REVIEW for the test
Programming languages consist of a combination of variables, functions, methods, and instructions for controlling actions in a computer system
Description of a programming language is usually split into the two components of syntax (form) and semantics (meaning)
Even though thousands of programming languages exist Java still remains the most popular with around 19.1% market share.
Java programming language powers all Android mobile applications, while C/Objective C powers iOS mobile applications, lastly Windows Phone is powered by C# (C Sharp)
Major uses of Java include: e-Commerce Websites, Computer Desktop Programs,, Mobile Applications,Websites and Web games
Object Oriented Programming: Programming language based around real world objects
Objects (classes) consist of properties and methods
Java syntax is broken down into four parts: Variable Type, Variable Name, Value, and Endmark
Compiling process:
A method is a set of code which is referred to by name and can be called (invoked) at any point in a program simply by utilizing the method's name.
There are two different types of methods:
- Built In - These are methods that are part of the Java compiler. An example of this type of method is System.out.println
- User Defined - These are methods that you can create and use in your own programs. You control the name
of these methods and what they do.
The method is then enclosed in {} (often called curly brackets). Anything inside these brackets gets run every time the method is called.
A variable is a way to store information so you can reuse it later.
A variable contains two parts, a value, and a symbolic name.
There are three common variable types:
- A string is used to store text information. An example would be your name.
- An integer is used to store whole numbers. Examples include 1, 87, -24
- A double is used to store decimal numbers. Examples include 3.23, 8.7, -94.2
Control structures are simply decisions that the code makes that change the running of the program.
A while loop continues executing over and over until the condition become false
Two widely used control structures are the If...else statement and the while loop.
A data structure is a way of storing and organizing data in a computer program so it can be used more efficiently.
Java has a data structure called a List that allows the easy storing of lists of information.
There are two ways to use comments. Single line comments, or multi-line comments.
User input includes typing on the keyboard, clicking of a mouse, tapping or swiping a touch screen device,etc.
It is possible to nest multiple different types of control structures inside another and is a very important concept in programming.
A breakpoint is simply a place that your program will stop executing and turn control over to the Eclipse debugger.
State simply means "the value of a variable at any given moment".
Code Editor: A source code editor is a text editor program designed specifically for editing source code of computer programs by programmers.
The code above reads:
Computer (system) output (.out) this line (println) Hello World! ("Hello World!";).