The outgoing and incoming board of directors for Chapter 34 of the American Society of Professional Estimators met Friday July 25, 2008 to conduct chapter business.
The meeting was led by Mr. Jim Shoemake. Those in attendance were:
- Marty Morris outgoing President and new director at Large
- Ricky Sanford incoming President and outgoing Treasurer
- Jim Shoemake sergeant at arms, chapter curmudgeon and all around good guy
- Sherry Arledge incoming Treasurer
- Keith Durbin incoming Director at Large
- Mark Bischoff incoming third Vice President
- Terry Coggins incoming second Vice President
- Kelly Dando member
- Tommy Hoffman invited guest and potential new member
Jim Shoemake made a motion that two at large board members be appointed by the board. Motion passed and Marty Morris and Keith Durbin were asked and agreed to serve. Both are past Chapter Presidents.
Keith Durbin posed a question to the board as to why we exist and what are we about. Jim Shoemake gave Keith and all people in attendance a copy of our Charter and an impassioned talk about the merits of being a member.
Sherry Arledge and Terry Coggins were ask to head a committee to look at the possibility of outside Board members in order to add new ideas and a fresh perspective to the Board.
Terry Coggins was asked to serve as the corresponding Secretary
Ricky Sanford gave a brief treasurer’s report and promised a more detail report to follow which will be sent in to National office before handing treasurer duties to Sherry Arledge. The Chapter has three CD’s with Renasant Bank.
- $6,000.00
- $5,000.00
- $5,000.00
The secretary, Greg Draper, will send a list of new officers to National office. Dues this year will be $40.00 with Students fees set at $20.00
Everyone to send in 10 names of potential new members to Keith Durbin for inclusion in future programs in hopes of boosting membership.
It was decided that the Chapter will pay for Board Meeting lunches as long as it is held to $3.00 to $5.00/head. Program lunches will incur cost for attendees. Cost TBD. Cost of Board meeting lunches to be accounted for in the Annual Budget.
Meeting times, dates and location:
- August 15, 2008 – General membership meeting – Program TBD – AdventureScienceCenter
- September 19, 2008 – Board meeting only – AGC Office
- October 3, 2008 *****Note New Meeting Change to the First Friday going forward – AGC Office
- November 7, 2008 Board meeting only – AGC Office
- December – Christmas social time and place TBD
- January 2, 2009 ****Note 2nd Friday**** Board meeting only – AGC Office
- February 6, 2009 - General membership meeting – Program TBD – AGC Office
- March 6, 2009 Board meeting only – AGC Office
- April 3, 2009 - General membership meeting – Program TBD – AGC Office
- May – Golf tournament time and place TBD
- June 5, 2009 - General membership meeting – Program TBD – AGC Office
- July 10, 2009 ****Note 2nd Friday**** – AGC Office
Ricky to prepare Annual Budget for review