Job title / Assistant Ecologist.
Reports to / Consultancy Manager.
Responsible for / Assisting in the delivery of consultancy work.
Team / First Ecology.
Job purpose / To support the operation of First Ecology.
Full-time position / 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday with ½ hour lunch break, equating to 37.5 hours per week plus any additional hours as required by the role.
Contract term / Full-time seasonal (May-October 2018)
Working Relationships / Internal:All employees and volunteers.
External:Clients, contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, partners, volunteers and members of the public.
Place of work / Callow Rock Office, Shipham Road, Cheddar, Somerset BS273DQ.
Pay scale / £16,400 pro rata
Values and expectations
First Ecology is the consulting subsidiary of the Somerset Wildlife Trust; a rapidly developing consultancy committed to upholding best practice standards whilst also achieving pragmatic project outcomes. We have established a broad client base which extends across public, private and commercial sectors and provides technical advice and support on development, research, conservation and management schemes across the UK.
The role
The role involves supporting the delivery of a wide range of ecological projects with an opportunity to develop a chosen specialism. There will be a requirement to; undertake habitat and species surveys in accordance with best practice; and produce high-quality technical documents and reports.
Main responsibilities
Business development / Build and maintain good internal and external working relationships.
Project work / Undertake field work to determine the baseline conditions of sites. This may entail working evenings and early mornings.
Contribute to the maintenance of First Ecology’s equipment and assets.
Quality assurance / Comply with ISO Standard processes and actively contribute to the on-going reviews of company working as required by this accreditation.
Health and safety / Observe health and safety procedures in the work place to ensure personal safety and to safeguard the interests and safety of everyone involved in First Ecology operations.
CPD / Attend relevant training courses, seminars and conferences as required to deliver key tasks and responsibilities.
Other / Undertake other duties as reasonably requested by the consultancy manager and other members of the team.
Qualifications and memberships
Qualifications / At least one degree in a relevant discipline.
Full UK driving licence.
Memberships / A member of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management
Knowledge and experience
Communication / Communicate professionally, verbally and in writing with a range of clients, regulators and colleagues.
Key principles / Knowledge of relevant UK and EU wildlife legislation.
Understanding of planning policy in relation to ecology.
Awareness of current survey and mitigation guidelines.
Information technology / Competent in the use of Word, Excel and Outlook.
Competent in the use of ArcGIS.
Commercial / 0-1 years consultancy experience.
Habitats / Preliminary Ecological Appraisal competent.
Protected species / Badger survey competent.
Bat survey competent.
Barn owl survey competent.
Bird survey.
Great crested newt survey competent.
Hazel dormouse survey competent.
Invertebrate survey competent.
Reptile survey competent.
Otter survey competent.
Water vole survey competent.
Personal qualities
Attributes / A dedicated, hard-working, motivated individual seeking new challenges and continuously aiming to increase their knowledge and perfect their skills.
An approachable persona with a logical, can-do and pragmatic attitude to work.
Accustomedtoflexible and unsociable working hours.