique to determine over counts. Study results have shown that the overall prevelance of hookworm infection was 45 per cent and the mean eggs count was 12 eggs per gram and the mean worm burden was 1.25 worms per child.

8. Statement of the Problem :

A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge of school children regarding worm infestations in selected social welfare hostel at Bellary.

9. Objective of Study :

The objective of the study are

-To assess the knowledge of School children on control of worm infestations.

-To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme to school children regarding worm infestations.

-To implement structured teaching programme to the school children regarding worm infestations and its prevention.

-To identify the relationship between pre and post test knowledge of school children regarding worm infestation with demographic variables.

10. Operational Definitions :

-Knowledge :- Able to respond to the items on prevention and control of worm infestation as measured by the tool.

-Worm Infestations :- Worm are the parasites which live in or on the school children, obtain nourishment from it and infect the host.

-School Children :- Children whose age falls between 6-12 years.

-Health Education module :- Systematic and scientific information prepared as a model based on the knowledge of the school children on worm infestations.

-Stroked teaching programme :- Refers to the systematically developed programme for a group of school agechildren’s between 6-12 yearsto provide information regarding worm infestations and its prevention.

-Effectiveness :- Determining the extent to which the structured teaching programme has achieved the derived effect in improving the knowledge of school children on worm infestations and its prevention.

11. Project out come :-

The present study gives an insight into the knowledge of the school children with regarding to worm infestations and its prevention beloved and after structured teaching programme so that the future investigators and health care professionals can take effective steps on enhancement of their knowledge regarding worm infestation and its prevention there by the mortality and morbidity of school children due to worm infestations can be reduced.

12.Material and Methods :

a. Source of data :

The research design chosen for the study is experimental and group pretest and post test design.

b. Settings of the study :

Setting refers to the physical locations and condition in which data collection has been taken place. The social welfare Hostel is situated in areas of Bellary fort, Near Sai Baba Temple, Ward No. 35 in Bellary. Social Welfare Hostel Students is selected for study.

The Hostel area, which was chosen one km from college.

c. Population :

The population included in the present study are the school children in Social Welfare Hostel in Bellary.

d. Samples :

Samples consists of 50 School Children in the Social Welfare Hostel of Bellary.

e) Selected Variables :

Socio – Demographic variable of school children in social welfare Hostel in Bellary.





-Family Type

-Family monthly income

-Family Size


F. Sampling technique :

Random sampling technique by lottery method will be used in selected the sample.

g. Inclusion Criteria :

The study includes the mothers who

-Are having children between 6-12 years of age.

-Are living in social welfare Hostel of Bellary.

-Are available at the time of data collection.

-Are willing to participate in the study.

-Can understand and speak Kannada and Hindi.

h. Exclusion Criteria :

The study excludes the school children who.

-Are not having more than 12 years.

-Are not living in social Welfare Hostel area of Bellary.

-Are not available at the time of data collection.

-Can not understand and speak Kannada and Hindi.

13. Methods of Collection of Data :

a. Data Collecting instruments :

Structured interview schedule will be used for data collection.

b. Data Collection Method :

Data will be collected from the sample based on the knowledge levels of students, structured steady programme will be implemented them with a gap of 7 days again knowledge study will be around to see the effectiveness study teaching programme.

Does the study require any investigation or intervention to be conducted on patients or other human or animals. It so please describe briefly ?

The intervention is in the form of imparting knowledge by means of planned structured teaching programme.

13.1 Has Ethical Clearance been obtained from your institution increase of 13.1 ?

  • An ethical clearance is obtained from the ethical committee of IndianCollege of Nursing, Bellary.
  • Permission will be obtained from the social welfare hostel warden.
  • Concent will be taken from all the participants.

14. List of References (Bibliography):

1. Park J.E.K., Park Park “Parks” text book of preventive and social medicine. New Delhi Banarsidas Bharat publishers 2002.

2. Behrman, Kliegman Arvin, Nelson Text book of “Padiatrics” 15thed published India 1996.

3. Anathakrishnans, Naliniop, Pani S.P., Intestinal Geohelminthiasis in the developing world national medj of Indian1991, Volume–10, No.2.

4. Misra S.P., Dwivedim Clinical features and management of Biliary Ascaris in a non – endemic area post grad medj 2000; 76(891);

5. Crompton Dwt ; gastrointestinal nematodes – Ascaris hook worm trichuris, and Enterobious topley and microbiology and Microbial infections 1998; Vol 5 – parasitology ; 561 – 580.

6. Gupta S.P. “ Statistical Methods” 18th ed Sultan Chandand Sons, New Delhi 2000.

7. Rousham EK perceptions and Treatment of intestinal worms in local differences in knowledge, Bangaladesh, Soc Sci and med 1994 Oct.; 39(8); 1063 – 8.

8. V.G. Rao, R. Yadav, M.K. Bhaondeley, S Das et. al worm infestation and anemia in tribal pre-school children of Madhya Pradesh J. Common Dis 34(2) 2002; 100

9. De Silyr NR, Jayapani YP, De Silya HJ, Socio – economic and behavioral affecting the prevalence of geohelmentis in pre- school children. Southeast Asia J. Trop Med public Health 1996. NMar; 27 (1); 36-42.

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11.Toma A, Miyagi J, Kamionura K. Tokuyama Y, Hasegawa H, etal the prevalence of intestinal helmenthic infestation, Indonesia SoSontheast Aoianj. Trop mod public Health 1999 Mar: 30(1); 6A – 77.

12. Jamaneh K, Lenger C, The use of mortality questionnaires to identify high prevention of geohelminth infections, Ethiopia Fthiop Med J, Rool inj ; 39(3); 213 – 28.

13. Mani GG, Rao St, Mrdhavi R, Estimation of hook worm intensity by anti – helminthic expansion in primary school children in south iondia. Trans R Soc trop med hyg 1993 Nov – Dec; 87(6); 634 – 5.

14. Maria Carol Fernandaz, Sushanuerghese, R. Bhuvaneswari et. Al A comparative study of intestinal parasites prevalent among children in rural and urban settings in and around Chennai J. Commun Dis. 34(1) 2000 : 35.

15. Chandra shekar : Prevalence of helmenthic infestation in and around Hyderabad ; 1983

16. Udinsi JK, Ogan VN, departmental Zoology university of post Halcourt Nigeria public health. 1993 Jan; 107(1) 53 – 60.

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15. Signature of the Candidate :

16. Remarks of the Guide :The research topic selected by the student is quite appropriate and felt need of the hour to improve the knowledge by effective structured interventions programme among the multiparous mothers.

17. Name and designation of :

11.117.1. Guide :SUMITHRA




17.2 Signature of Guide :

17.3. Co – Guide :NIRUPAMMA






17.4. Signature of Co – Guider :

17.5. Head of the department :SUMITHRA

17.6. Signature of H.O.D. :

18. Remarks of the Chairman :I discussed with the

and principal. research committee,

problem is good and feasible.

18.1. Signature of Principal :