California SkillsUSA Welding Fabrication
Competition Update – 2013
Regional Welding Fabrication Winners:
Congratulations on your accomplishments thus far. Please review these guidelines for thestate competition in April. Now is the time to brainstorm, practice, and design yourproject to be built. Your team will have 6 hours to complete your project. Keep in mindyour team & project will be judged throughout your 6 hours. Manage your time wisely.
Please note prints of your design must be ready to turn in at orientation. (See itemssupplied by teams)
• Project Theme:
- Barbeque or Smoker
• Material List Supplied by Committee:
- Quantity 1: 1/8” x 48” x 96” Mild Steel
- Quantity 1: 1/8” x 48" x 48” Mild Steel
- Quantity 4: 1/8” x 1” x 1” 10ft Angle Iron
- Quantity 1: 48” x 48” 3/4" #9 Expanded Metal
- Quantity 2: .125 x 1 1/2 " x1 1/2" 10ft Square Tubing
- Quantity 1: 1 ½" OD x 10ft Pipe
- Quantity 2: 3” Hinges
- Quantity 1: 24" x 1/2" Round Stock
- Quantity 1: 24" x 3/4" Black Pipe
- Quantity 2: 2" Swivel Casters
• Welding Consumables Supplied by Committee:
- .035 Hobart AWS ER70S-6
- .045 Hobart AWS E71T-1
- 3/32” Lincoln Electric ER70S-2 GTAW Filler Rods
- 3/32” Lincoln Electric Excalibur E7018 SMAW Electrodes
- 3/32” Lincoln Electric E6010 SMAW Electrodes
• Minimum Project Requirements:
- 5 SMAW Welds of 3” or greater (Two 3F vertical up welds required)
- 5 GMAW Welds of 3” or greater (Two 3F vertical up welds required)
- 5 GTAW Welds of 3” or greater (Two 3F vertical up welds required)
- 5 FCAW Welds of 3” or greater (Two 3F vertical up welds required)
- 5 OFC Cuts of 5” or greater total of 25” of cut material using OFC process
- 80% of Total Weight of Material is required for project.
• Judging Categories:
- Safety
- Welding Skills
- Cutting Skills
- Teamwork
- Fabrication Accuracy
- Blueprint minimum requirements
- Title block
- Proper Critical Dimensions
- No tolerances are acceptable
- Proper Welding Symbols
- Proper Finishing Symbols
- Proper views needed to fabricate the project
- Written Test
- Verbal Project Description of Design, this will be a 2-5 minute descriptionof your project design that will be given to the judges before you compete
• Items that must be supplied by Teams:
- All Personal Protective Equipment
- Hearing and/or ear protection
- Welding helmet with appropriate filter plate/lens and protective coverplate/lens in a flip or slide front. Auto darkening shields are permissible
- Spare spatter and filter lenses/plates for arc welding helmet andoxyacetylene goggles
- Stainless steel wire brush
- A CD containing all electronic file(s) must be turned in at orientation:
- A (.pdf) file and a (.dxf) file is preferred.
- (2)Printed 11”x 17”Copies of Project Print(s) : 1 set for team, 1 set for judges
- One-page, typewritten résumé or turned in at orientation
- Students are not permitted to bring any power tools (other than Grinders) or templates.
- Teams may bring own hand tools but are not needed to complete theproject.
• Tools Supplied by Committee to each team:
- Welding Machines
- Miller Electric XMT 350 power source used for All welding processes
- Voltage Sensing Suitcases will be used for GMAW/FCAW
- Smith OFC Torch
- Materials from Bill of materials
• Other Information
- When fabricating, sometimes parts and/or steel pieces are not suppliedwith the correct dimensions. If the dimensions are different than yourprints, “on the job” corrections must be made. Notify the judges ifmaterials are not the correct dimensions prior to any material prep. Thejudges will take that into consideration when judging.
- There may be a potential acetylene supply shortage this year. Teamsshould practice with alternate fuel gases such as propylene and propane inthe event that acetylene is unavailable for the contest.
• Safety
- Face shields must be worn while grinding
- Helmets or oxyacetylene goggles must be worn while cutting
- Welding jackets must be worn while welding
- Safety glasses must be worn at all times
- Only one grinder and one welding machine may be used at a time due toclose proximity of teammates
- Grinding sparks on the welding equipment or other people will result in adeduction in points
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) OSHA Approved
*Not Provided by Committee
- Safety Glasses
- Hearing Protection
- Leather Work Boots
- Welding Gloves
- Welding Jacket
- Face Shield
- OFC cutting goggles or glasses