HISTORY CHECK-INS DUE – Thursday March 10th
BACKGROUND: Describe 5 IDEAS that you have learned in your research so far.
FOCUS – RESEARCH QUESTION – What is the question (possibly more than one at this stage) that you are researching? Litmus test for questions:
- Open-ended – Questions should not have one answer.
- Complex: Questions should require layers of research on various perspectives.
- Interesting/Creative/original – Questions should reflect the interest of YOU, the researcher and should show your unique twist on the information that exists on your subject.
EXAMPLE: Many of you are studying women and suffrage movements. . .How did women acquire suffrage could be a question. . but it certainly doesn’t pass part 3 of the litmus test. . .Every textbook in American History chronicles the how. . .I’m not even sure the question (at least how it is phrased) passes #2. . .
Instead. . .I might approach the suffrage movement this way:
How did women both accept and reject the movement toward suffrage?
. . or . . .what was the link between the reform movements of the 1820s-40s and the suffrage movements. . .
Or. . .
Why and how did factions develop in the suffrage movement. How did these factions reveal deeper divisions about gender identity in American society?
Or. .
What was the link between political suffrage and female power and influence in society. Did the two go together?
Or. .
Did women exert power in other non-political ways before the suffrage movement?
Or. .
How did Westward Expansion challenge American notions of gender identity in the 19th Century?
Or. .
. . . .are you getting the idea yet? Think of impressionist paintings. . . .I don’t need you to be the camera person who writes the story that happened. . .I can read the textbooks. I need you to offer analysis and perspective on these events. No. . you are not going to necessarily find a book entitled Westward Expansion changes American notions of gender identity in the 19th Century. . (although you may find an article or two). . but you will find primary sources and secondary sources detailing the experience of women out West. Your job is to connect the dots. . . .to pose a question and search for the answer. . .
In this part of your “check-in,” compose a one page analysis of how your topic connects to the American Dream. We have spent considerable time in class discussing elements of this dream and how different groups of Americans have aspired to achieve the American Dream. . or how some groups have managed to fall into the American Nightmare.
Last part. . .An annotated bibliography is a list of sources using the correct MLA format. After each source is listed, you must explain what you found in the source and evaluate the source’s usefulness for your topic so far. I will post a sample annotated bibliography online for you.
HONORS – By the time the paper is due you must have the following:
3 primary sources
6 additional sources – no random websites (like about.com) – recommended sites or scholarly/university sites only. . .2 should be print based sources.
12 page paper. .
College prep:
2 primary sources
4 additional sources --no random websites (like about.com) – recommended sites or scholarly/university sites only. . .2 should be print based sources.
8 page paper.