Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics



Fall 2010

Instructor: Dr. Robert Fleischman, Room 220D, Civil Engineering (CE)

Phone: 621-6550


Lecture: MWF 11:00-11:50am, Harville, Room 204

Office hours: MW: 2:00 – 4:00p.m.

Textbook: Structural Analysis, R.C. Hibbeler, 7th Edition, Prentice Hall.

Grader: Michael Mielke <> OH: Tue, Th 3-4pm, Room CE 324G

Listserv site:

Class website:

Course Content


Aug. 23 External FBD/Reactions 1: 1-3; 2:1(p.33-37), 3-5 2: hd1,17,19,20,23,32,45

30 Trusses: Forces 3: 1-6 3: 1-3,4,9,14,27,37,39+,42

Sept. 6 Trusses: Deflections 9: 1-4 9: 1,3,18,42-44++,CL#1

13 Cables & Arches 5: 1-3;4, handout 5: 7,12,14,16,hd2

20 Beams: Forces 4: 1-3 4: 7,19,23,25,26,41,48

27 Frame: Forces 4: 4-5; 2:2 4: 58,62,64,65, 67

Oct. 4 Beams: Deflections I 8: 1-4, handout 8: 3,11,12,17,18,24,25,37*

11 Beams: Deflections II 9: 5 8:12† 9:47,49,53,54,63

18 Frames Deflections 9: ex. 9-8,9-9 9: 64,67,74, hd3,CL#2

25 Indeterminate Beams 10: 1-2,4,9 10: 1,3^,5,10,14,16^,17

Nov. 1 Indeterminate Frames &Trusses 10: 5-7 10: 19,21,27,34,CL#3

8 Slope Deflection 11: 1-3 11: 1,2,13,22,23

15 Moment Distribution 12: 1-4 12: 1,7, 11: 3**

22 Moving Loads 6: 1-7 6: 1,5,30,33,48,49,59,73

29 Intro to Matrix Methods Ch. 14-16 CL#4

Dec. 6 The Portal Method Handout , 2:1(p.38-44) -

Notes: + also find OC ++ also find if conditions in 42,43,44 all present *Use MA †Use VW ^Use Table ** Use MD

Last day of classes: Wed. Dec. 8 No classes: Labor Day: Mon Sept. 6, Thanksgiving: Fri Nov. 26


Exam 1 - Week of Sept. 20 (Wk. 5) Reactions, Truss Forces and Deflections, Cables and Arches

Exam 2 – Week of Oct. 25 (Wk. 10) Beam & Frame Internal Forces and Deflections

Exam 3 – Week of Nov. 29 (Wk. 15) Indeterminate Structures

Final examination Monday Dec. 13 from 11:00am to 1:00pm


C E 215 is a required prerequisite.


Students are required to enroll in the class listserv within the first week of class. Instructions are found at Students are to check email daily for important messages and notification of postings to d2l. Students may also use the listserv for questions.


The course website,, will be regularly updated with notes, assignments, handouts, and solutions. Students will be notified of postings in class and via listserv.


Office hours as listed above will be strictly held. Exceptions: (1) If the student has a legitimate ongoing conflict (class, lab, work, school activity) with the posted office hours, he or she must see the instructor immediately to determine an alternate arrangement. (2) If for any reason the instructor is not present when a student visits during posted office hours, the student shall email the instructor and a timely arrangement will be made at the student’s convenience. Students are encouraged to indicate via the listserv the topics or particular questions they plan to ask at office hours, and the time they plan to attend, thereby allowing other members of the class to coordinate their schedules to attend simultaneously.


Homework, assigned in a given week, is typically due Wednesday the next week. (The listserv/website will indicate variations from this schedule). Homework must be placed in the CE333 box outside of CE 201 in the CE Building by 4:45pm on the due date. The homework will be graded by your TA and returned as soon as possible, typically one week after submission. Students must answer all questions. Marks will be deducted for not answering all questions. However, not all questions may be graded. Late homework can be turned in directly to the CE333 basket at the Department Office at 20% penalty per school day and may or may not be graded by the TA depending on her time commitments. Ungraded late homework, if complete, will be worth 30% of the total points. Homework submitted after graded homework is returned or solutions are posted will not be accepted and a grade of zero will be assigned.


