Variable (compatibility means that it depends of the application method, rates or references)

Seeds treatments, even those that are published as “avoid use” are usually compatible with mycorrhizae because they provide a small amount of pesticide that are quickly removed in the soil and roots.


CROWN Carbathin (carboxin)/Thiabendazole Fungicide NT

CUIVRE 53M Sulfate de cuivre tribas Fungicide NT

CUIVRE PM Oxychlorure de cuivre Fungicide YES

CURALAN Vinclozolin Fungicide YES

CYPREX 65W Dodine Fungicide NT

DACINOL Chlorothalonil Fungicide Variable

DACONIL 2787 Chlorothalonil Fungicide Variable

DACONIL ULTREX Chlorothalonil Fungicide Variable

DACONIL W75 Chlorothalonil Fungicide Variable

DACONIL WEATHER STIK Chlorothalonil Fungicide Variable

DADS Bisulfure de diallyle Fungicide NT

DEMOSAN Chloroneb Fungicide YES

DIFOLATAN Captafol Fungicide YES

DIFOSAN Captafol Fungicide NT

DITHANE DG Mancozeb Fungicide Variable

DITHANE M-22 Mancozeb Fungicide YES

DITHANE M-45 Mancozeb Fungicide Variable

DITHANE WSP Mancozeb Fungicide Variable

DITIVER M45 Mancozeb Fungicide Variable

DIVIDEND XL/RTA Difenoconazol, Metalaxyl-M Fungicide YES

DUOSAN Topsin-M Fungicide YES

DYNASTY Azoxystrobin Fungicide YES

EAGLE Myclobutanil Fungicide NT

EASOUT Thiophanate-methyl Fungicide Variable

ECHO 720 Chlorothalonil Fungicide Variable

ECHO 90DF Chlorothalonil Fungicide Variable

EUPAREN 50PM Tolil Fluanida Fungicide Variable

EXOTHERM Chlorothalonil Fungicide Variable

FERBAM 76WDG Ferbame Fungicide YES

FERMATE Carbamate Fungicide YES

FLONEX-MZ400 Mancozeb Fungicide YES

FLORITECH Folpet, carbaryl, pirimicarb Fungicide NT

FLUTOLANIL (MONCUT) Cuivre et acides aminées Fungicide NT

FORE Mancozeb Fungicide Variable

FORMALIN Formaldehyde Fungicide NO

FORUM Dimetomorf + Folpet Fungicide Variable

FUNGINEX Triforine Fungicide YES

FUNGO Thiophanate-methyl Fungicide Variable

GEMINI Triticonazole-Thiram Fungicide YES

GENESIS 240 Ipridaclopride Fungicide NT

GENESIS XT Mancozeb/Thiophanate- Fungicide NT

GUSTAFSON 42S Thiram Fungicide YES

HEADLINE EC Pyraclostrobine Fungicide NT

HERITAGE Azoxystrobin Fungicide YES

INACOP Cobre Fungicide YES

INSURE CEREAL Pyraclostrobine-triticonazole-Metalaxyl Fungicide YES

IPRODIONE 4L Iprodione Fungicide YES

KOBAN 1.3G thiadiazole Fungicide NT

KOCIDE 101 Hydroxyde de cuivre Fungicide NO

KOCIDE 2000 Hydroxyde de cuivre Fungicide NO

LAICON-L Poloxina-B Fungicide NO

LANCE WDG Boscalid Fungicide NT

LESAN Fenaminosulf Fungicide YES

MAESTRO 75 DF Captan Fungicide Variable

MANCOPLUS Mancozeb Fungicide Variable

MANCOZEB Manèbe Fungicide YES

MANEB Manate Fungicide Variable

MANZATE 200 DF Mancozeb Fungicide Variable

MANZATE 75 DF Mancozeb Fungicide Variable

MANZATE PRO-STICK Mancozeb Fungicide YES

MAXIM fludioxonil Fungicide YES

MAXIM 480 FS fludioxonil Fungicide YES

MAXIM MZ PSP fludioxonil Fungicide YES

MAXIM PSP fludioxonil Fungicide YES

MAXIM QUATTRO azoxystrobin/fludioxonil/metalaxyl-M/thiabendazole Fungicide NT

MERTECT Thiabendazole Fungicide Variable

METARAM (TMTD) Thiram Fungicide YES

METHYL BROMIDE Bromomethane Fungicide NO

MICROSCOPIC SULFUR Soufre microfin Fungicide YES

MONCUT Flutolanil Fungicide YES

MYR Cu Cobre + AA Fungicide YES

NO-DAMP Benzoxine Fungicide YES

NOVA 40 W Myclobutanil Fungicide NT

OCTAGÓN Procloraz Fungicide Variable

OLPISAN Olpisan Fungicide NT

