Principal Kafele Testimonials
Baruti Kafele was keynote speaker for the Louisville Urban League’s 2006 Education Summit: “a community dialogue on math and science curriculum reform.” Mr. Kafele brought the audience of youth, parents, educators, business and community leaders a powerful message addressing what we must do to improve academic achievement for African America students. His message has made a profound impact on the Louisville community as key education policy makers have expressed a desire to explore the adoption of Kafele’s philosophy as part of our solution for closing the achievement gap. I am very grateful to him for being such an effective speaker and a key part of the Education Summit. We are looking forward to a continued partnership.
Kevin E. Fields, Sr.
Director, Youth Development & Education
Louisville Urban League
Louisville, KY
Our parents are still talking about your wonderful presentation at Quitman Street School! Parents understood, related to, and could implement your suggestions readily into their child-rearing practices. Over 100 parents listened attentively to your words and felt the passion in your presentation. Thank you for sharing your experiences, expertise and the commitment to improving not only education but family life. Baruti Kafele is on the top of my list of presenters for the next school year - your message must be shared! SLT I and I appreciate your support of our efforts to keep parents informed and active partners in the education of our children.
Elaine M. Neves
Project Coordinator - Parental Involvement
School Leadership Team (SLT) I
Newark Public Schools (New Jersey)
Baruti Kafele spoke to area educators and later in the evening to our parents. He spoke with such passion that no one left his presentation without being convinced to do better both as parents and educators, alike. He inspired all of us with his incredible insight on reaching and teaching low income/high poverty students in our school. Thanks for your passion!
Jim Holman
Principal-St. Marcus Lutheran School
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Baruti Kafele is one of a rare breed of educational leader-warriors daring to build on and revolutionize secondary school education through sheer determination and the demand for excellence. He makes no, and takes no excuses for doing otherwise for himself, his co-workers, colleagues, parents and above all, students.
Lenworth Gunther, Ph.D.
President/CEO - Edmedia Associates, Inc.
Thank you again for an outstanding message delivered to our staff in Mount Pleasant. Your message was EXACTLY what we have been preaching for the last several months in Mount Pleasant. I applaud you and your dedication to making the lives of our youngsters better.
Dr. Jim Boyle, Mount Pleasant ISD Superintendent
Mount Pleasant, Texas
I read both of your books with interest. Both reveal your advanced thinking, deep knowledge and perhaps most important of all, the clarity of communication that places you squarely in the ranks of master scholar/communicators like Baba Tony Browder and Baba Jacob Carruthers.
Dr. Asa Hilliard, III
Professor, Urban Education, Georgia State University
Your book is an excellent statement of what a parent should do for the child.
Dr. Molefi K. Asante
Professor, African American Studies, Temple University
Baruti Kafele is one of those fearless educators in the tradition of Carter G. Woodson and Mary McLeod Bethune: he remains true to teaching "Education for Liberation" no matter what obstacles are thrown before him. He has that vital ability to not only positively communicate with teachers, parents and their children, but also provide a kind of leadership that inspires them to become activists in the struggle for Educational Excellence. Baruti Kafele is truly one of our long distance runners helping our children "Struggle to Learn To Learn to Struggle."
Dr. Sam Anderson
Education Director, Center for Law & Social Justice, Medgar Evers College, Brooklyn, NY
Mr. Kafele is fast becoming a major player in the field of diversity because of his work. His vision coincides with that of Dr. John Henrik Clarke and Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan - two noted educators in the field of diversity.
Dr. Joseph S. Fulmore, Sr.
Assistant Superintendent for School Operations, Patterson Public Schools, Patterson, NJ
Your dedication to educating children in general and African American children in particular is very much appreciated and admired.
Dr. Joseph H. Silver, Sr.
Vice President for Academic Affairs, Savannah State University
I enjoyed your conversation and words of wisdom on WBAI this evening. If only all teachers -- and parents -- could be inspired to follow your guidance.
Claudia Zaslavsky
Author - Africa Counts: Number and Pattern in African Culture
I would like to thank you for your contribution to my College Bound students. You were an inspiration!
Charles R. Scott
Professional Services Specialist, New Jersey City University
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the motivating, stimulating, inspiring and thought-provoking presentation made by you at the Orange School District Annual Teacher Recognition Ceremony.
Stewart King
Director, Professional Development, Orange Public Schools, Orange, NJ
Your contribution was invaluable to the success of our conference. The feedback we have received has been overwhelmingly positive.
Cheryl Hunter-Grant
Vice President, Marketing and Planning, Today's Child Communications