Minutes of a planning meeting held on Monday, 21st August, 2017
At 7.30 pm in the Phoenix Hall
PRESENT:Cllr. J. TigheChairman
Cllr. T. BarkerVice Chairman
Cllr. D. Burke
Cllr. R. Hayward
Cllr. F. Collison
Cllr. B. Covil
Cllr. Mrs. L. Barker
Cllr. Mrs. M. Mitchell
In Attendance:Mrs. Mary TowleClerk
Mr. Martin KiteApplicant
25 members of the public
Application No. 17/07181/FUL New Access to field adjacent to:
Highview, Salisbury Road, Netheravon
1.Introduction by Chairman of the Netheravon Parish Council, Cllr. John Tighe
The Chairman welcomed members of the public to the meeting and asked that the agenda is followed and the questions asked are only questionsrelevant to the application.
2.Presentation by Chairman of Planning, Cllr. David Burke
Cllr. Burke explained the application and illustrated the perceived dangers by a series of photographs shown on the large screen.
3.Questions to Mr. Martin Kite from the Parish Council
1.Is it correct that you own the field, but not the bungalow or mink farm?
2.Where is your official access into the field?
3.What is wrong with this access?
4.What is the new access for: agricultural use/frequency and have you approached or been approached by a third party for access
5.Do you rent the fields on the lower level adjacent to the old mink farm and the tank crossing from the MOD?
6.Do you have an access point into your parcel of land via the rented MOD fields
7.What is your proposed use of the higher parcel of land
8.You advise you have taken advice from Wiltshire Council for the new access – what questions did they ask and what were your replies/answers – it is Wiltshire Council who will determine this application.
9.Have you or your agent received from Wiltshire Council or undertaken yourselves any form of traffic survey? Do you realise that the speed limit is 50 mph on this particular section of road and we have had numerous accidents/fatalities over the last four years - it is a death trap.
10.The application advises ‘yes’ to a new Public Right of Way – can you please explain what this is for and for who’s benefit?
4.Questions to Mr. Kite from members of the Public
- What assurances do we get that it is not for other use i.e. housing
- There will be no visibility to Mill Road
- There is access across the fields and the access at Highview which is very dangerous. New proposed access less dangerous
- Mr. Kite could enlarge the Highview Access to make it safer
- The MOD can stop people using the tank crossing at any time
- People break the speed limit along the A345
- There is access to the site across the fields from the tank crossing. Do you envisage a time when you will not be able to do this?
Cllr. Burke then read out a statement from the Parish Council’s Planning Consultants which read:
The A345 is a busy part of the strategic highways infrastructure in Wiltshire and is subject to a 50mph speed limit. I am aware there are local concerns with regards to safety and excessive speed along the A345 as well as issues associated with new and intensified vehicular accesses onto this route. In the locality there have been many serious incidents, including a fatal three-car collision on 17th November 2015. Visibility to the Site is restricted in both directions by established natural features and land outside of the Applicants’ ownership. The proposed visibility is therefore far below the required minimum of 160 metres (‘y’ distance) and 4.5 metres (‘x’ distance) in the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges. As a result, there is a very significant highway safety risk to all users in using this access. There is no evidence provided by the Applicants to demonstrate why the proposed visibility splays would be safe. As a result, the proposed development would conflict with Core Policies 60, 61 & 62 and paragraph 32 of the NPPF. In the absence of evidence to support the visibility splays, the proposed development should be refused on transport grounds as the residual cumulative impacts of development are severe.
5.Netheravon Parish Council Planning Meeting
After discussion, it was agreed unanimously to object to this application on the grounds of poor visibility, the speed vehicles travel along this stretch of road and the history of road accidents.