Dear Parents,
What a wonderful Catholic Schools Week we had at St. Clare last week! Students spoke at all the Masses on January 28-29. Monday the 8th grade students attended the Region 3 Mass with Archbishop Carlson. Both Monsignor Callahan and Father Hecktor joined other pastors and priests from our region at the Mass. In the afternoon, we welcomed Fredbird to St. Clare. Tuesday was Smile Day with the faculty modeling their smile t-shirts. We had Smile balloons in the cafeteria and Smile cookies were the treat of the day. Wednesday was our annual Open House. Our parent tour guides and student tour guides were awesome and we welcomed several new families as they visited our school. Thursday began with an All School Mass followed by a visit from the Magic House for the younger grades…. PreKhad their visit on Monday. The upper grades visited HI NRG for lots of activity! Friday was Color Day with a sea of colorful t-shirts. The week ended with the annual faculty/student volleyball game. I cannot thank the PTO enough for their support and generosity in making the week a memorable one.
Tina Meier from the Megan Meier Foundation will make a presentation to the parents on Tuesday, February 7, at 7:00PM. The presentation will take place in the church. Babysitting is available. I ask that at least one parent plan to attend. Her information addresses the issues of bullying and cyberbullying and their devastating effects. Grades 3-5 and 6-8 will hear Mrs. Meier’s presentation on Wednesday. Her presentations will be age appropriate. Our counselor, Ms. Thompson will be here on Wednesday to meet with students if needed.
The first half of re-enrollment fees are due on Friday, February 10. The second half is due Friday, March 10. If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Linneman in the school office. Remember to check out tuition assistance at Thisinformation was sent home to you in the Friday folderandsent as an email.
Seussical Jr. our annual musical will be presented on Wednesday, February 15 at 9:30. 1:30, and 7:00. The Knights of Columbus is sponsoring a dinner theater presentation on Tuesday, February 14 at 6:15. We thank the Knights of Columbus for their support of our fine arts programs. Thanks also to Ms McCormick, Ms Feehan, and Mrs. Hummel and their team of volunteers for all the hard work on the play.
The PTO will be assisting Mrs. Trani in the annual Mardi Gras Gathering following 5:00 Mass on Sunday, February 26. The school Mission Carnival is Tuesday, February 28. Ash Wednesday, March 1, the students will attend Mass at 10:00. Our Lenten Mission effort is Walk for Water in conjunction with Catholic Relief Services. We have collected over $700 towards our goal of $3200 in honor of Monsignor Callahan’s 32 years as a priest.
Monthly Reminders:
- Health Fair for grades K-4 February 17
- Early dismissal at 12:00 February 17
- Luke 18 Retreat February 18-19
- No School February 20 in honor of Presidents’ Day
The PTO Auction and Dinner Dance is February 25 at 6:00PM at the Doubletree Hotel. This is always a great evening that helps support St. Clare of Assisi School. Get a table of friends together and join in the fun!
The Lenten season is around the corner. Perhaps it would be a good time to spend some quiet time with the Lord praying for our country, our elected official, our friends, and family to embrace a culture of kindness for others. God does indeed hear our prayers.
Marie Sinnett