Southdale PTO Meeting

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


The meeting was called to order at 6:00.

Principal’s Report

  • Capital Conference-Southdale soar data in 5th grade was awarded a banner for achieving the 2% percent in the state on improvement. A news release will be coming out soon.
  • Nov. 19 and 20, teachers will be merging Moraine Meadows book room with Southdales. The Submarine House has provided food for Friday night.

Treasure’s Report

  • Mini-Grants approved were Mrs. Peck and Mrs. Gruenzel

Event Recap

  • Building Leadership Team was the decision making group that decided on the Halloween costume decisions.

On-Going Business

  • Spaghetti Dinner-Irene Coulter said that everything was going well for the spaghetti dinner. 450 people had purchased tickets. Dinner is from 5-7:30pm. Irene explained the flow of the evening. Tickets were not handed out this year. Emails and phone calls were made letting families know that their names were on a list if tickets were purchased. There will be a raffle prizes along with the baskets. Games will be in the gym. Heather Bishop and Holly Banks are the coordinators for the food. Valerie Blaumeiser is coordinating the basket raffle. Becky Ditmer is coordinating the games and prizes.
  • Spirit Wear-Debbie Jarrell explained the order form for the spirit wear.
  • Coupon Card fundraiser-Irene explained the fundraiser and asked if any knew of Southdale family owned businesses that might like to be included on the card. Dipping Dots was a suggestion. Mrs. Blaumeiser asked how many times the card could be used. Debbie Jarrell commented on locations that are not always close to the school on other similar cards that she has through the district. All of this will be discussed with the fundraising company.

New Business

  • COSI-Amanda Glynn is the chair for this event. The theme will be on the human body. There will be an all school assembly then break out sessions. Kindergarten will have an alternative activity such as Boonshoft exhibits to go program.
  • Turkey Trot-Mr. Cooper explained the route and cheer zone. Mr. Cooper received a turkey hat from PTO.
  • Document Cameras-Moraine Meadows decided to use their PTO money to purchase document cameras for teachers to use. Mrs. Bauser talked about using one last year in her classroom. Moraine had 3 cameras and their PTO voted on purchasing 7 more. We have 24 teachers that would be able to use the cameras. PTO would like to purchase 2 more cameras so that two teachers could share one camera throughout the year. Each camera cost $550 plus shipping. Jennifer Kane read the following motion:

“On behalf of the PTO Officers, I move to purchase 2 document cameras, at $550 each, plus shipping expenses. Monies to purchase these cameras would be taken from the existing balance in the Southdale PTO account.”

Valerie Blaumeiser second it.

Questions asked…..

  • Is there money budgeted for maintenance?
  • What is the long term goal for purchasing more?
  • How many teachers do not have a smartboard yet?-Explained that teachers have to fill out a grant through the school to receive a smartboard.
  • Mrs. Danner and Mrs. Knopp asked why money was not being spent on core programs like Fundations that helps students with reading. Mr. Cooper explained Fundations. He offered to go into more detail with the parents after the meeting to explain how curriculum and training on specific curriculum is handled in the district.

Voice vote was held. Motion was approved.

  • Directory-is almost finished!

Q & A

  • Mrs. Blaumeiser asked about the school scrapebook and what the plan was for it. The decision was made to purchases a digital picture frame that teachers could plug their camera card to show pictures. This would cut down the costs of a paper scrapebook.
  • 5th grade farewell- Is there a way to know how much was raised? Jennifer Kane talked about how money was added to the budget for the school merger. Irene Coulter said they would start looking into starting the committee for this.

Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be January 11th at 6pm.