Council Worksession

July 14, 2016


COUNCILORS PRESENT: Dave Jones, Dave Beyerl, Judi Day, Patrick McKenzie, Walt Perry, Mike Myers, Tracy Vaughan


STAFF PRESENT: Sarah Cook, City Recorder; Deputy Vasta, MCSO

I.  CALL TO ORDER/FLAG SALUTE – Mayor McKenzie called the meeting to order at 6:30pm and led in the flag salute.


A.  Public Works Recommendation on All-Way Stops

Councilor Beyerl noted he was comfortable with the recommendation from public works and would rely on them as to how they wanted to handle them. Mayor McKenzie pointed out that removing all 4-way stops (making them 2-way stops) was already part of the adopted 2001 transportation plan; the recommendation was only to remove 3 of them. Councilor Perry expressed concern with the number of children at the identified stops, the buses that let kids off and on there, and the likelihood of increased speeders with it becoming a long straightaway. Mayor McKenzie explained the natural flow of traffic, the people already speeding from sign to sign in an effort to make up time, and the fact that school buses utilized their own stop signs.

Councilor Myers indicated a potential conflict due to his residence being one block down from one of the stop signs suggested to be removed. From his bus driving experience, he indicated the others made great sense to him, especially going down 3rd street. It was his opinion and experience that traffic always slowed for kids because there were no sidewalks and they tend to slow on skinny streets as well. Councilor Day agreed, noting cards usually slowed down when people were out walking too.

Deputy Vasta spoke to calls he’d received about speeders in the Columbia area, but didn’t see any reason not to remove the stop sign at Santiam & 3rd. He added, removing the one on Greenwood could create a long stretch for people to pick up speed. Councilor Perry asked what the cost was to just leave the signs. Discussion took place on the TSP, which many of the newer Councilors had not seen. The City Recorder noted having a TSP dated in 2001 was not unheard of, as they were typically 20-30 year plans. The City was currently seeking a grant to update their plan. Councilor Myers agreed and cautioned the Council on tabling the decision over viewing the TSP.

Councilor Vaughan questioned the stop sign removed at 7th and Hazel, which was for the Hazel Hill development. That concerned her because she felt people flew down Hazel to get to the newer subdivision. She agreed with the removal of stop signs at Santiam and 3rd, but couldn’t speak to Columbia or Greenwood. Councilor Day was concerned with the removal of the stop sign on Columbia, as there was very little space on the side and felt that was more of a hazard.

Hearing concerns for different areas, Mayor McKenzie suggested voting on them individually, rather than conducting one vote for all. All in favor of removing the 4-way stop at Santiam & 3rd: Ayes – 6, Opposed – 0. APPROVED.

All in favor of removing the 4-way stop at Columbia & 3rd: Ayes – 5, Opposed – 1 (Perry), Abstain – 1 (Vaughan). APPROVED.

All in favor of removing the 4-way stop at Greenwood & 2nd: Ayes – 4, Opposed – 1 (Perry), Abstain - 1 (Vaughan). APPROVED.

B.  Draft Ordinance Re: Parking Permit District in Relation to Boat Ramp

Deputy Vasta commented on the very congested conditions in the area during the summer months; people parking on both sides of street, making it difficult for regular traffic to get by, let alone if there was ever a need to get an emergency vehicle through. In addition, people were parking right up to the exits and entries to the parking lot, making it a visibility hazard. He liked the idea of permitted parking for the residents that live along Mill and Ferry.

Councilor Perry confirmed it would be for both sides of the street. Discussion took place on adding language to make emergency vehicles exempt as the Fire Chief drove the suburban and parked it in front of his home. All Council agreed. Councilor Vaughan indicated she didn’t think many people knew the gravel lot was for free parking. Deputy Vasta noted the sign on the fence. There was talk on installing additional signage, as the existing one was blocked at times. A suggestion was made to install a sign at the entrances to the gravel lot to indicate it was available for free daytime parking, free boat ramp parking, no overnight parking, or something to that affect. Staff was directed to obtain price of appropriate signage and report back to Council. As to the draft ordinance, it was the Council’s desire to move forward with the resident permit parking district.

C.  7th St. Park Discussion

Councilor Beyerl commented their only hold up was the water rights transfer, noting that until that was done, he’d rather not do anything with the park property. All agreed the building was a problem when kept as a park because it created a hiding spot, but once the water right transfer could be completed and the well-house removed, it would stay that way. Councilor Myers expressed his sadness and disappointment in all the vandalism that had taken place at the park because the City worked very hard to establish the first park in town, including enlisting the foreign exchange program who sent many volunteers to help. He was concerned with the ongoing cost involved in cleaning up or fixing things, as opposed to perhaps a single cost to tear it down and build something smaller to protect the well. All agreed to sit tight and wait to do anything to the well house because as long as there was some structure there, no matter what the size, somebody would damage it.

D.  Sample Ordinance Re: Panhandling/Transfer of Money or Property

Mayor McKenzie provided some background on the matter, recalling the questions that started circling the community when the homeless man began hanging around the streets of Jefferson, not to mention the number of people on street corners in Albany asking for handouts. Since Jefferson did not have existing regulations that addressed the matter, he thought it would be good to take a proactive approach. He felt the intent was to keep traffic flowing and talked about the safety concern presented when vehicles stop in the middle of the road, blocking traffic, to hand out money or whatever. Councilor Beyerl was in favor of being pro-active and agreed something should be put together so the Deputies had something they could work with, as it would be a tool for them as well.

The City Recorder explained the materials in their packet were examples of just a few other cities. With Council’s direction to proceed, staff would pursue other examples and prepare a draft ordinance for the Council to review again. Deputy Vasta added that while there may not be any homeless people in Jefferson at the moment, having regulations in place beforehand would help, if they were to start migrating into town. He noted too, that it wasn’t just about dealing with the concerns of blocking traffic, but it also would help them address other things that tend to come along with that type of lifestyle including littering, public urination, drugs and/or paraphernalia, etc. He didn’t want that image for Jefferson and hoped the City Council didn’t either. All Councilors agreed and directed staff to move forward with preparing a draft ordinance for their later consideration.

III. APPROVAL OF ACCOUNTS PAYABLE – Dave Beyerl moved. Councilor Perry seconded. All in favor: Ayes – 6, Opposed – 0. APPROVED.



Judi Day – prayers for people in Nice, France and all of us.

Dave Beyerl welcomed back Councilors who had been out for medical reasons.

Mike Myers – asked that the City could send a letter of support and appreciation for law enforcement to the Sheriff of Dallas in light of all the horrible acts of violence. He added that these were just incredibly amazing times to him; the idea that one can say or physically do to others because they simply disagree was very concerning.

Councilor Vaughan commented, in regards to panhandling, there were several places for homeless people to go but certain habits prohibit them from being at the shelter. She explained there had been unsafe situations in her building where she worked and felt Albany had done a good job in providing places for people to go for meals, warmth, and a bed, but some continue to make choices that prevent them from those resources. She felt it was proactive for Jefferson to do something ahead of time. Deputy Vasta agreed and shared with them that there were already a couple tents of homeless people living just on the other side of the river.

VI. ADJOURNMENT – Walt Perry moved to adjourn. Councilor Beyerl seconded. All were in favor and the meeting closed at 7:40pm.

MINUTES APPROVED this 25th day of August, 2016.


Patrick McKenzie, Mayor



Sarah Cook, City Recorder

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