A Menu for the Congress

TASK: Create a café or restaurant menu that showcases your knowledge of the US Congress in a creative way. Menus are vehicles a restaurant owner uses to communicate specific product information to a hungry target market. The target market in this case is our Govt class. A menu may also be a selling tool for the restaurant. It is an integral part of and can enhance the restaurant's overall ambience, image and reputation. Try to communicate your total understanding of the Congress in this project.


  1. This can be completed in electronic form as a document, or a webpage. It can also be made as a half sheet of poster board or brochure. Design and style is your choice.
  2. Include as much vocabulary as you can to show your knowledge of the Congress. Think about structures, powers, related law, constitutional clauses, treaties, important roles,committees, and famous members. Anything goes! There have been quite a few rowdy moments and scandals in Congress. They would be great to highlight. Use humor and wordplay.
  3. HIGHLIGHTor BOLD your vocabulary in the menu.
  4. Limits: No more than a front and back menu for paper projects.


GOVT 8(A)analyze the structure and functions of the legislative branch of government, including the bicameral structure of Congress, the role of committees, and the procedure for enacting laws;

ECON 6(B)understand the roles of the legislative branch in setting international trade and fiscal policies.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Shows little understanding of the Congress
5 or fewer vocabulary terms used
Does not read like a menu – basically a list
No mention of the lawmaking process / Shows basic understanding of the Congress (grade 8 level)
10 or fewer vocabulary terms used
Some attempt to design a menu
lawmaking process, commitees, and members mentioned but not detailed / Shows strong understanding of the Congress (Senior level)
20 or fewer vocabulary terms used
Design enhances our study of the Congress
Lawmaking process detailed, committees explained, and plenty of detail shows deep research / High Level understanding of the Congress and its connection to other branches
25+ vocabulary terms explored and used to great effect
Design, humor, and wordplay create a total package. Student has added extra touches that show further research
This menu could be used to teach other high schoolers about the Legislative branch

Sample from

John Stewart’s “America: The Book”