þ  Homework is to be done neatly on Engineering Problem paper using only one side of a sheet.

þ  Always use a straight edge when drawing lines.

þ  Work shall be neatly lettered, logically arranged and capable of being readily reviewed by the instructor. Do not crowd problems together on the sheet.

þ  Each problem should include:

ü  Student’s name, subject name, and page number identification (top of page only).

ü  Problem identification (Chapter; problem number).

ü  Problem statement: normally includes a sketch, and must be sufficient to define the problem so that the solution can be evaluated without reference to the textbook.

ü  The solution must include diagrams (e.g., free-body diagram etc) as are necessary to understand the work and the meanings of the symbols employed.

ü  Results are to be given to three significant figures.

ü  Answers must be complete with all necessary information such as magnitude, units of measurement and vector direction. Underline intermediate answers. Box final answers. Points will be deducted for not reporting the proper units.


3 Midterm Exams 50%

4 Computer Labs 10%

Final Exam 25%

Homework 15%

A – 100 - 90

B – 89.9 – 80

C - 79.9 – 70

D - 69.9 – 60

Final grades will be rounded to one decimal point. Homework and computer laboratory grades will not be curved. Exam grades will be curved (up only). To limit the damage of one poor performance, the 50% for the midterms will be split 19% (best), 17% (middle), 14% (worst) grade. The final exam grade will not be curved.


You will be required to take three examinations during the semester and a final examination. Semester exam dates and times will be established during the first week of class. Examinations may be offered out of class (in a 2 hour evening period) by class agreement. Please ensure that you note the dates and agreed times, as no make up examination will be given. All exams are closed book; calculators are permitted.

There will be no make-up for missed examinations unless the student contacts the instructor: (1) one week prior to the exam due to a legitimate scheduling conflict (OUT OF CLASS EXAM ONLY); or (2) prior to the exam due to an unforseen emergency situation. What constitutes legitimate scheduling conflicts and unforseen emergency situations is at the discretion of the instructor. An unexcused missed examination is scored as zero.

Examinations are regarded as an engineering report. Procedures and presentation of solutions should be precise and legible. Penalties are assessed for: (1) algebra and arithmetic errors; (2) answers presented without proper units, sign or direction; (3) incomplete free body diagram; and (4) illegible presentation. No credit will be given for correct answers obtained by incorrect reasoning or compensation errors. Partial credit may be given for work that pertains to the correct solution.

Surprise quizzes will not be administered if no student attempts to complete his or her homework during the lecture period.

A summary of your grades to that point will be posted on Dec 8. You must check that your grades are correct and notify the instructor of any omission or error on or before the date of the final examination. No changes will be accepted after the final examination.


One sanction for dishonest academic work permitted under the University CODE OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY is a failing grade in the course. The grade of E will be assigned for dishonest academic work.


Attendance is required. More than 3 unexcused absences may result in being administratively dropped from the course. Three late arrivals or early departures from class are equivalent to one absence. If a student is administratively dropped after the fourth week of classes, it will result in a failing grade being awarded in that course.



August 30, 2010: Last day to use WebReg for adds, changing classes or sections

August 31, 2010: Registration from zero units requires a Change of Schedule form with Instructor and Dean's permission

September 17, 2010: Last day to use:

·  Use WebReg to drop

·  DROP without a grade; course will not show on transcript

September 18, 2010:

·  Change of Schedule form with instructor's permission is required to drop a class -- grade of W or E may be awarded

·  Change of Schedule form with instructor's and dean's permission is required to change from pass/fail to regular grade or vice versa

October 15, 2010: Last day to DROP a class with a grade of W (if passing) or change from graded course to audit (or vice versa); instructor's signature indicating permission on Change of Schedule form is required.