ORTHOCIDE Captan Fungicide Variable

ORTIVA Azoxystrobin Fungicide YES

OXAMYL Oxamyl Fungicide Variable

P.M.A.S. Phenyl-acetate mercure Fungicide NT

PARMEX Iprodione Fungicide Variable

PCNB TERRACHLOR Quintozène Fungicide NO

PENNCOZEB 80 WP Mancozeb Fungicide NO

PENTAC Dienochlor Fungicide YES

PENTRI 308FS Penflufen + Trifloxystrobin Fungicide YES

PHALTAN (Folpet) dazomet Fungicide Variable

PIRIMOR Pirimicarb Fungicide YES

POLYRAM 16-D Métirame Fungicide NT

POLYRAM DF Métirame Fungicide NT

POLYRAM-16DF Métirame Fungicide NT

POTATO ST-16 Mancozeb Fungicide YES

PRESIDIO Fluopicolide Fungicide

PREVICUR Propamocarb Fungicide YES

PRISTINE WG Bosaclide/pyraclostrobine Fungicide NT

PRODIGY Fosetil-Al Fungicide Variable


PROSTAR 70WP Flutolanil Fungicide NT

QUADRIS FL Azoxystrobin Fungicide YES

QUADRIS GRANULAIRE Azoxystrobin Fungicide YES

QUADRIS TOP Azoxystrobin/Difenoconazole Fungicide NT

QUINTOZENE Quintozène Fungicide NO

RAINSHIELD NT Mancozeb Fungicide NT

RANMAN 400SC Cyazofamide Fungicide NT

RAXIL 250 ML Tebuconazole Fungicide NT

RAXIL FL Tebuconazole Fungicide NT

RAXIL MD Tebuconazole/metalaxyl Fungicide NT

RAXIL T Tebuconazole/thiram Fungicide NT

REVUS Mandipropamid Fungicide NT

REVUS TOP Mandipropamid Fungicide NT

RIDOMIL - SUBDUE Fungicide Variable

RIDOMIL GOLD 480 SL Métalaxyl-m et Isomère-S Fungicide YES

RIDOMIL MZ72 Mancozeb+Metalaxil M Fungicide Variable

ROVRAL Iprodione Fungicide YES

ROVRAL GREEN Iprodione Fungicide YES

RUBIGAN Fenarimol 12% Fungicide Variable

SENATOR 70WP thiophanate-methyl Fungicide NT

SENATOR PSPT Thiophanate-methyl Fungicide YES


SOLAN MZ Mancozeb Fungicide Variable

SOUFRE - 92% Sulfur Fungicide YES

STREPTOMYCIN 17 Sulfate de streptomycine Fungicide YES

STROBY Kresoxim methyl Fungicide Variable

SULFUR Sulfur Fungicide YES

SWITCH Ciprodinil + Fludioxonil Fungicide Variable

SYSTEC 1998 Thiophanate-methyl Fungicide Variable

TAGHIGAREN Himexazol Fungicide YES

TELDOR Fenhexamida Fungicide Variable

TERRACLOR 75% WP Quintozène Fungicide Variable

TERRANEB SP Chloroneb Fungicide YES

TERRAZOLE Etridiazol Fungicide Variable


TERSAN 1991 Benomyl Fungicide Variable

TERSAN 75 Thiram Fungicide YES

THIAZOLE Thiazole Fungicide NO

THIOPHANATE METHYL Thiphanate-methyl Fungicide Variable

THIRAM Thiram Fungicide YES

TILT Propiconazole Fungicide NO

TRIADIMEFON Triadimefon Fungicide NT

TRIADIMENOL Triadimenol Fungicide NT

TRILEX-AL Trifloxystrobin/Metalaxyl Fungicide NT

TRILEX FS trifloxystrobin Fungicide NT

TRUBAN Etridiazol Fungicide Variable

TUBERSEAL Mancozeb Fungicide Variable

TURFCIDE Quintozène Fungicide Variable

VENDEX 50W Fenbutatin-oxyde Fungicide YES

VERTISAN Penthiopyrad Fungicide YES

VIBRANCE 500 FS Sedaxane Fungicide YES

VIBRANCE XL Difenoconazol, Metalaxyl-M, Sedaxane Fungicide NT

VITAFLO 280 Carbathin (carboxin)/thiram Fungicide YES

VITAVAX Carboxin Fungicide Variable

VORLAN Vinclozolin Fungicide YES

VORTEX FL ipconazole Fungicide NT

ZINC OXIDE Zinc Fungicide NT

ZINEB 80W Zinèbe Fungicide NT

SERENADE ASO Bacillus subtilis Biofongicide NT

SERENADE MAX Bacillus subtilis Biofongicide NT

SERENADE SOIL Bacillus subtilis Biofongicide NT

CONTANS WG Coniothyrium minitans Biofongicide NT

2,4-D/dicamba/ mécoprop-P Killex Herbicide NT

Aatrex Liquid atrazine Herbicide NT

Aatrex Nine-0 atrazine Herbicide NT

Accent nicosulfuron Herbicide NT

