Blue Knights Chapter XXV September 17, 2006

The regularly scheduled monthly board meeting of the Blue Knights Florida XXV was brought to order by President Sewart at 11:20 am. The first order of business was annual dues payment. Dues paid during the meeting include: Kent Buckner and Donald Shumake. Members mentioned who are not renewing were: Roberta Adams and Dale Carter. Vice President Eubanks announced that the October meeting will be the last opportunity to pay 2007 dues.

The second order of business was President Sewart discussing adding Tom Strauser from Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office Communications as an honorary member. Discussion included the addition and deletion of members for a total of 25 members for 2007. Vice President Eubanks and President Sewart led discussion and it was decided that Strauser could be added as an honorary member after discussion with the International Office.

The third order of business was the induction of 2007 officers, board members and directors. President Sewart and Vice President Eubanks discussed with Treasury Officer Lithgow and Vice President elect Hulion the actual induction dates. Vice President Eubanks made a motion that President elect Stewart and Vice President elect Hulion take office immediately with the guidance of Sewart and Eubanks to ease the transition. After discussion Eubanks motion was voted upon and passed.

The fourth order of business was any unfinished old business. The passing along of the chapter post office box keys was discussed. Keys were reissued to President elect Stewart and Treasury Officer Lithgow. Also, during old/unfinished business Secretary elect/Ride Captain Buckner was asked for an update on the upcoming spring trip. It was relayed that President Elect Stewart and Secretary/Ride Captain Buckner will be making a scouting trip leaving for the Natchez Trace area on Sunday September 24, 2006. The intent of this trip is to pre scout the ride area and finalize a route and trip itinerary for the spring trip. Updates were also provided on the status of a club social gathering. Plans are still in the works with more info to come. It was discussed by Sectary Elect/Ride Captain Buckner this social should be timed prior to outgoing President Sewart and family leave the area.

After the completion of the boards business President Sewart advised he had a few housecleaning items to bring before the general meeting. President Sewart passed out bumper stickers along with other donated items. These items were discovered after a closet cleaning. Upon completion of the house cleaning, the board meeting was put to rest.

The regular meeting began at 12:15 after lunch. The first item of business from President Sewart was to introduce and discuss the honorary induction of Tom Strauser. Tom has paid his dues and completed the membership application during the meeting.

The second item of business was Treasury Officer Lithgow giving an abbreviated treasurer’s report. The only expenditure mentioned was the bank fees.

The third item of business was Vice President Eubanks motion for the immediate induction of the 2007 officers, board members and directors. The motion was seconded by President Sewart and passed as stated. Upon completion of the vote President Sewart asked Vice President Elect Hulion and President elect Stewart’s wife Donna to approach for the passing of the flag.

Upon completion of the induction the fourth item of business was to discuss the status of colors. Treasury Officer Lithgow stated he had been in contact with International. International advised the previous order status was unknown and Lithgow will be in contact with them at the first of the week to find the status of the order.

The fifth item of business was President Sewart asking for a web update from Tommy Nieft. Tommy advised the website is up and running without the member’s only section.

The sixth item of business was the discussion of Biketoberfest. The dates, times and who would be attending was discussed.

The last order of business was Vice President Eubanks passing along the following ride dates from the Sandollar Motorcycle Club:

29 Dreams trip October 7 – 9, 2006

October bike nights – October 10/17/24/31, 2006

Pumpkin Run October 29, 2006 from Liza Jackson at 7 am

The closing item of business was a reminder of the October meeting being changed from the 3rd Sunday to October 8, 2006 due to all those attending Biketoberfest.

The following members were present for the meeting:

Donna Stewart

Mike Hulion

Fred Lithgow

Skeeter Sewart

Johnny Eubanks

Johnnie Briggs

Kent Buckner

Mike Tabor

Kenny West

Warren York

Chandler Pash

Jennifer Warnick

Tommy Nieft

Tom Strauser

President Sewart made his final presidential action asking and receiving a motion to end the monthly meeting. The meeting ended at 12:45.

Respectfully submitted,

Kent Buckner


Blue Knights XXV