Summer Safety
How LifeWorks Can Help
Summer is officially here! Be sure to protect yourself from strong sun, potential outdoor accidents, and other risks while you’re enjoying the benefits of summer.
Here are five helpful reminders, courtesy of LifeWorks:
  1. Protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun. The sun gives off invisible ultraviolet rays that can cause many serious health conditions, including skin cancer. Make sure you use sunscreen that blocks ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays.
The Canadian Dermatology Association ( recommends an SPF from 30 to 50. And cover up exposed parts of your body when you have to go outdoors in strong sunlight and even on cloudy days, too. Reapply sunscreen several times throughout the day, especially when you are in and out of the water or perspiring heavily. Remember to protect children as well.
  1. Practice water safety.Watch children closely and do not allow them to go into the water alone. Ask about strong currents and other dangerous swimming conditions if you are swimming outdoors. Only swim at beaches where lifeguards are present.
  2. If you ride a bike or motorcycle, wear a helmet.Never listen to music or a phone while riding. You need to be able to hear and pay attention fully. And take the proper safety precautions for other sports, too.
  1. Prepare for and protect yourself and loved ones during heat waves.Never leave children, pets, or anyone with limited mobility alone inside a car, even for a few minutes. When the temperature outside is 26 degrees Celsius (80 degrees Farenheit), the inside of a car can heat up to 37 degrees Celsius (99 degrees Farenheit) in just 10 minutes.
  2. Protect against Zika.TheZika virus is spread to people primarily through the bite of an infected Aedesspecies mosquito. Although this mosquito isn’t found in Canada, there are risks if you’re travelling to Zika-affected areas -- particularly if you’re pregnant or planning to become pregnant -- and there are other ways to contract the virus.
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  • Heat Wave Safety Tips
  • Protecting Against Zika Virus
  • Sun Safety for Children
  • Swimming Safety for Children
  • Family Safety Toolkit - Summer
  • Planning a Family Vacation
  • Preparing for A Healthy Family Vacation