MCD2030: Managerial Communication

Assessment 2: Business Report



Time / Word limit: 2000 Words(excluding reference list)

Due date:Week 10:Monday 30th April – 10am


Managerial Communication Meeting

Task details:Communication in meetings – setting the agenda, content and management

Note: The topic Communication in meetings is not covered until week 11. It is your responsibility to read ahead on this material and apply relevant information to the assignment as appropriate.

You are assumed to hold a senior position in the organisation’s human resource department. The organisation is a well–known global producer and distributor of cosmetics and associated products. You are required to organise a meeting intended to address an important and contentious issue facing the organisation.

Issue: The organisation’s senior management team is male dominated. Just one female (head of distribution) is found among the organisation’s nine top managers. Forces inside and outside the organisation are pressing for a better representation of females in senior management positions. The advantages and requirements for this change are to you (of course) more than obvious. But some among the senior management (including the lone female) appear highly resistant to a proactive approach to equitable gender representation at senior levels. At least you have the CEO on your side. He has asked you to use communication expertise to get ‘the right meeting outcome’.

This assignment will provide a planning document to help you organise, guide and manage the meeting and outcome.

You are required to make assumptions. These may be listed in an appendix if required.

The following criteria should be addressed in the planning document:

Planning/ preliminaries (20% weight)

  1. Specify meeting type, list of attendees, and the chair person.
  1. Anticipate and explain the structure and power manifest in the meeting including the role of the chair (based on your assumptions).
  1. Report the meeting agenda including procedural matters to be followed.
  1. Detail and justify the seating arrangements.

Issue management (70% weight)

  1. Apply two of the following managerial communication concepts to the meeting using possible scenarios and then explain how these scenarios will be manifest and managed:
  1. Argument
  2. Negotiation
  3. Conflict
  4. Intercultural communication

Meeting closure (10% weight)

  1. Explain the decision-making process used to address the issue and determine an outcome.
  1. Describe how the meeting outcome will be communicated within the organisation (e.g, channels, message and feedback).

Presentation – To be presented in a professional and business-like report format – up to 20% of marks are deducted for poor presentation or stylistic errors. Referencing should follow standard academic conventions.

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