Agenda Item 2 – Minutes of Last Meeting

Creative Network South – 8th December – Board Room of Hampshire Chamber of Commerce 'Southampton Office', St James Matthews Building, Southampton

Present: / Stewart Dunn / Chief Executive of Hampshire Chamber of Commerce (Chair)
David Wales / Artwork
Jennifer Anyan / Solent University – School of Art
Kay May / Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton
Charles Freeman / Creative Network South and PUSH
Simon Eden / Winchester City Council
Paul Spencer / Eastleigh Borough Council
Katerina Kremmida / Hampshire Cultural Trust
Steve Jones / University of Portsmouth
Peter Hooley / University of Portsmouth
Andy Mew / University of Portsmouth
Laurie Barriol / Inspire EU Consultancy
Ria Loveridge / Aspace Arts
Michelle McClean / Hampshire County Council
Lucy Marder / South East Museum Development Programme
Martin Day / Southampton Solent University
Katie Hornby / Southampton Solent University
Ellen O’Hara / Creative United
Sarah Thirtle / Creative United
Charlotte Beattie / Student at Southampton Solent University
Lisa Hall / Hampshire Chamber of Commerce
Apologies: / Suzanne Dixon / Southampton Solent University
Janet Owen / Hampshire Cultural Trust
Lynne Dick / Making Space
Jane Bryant / Artswork
Professor Anthony Dean / University of Winchester
Susan Beckett / City Eye
Chris Cooper / Co-Founder & Director of Knownow information Ltd
Joan Farrer / University of Portsmouth

The Minutes of the Creative Network South Meeting held on 29th October 2015 were agreed as a true and correct record.

  • Matters Arising

Creative Network South Brainstorming Session

Stewart Dunn reported that the Creative Network South Brainstorming Session was held at Carswell Gould offices on 1st December.


Simon Eden provided an update on the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Devolution Proposal.

Theproposal was discussed on 17th November 2015 with Greg Clarke MP. Simon reported that the meeting was positive but Government had challenged those developing the proposal to bemore ambitious with regard to governance and housing delivery.


David Wales reported further funds were available to support organisations employing creative apprentices via the creative employment programme.

Stewart Dunn offered Artswork the opportunity to put an article regarding Apprenticeships in the Chamber magazine.

Enterprise M3 LEP Conference

Stewart reported that he had attended the Enterprise M3 LEP Conference. The conference placed significant emphasis on the importance of the Digital Sector.


Lisa Hall to circulate to the Creative Network South members a copy of the presentationslides from the Enterprise M3 LEP Conference.


Charles Freeman provided an update on capital projects supported by PUSH.

New Theatre Royal - the Theatre reopened on 15th October 2015. The associate artist programme and creative lab based in the learning space funded by PUSH will support the development of local performing artists developing careers in the industry.

The Cell Block at University of Portsmouth- is due to open in January 2016. The 'into the cellblock' programme of support for creative businesses has now been running for a year.

Hotwell Studios (formerly the ARTches)- will open in summer 2016 in Portsmouth around the same time as Ben Ainslie’s America’s Cup trials.

In the past five years PUSH invested over £2m in Creative Industry projects, this has leveraged total investment over £7m. Over 50 businesses are directly using spaces provided as a result of this investment and a further 100 businesses are accessing business support or Hotdesk as a result of initiatives linked to the PUSH capital programme.

Stewart Dunn suggested that Sam Hodges, New Director of The Nuffield Theatre in Southampton be invited to give a presentation at a future CNS meeting.


Stewart Dunn to invite Sam Hodges, Director of The Nuffield Theatre in Southampton to talk at a future CNS Meeting.


Charles Freeman introduced Charlotte Beattie who together with Andy Britton have developedthe Creative Network South Website, as part of a placement organised by Southampton Solent University’s Solent Creatives Agency.

The Creative Network South Websiteis live. The website address is:

A programme of events activities/mapping of business support will be added to the website in the new year.


1)Charles Freeman will undertake a mapping of creative industry business support in Jan/Feb 2016. CNS members are invited to provide Charles Freemanwith details of initiatives which should be included on the website.

2) Charles Freeman, Paul Spencer and James Andrews will meet with Andy Britton on the 13thJanuary at which point responsibility for updating website will be fully transferred.

3) Charles Freeman asked partners to provide more images reflecting the breadth of the sector. Jennifer Anyan offered to commission a fashion photography student to fill gaps.Charles and Charlotte to identify gaps on 13thJanuary.

4)Charles Freeman asked Creative Network South members to send any suggested content amendments to him prior to next meeting.


Paul Spencer outlined the background to the establishment of the CNS Research Network. The Network seeks to connect academic creative industry researchers with industry and business led projects.

Paul reported that in January 2015 the network was initiated following a £500 grant from PUSH. The network includes 45 researchers from all four universities. Workshops have so far been held in Winchester and Southampton and a fourth event is planned for Portsmouth in February.

