“Together we explore, discover, achieve and grow: developing outstanding practice”

School Road, Heacham, King’s Lynn, Norfolk PE31 7DQ

Head Ms Louise Jackson

Phone/Fax: 01485 570357


20th June 2016

Dear Parents and Carers

INSET DATES and TRAINING for 2016/17

Starting in September 2016 we will be part of an exciting and innovative two year project alongside a group of 14 schools selected from across Norfolk. The project is called Talk4Writing and led by Pie Corbett and John Stannard, both are renowned experts in children’s literacy and have been involved in well regarded national research to promote standards and enjoyment in English.

The project will train staff to develop higher communication and writing outcomes for children from Nursery through to Year Two. We applied to join in January and are delighted we are starting our whole school project in September 2016.

It will mean that a small minority of our INSET days will be different from Norfolk County Council’s calendar. We will follow their dates apart from

·  4th January 2017 when pupils will be at our school for term time

·  7th November 2016 and 6th March 2017 when our school will be shut for INSET.

So our 5 INSET days will be – 2nd September, 7th November 2016, and 3rd January 2017 and 6th March 2017, an additional day will be made up through twilight training courses across the school year.


We are delighted to have appointed Mrs Jacquie Patnell to teach in Red class from September. She was awarded an outstanding grade through her schools direct training course with us and will start as an NQT in Red Class. Mrs Graves will remain in Yellow with Y2, Miss Young our Assistant Head in Blue with Y1/2. Mrs Waters will lead EYFS and teach in Nursery, Mrs Tuckwood will teach full time in Reception. All these staffing appointments are permanent and we also retain all our fabulous teaching assistants. You will find out which class your child will be through our reports but if you have any concerns or issues about how we arrange the classes then please contact us. We do our very best to place children where their learning and social needs will be met.

We are already planning how to achieve the next school improvement objectives following our recent Good Ofsted. From September we will be starting the school year focussing on the two issues that were recommended in our letter from HMI Heather Yaxley In March 2016.

Here were the action points -

·  children’s progress is accelerated in the Nursery and Reception Years by making sure that the provision, teaching and assessment are of consistently high quality

·  pupils’ speaking, listening and concentration are well developed, particularly the boys’, so that spoken and written language skills are consistently good or better.

We will host meetings next term for families to let you know how we continue to improve our school on our journey to be Outstanding.

Our P.T.A Bike Ride

Thank you to everyone for bringing in the bikes and wheels to help us raise money. Through the rain and sun! Also – a big thank you to Louise Rudd who is working with our children to create and look after our incredible garden. There is a new bug hotel being developed near the raised beds so watch this space………….


We are one step closer to developing our new play space outside Red Class and hope that this will be ready for September. We are talking to Fenland Play who will install raised beds, play panels, outdoor seating, water area and play houses. They will also install the rope climbing frame onto the field so that we can maximise our use of this space and ensure that the equipment is in a safe area.

The 4m high rope climbing frame will also be installed on the field- it has passed health and safety checks as the fall height is only 1.5m and it needs no planning permission. It should provide excitement and challenge for our children and will be available every day.

It will add to our already fantastic facilities and we are very grateful to the PTA who will be contributing a donation from their funds to help us! Thank you everyone!


We have had no end of jumpers that are going missing even when families are adding their child’s name. It could be that the names are rubbing off the labels. However, please can you use permanent methods for labelling clothes to help this frustration? We can recommend the iron on or sew in labels as the best option. They can be purchased very cheaply through Ebay! If we all use these there will be no more missing jumpers.

Also please can you make sure that your child has the correct school uniform for September 2016. We have noticed that some children are wearing hoodies – these are not school uniform and should not be worn regularly. Boots crocs and trainers are also being worn and are not comfortable or safe use for school.


We are moving forward with our Academy conversion following our meeting with parents, staff and the West Norfolk Academies. This move is not political but about keeping our children together through the Primary range and having good opportunities to support and challenge each other in local schools. Please feel free to ask us if you have any concerns or questions.


Please can families pay their Nursery invoices as soon as possible this term? This is to avoid any delays as we transfer to Academy Status.


A BIG thank you to Michelle Welham, our learning catalyst. She organised the calculations workshop led by Trish Young and the Relaxation workshop led by Nicola Williamson (Ebony and Oliver’s mum)

Both sessions were really well attended.

If you have any concerns or issues please come to see us.

See you next term for another great year!

Best wishes

Louise Jackson



Weds 22nd June 4.30 start 6.30 finish at Smithdon –

Area sports for our Year two team

Friday 24th June –

Yellow class carnival in the playground 1.50-2.50pm. All Welcome!

Monday 27th June

GenR8 Assembly 10.15

Wednesday 29th June

YR hearing & sight tests

Wednesday 29th June 2016

Country dance party from approximately 4.00 p.m.

6.15 pm @ Smithdon – invites only

Tuesday 5th July

Small group of Y2 attend Norwich Festival of Arts with Heacham Junior

Wednesday 6th July – Sports day YR-Y2 1.30pm

Thursday 7th July

Y2 Bewilderwood trip

Saturday 9th July

PTA Summer Fete 1-3pm

W/C 4th July

Teacher led clubs end this week

8th July Reports out YR-Y2

Monday 11th July

Last Dance club

Tuesday 12th July

Last Drama club

Wednesday 13th July 1.30pm

Y2 leaver’s ceremony - 2 places for each child

Thursday 14th July

Y2 transition day to Heacham Junior & move up day for YN-Y2

Tuesday 19th July

YN trip to Farmer Fred’s- all children need an adult!

Wednesday 20th July

Whole school beach day and School finishes for summer break.

All welcome – families and toddlers too- YN must be accompanied by a parent or carer

NEW TERM / INSET– 2nd September 2016

Pupils return 5th September 2016

½ term 24/10-28/10/16

7th November 2016

Friday 16th December – school finishes for Christmas hols

3rd January 2017

½ term holidays – 13th Feb-17th Feb

6th March 2017

Friday 31st March 2017 – finish school for Easter

Return to school on Tuesday 18th April for Summer term.