Paul stated that the new CNS website will helpthe development of the network, Paul also drew attention to the website research section. This section provides profiles of researchers and links to key reports. The section also includes a summary of key facts relating to the creative economy in Hampshire.

Paul reported that the network had helped submit funding applications to The Higher Education Research Council to support PHD Studentships. Recently an application to support a studentship to explore the economic impact of street art in Eastleigh had been approved.

The research network has also identified a series of key research questions requiring exploration, these include the following:

1)Graduate Retention – What happens to students when they complete their study (given that South Hampshire collectively across 4 Universities produces around 10, 000 creative graduates per year),how many are retained in the Hampshire economy and how many leave? How many move directly into employment, how many establish businesses or freelance careers?

2).Which parts of Hampshire are benefiting from growth in the Creative Economy. Are the cities benefiting to the same extent as the north and rural parts of the county. What are the reasons explaining the differences in the growth pattern?

3).It was also noted that it would be useful to update Caroline Chapain’s Research exploring business incubation and job growth in the creative industriesby sub-sector and local authority area.

It was noted good applied research was needed to help with Funding Applications.

Simon Eden stated that it would be useful to make a research based case to the LEPs which could inform the devolution discussions.

Stewart Dunn thanked Paul Spencer for his update.


Stewart Dunn facilitated a discussion based on the notes / Flow Chart prepared after the Brainstorming Meeting held on 1st December 2015.


1) Lisa Hall noted comments and has sent Charles Freeman list of key points

2) CNS members agreed to send CF additional comments

3) Charles Freeman agreed to prepare an updated report


6.1) Interreg Channel Va Programme

The Interreg Channel Va Programme Covers Southern England and Northern France.

Several objectives covered by the programme relate to CNS priorities.

Channel –VaObjective 1.1 - Increase the delivery and uptake of innovative products in shared smart specialisation sectors – In the light of the priority given to the Digital Sector by EM3 digital may count as a specialisation sector.

Channel –Va Objective 1.2 - Increase the quality and effectiveness of service delivery to the most socially or economically disadvantaged groups through social innovation – This objective may provide scope for creative industry related employability projects focused on Disadvantage and or Disability.

Channel – Va Objective3.1 - Realise the potential of natural and cultural assets to deliver innovative and sustainable growth – This objective has been designed to provide scope for culture sector projects.


1)Stewart Dunn to contact chambersof commerce in North France regards opportunities for joint projects.

2)Laurie Barriol to assist Stewart &Charles in collation of a Letter to the Chambers of Commerce in North France.

6.2) Creative United

Sarah ThirtleEllen O’Hara reported that Creative Unitedare looking forward to working in Partnership with CNS and Hampshire Chamber of Commerce.

Business advisors are in place to support businesses immediately. It was noted the proposed collaborative project will last 2 years. A launch event will take place in April and the programme of support events will be initiated spring 2016.

The target for the programme is to identify 20 businesses, which will access mentoring programme with view to attracting loan finance.

The provisional event programme will be developed in the New Year.

The programme will be co-branded between Creative United Hampshire Chamber of Commerce and Creative Network South.


Charles Freeman will work with Ellen O Hara on programme development and branding strategy.Press Releases to be produced from February and March 2016.

Ellen O Hara agreed to provide web content for CNS and Hampshire Chamber of Commerce Websites.


7.1)Arts Council Creative Growth Application –Decision expected Jan 2016.

7.2)AspaceArts Grant for the Arts Application submitted – Outcome expected Jan.


Artswork – Erasmus application outcome should be known Dec 2015.

Apprenticeships Programme – Tranche 4 In place - partial funding available via creative employment programme. StewartDunn said he would be happy to put a feature in Chamber Magazine.

Creative Choices – An Event will be held at the New Theatre Royal Portsmouth summer 2016 to promote career pathways in performing arts sector.

Museum Event –Artsworkis also looking to organise a Museum related creative choices Event to promote awareness of employment opportunities in the Museum sector.

European Social Fund–Solent LEP have released an ESF specification to support young people not in employment in the Solent area, the specification includes a fund of £690K. Artsworkis seeking an appropriate partner so they can join a consortium.


Film Expo

A Film Expo will be held at The Ageas Bowl on the 4th February 2016. Exhibition Stands will be available.Stewart Dunn said that Creative Network South should have a presence there and that Hampshire Chamber of Commerce is supporting the event.

‘Made in Hampshire’

Hampshire Culture Trust have Appointed a Commercial Arts Project Manager for the ‘Made in Hampshire’. This project focuses on Luxurious craft products, the post holder will start the job January 2016.


Post holder to be invited to give presentation at future CNS meeting.

Solent University – ‘Skills for Solent Project’ – Solent university have been commissioned to undertake research to identify skill requirements, so that they can support growth in the Solent Economy. (note correction from previously circulated minutes).


It was noted that the next meeting would be the 11th February 2016 at New Place Shirrell Heath - this will be a lunchtime event (timings to be confirmed).