Accent 1-Pass1 nicosulfuron + prosulfuron + dicamba Herbicide NT

Accent Total1 nicosulfuron + diflufenzopyr/ dicamba Herbicide NT

Acclaim Super fénoxaprop-p-éthyl Herbicide NT

Achieve Liquid tralkoxydime Herbicide NT

Alanap-3 naptalame Herbicide NT

Amine 500 2,4-D* Herbicide NT

Amitrol 240 amitrole Herbicide NT

Aqua-Kleen 2,4-D aquatique Herbicide NT

AquaShade colorants acid bleu 9 + acide jaune 23 Herbicide NT

Arsenal imazapyr Herbicide YES

Assure II quizalofop-p-éthyl Herbicide NT

Atrazine 480 atrazine Herbicide NT

Atrazine 90 WG atrazine Herbicide NT

Axiom flufénacet/ métribuzine Herbicide NT

Badge bromoxynil/ MCPA Herbicide NT

Banvel II dicamba Herbicide NT

Basagran bentazone Herbicide NT

Basagran Forté bentazone Herbicide NT

Basamid dazomet Herbicide NT

Battalion1 rimsulfuron + s-métolachlore/ benoxacor + dicamba Herbicide NT

Betamix desmédiphame/phenmédiphame Herbicide NT

Betanex desmédiphame Herbicide NT

Betasan bensulide Herbicide NT

Betasan (GR) bensulide Herbicide NT

Blazer acifluorflène Herbicide NT

Bonanza 400 trifluraline Herbicide NT

Boundary s-métolachlore + métribuzine Herbicide NT

Broadstrike Dual Magnum flumetsulam/ métolachlore Herbicide NT

bromacil/diuron Krovar Herbicide NT

bromoxynil Koril Herbicide NT

Buctril M bromoxynil/ MCPA Herbicide NT

Caliber 400 2,4-DB Herbicide NT

Caliber 625 2,4-DB Herbicide NT

Callisto mésotrione Herbicide NT

Casoron 4G dichlobénil Herbicide NT

Catena Herbicide glyphosate Herbicide YES

Celsius WG thiencarbazone-methyl, idosulfuron-methyle-sodium, dicamba Herbicide NT

CIPC chlorprophame Herbicide YES

CIPC EC chlorprophame Herbicide YES

CIPC GR chlorprophame Herbicide YES

Classic chlorimuron-éthyl Herbicide NT

Cleansweep1 imazéthapyr + bentazone Herbicide NT

Clear-It 1 glyphosate Herbicide YES

Clear-It 2 glyphosate Herbicide YES

Clear-It 3 glyphosate Herbicide YES

Clovitox Plus MCPB/MCPA Herbicide NT

Cobutox 600 2,4-DB Herbicide NT

Cobutox 625 2,4-DB Herbicide NT

Command 360 ME clomazone Herbicide NT

Compitox mécoprop-P Herbicide NT

Conquest1 imazéthapyr + métribuzine Herbicide NT

Converge 480 atrazine Herbicide NT

Converge Pro isoxaflutole Herbicide NT

Credit glyphosate Herbicide YES

Credit Plus glyphosate Herbicide YES

Dacthal W-75 chlorthal- diméthyl Herbicide YES

Desormone dichlorprop/2,4-D Herbicide NT

Devrinol 10G napropamide Herbicide YES

Devrinol 2G napropamide Herbicide YES

Devrinol DF napropamide Herbicide YES

Dimension dithiopyr Herbicide NT

Diphenoprop BK 700 dichlorprop/2,4-D Herbicide NT

Distinct diflufenzopyr/ dicamba Herbicide NT

Diurex 80W diuron Herbicide YES

diuron Karmex Herbicide NT

Dual II Magnum s-métolachlore/ benoxacor Herbicide NT

Dyvel dicamba/MCPA Herbicide NT

EcoClear acide acétique Herbicide NT

Embutox 625 2,4-DB Herbicide NT

Eptam EPTC Herbicide NT

Eradicane EPTC/R25788 (EPTC+) Herbicide NT

Estaprop Plus dichlorprop/2,4-D Herbicide NT

Ester 600 2,4-D* Herbicide NT

Ester 700 2,4-D* Herbicide NT

Ester LV 600 2,4-D* Herbicide NT

Ester LV 700 2,4-D* Herbicide NT

Excel Super fénoxaprop-p-éthyl Herbicide NT

Expedite Grass & Weed glyphosate Herbicide YES

Ezject glyphosate Herbicide YES

Factor glyphosate Herbicide YES

Finale Glufosinate ammonium Herbicide YES

Firstrate cloransulam-méthyl Herbicide NT

fosamine d"ammonium Krenite Herbicide NT

Frontier diméthénamide Herbicide NT

Gallery isoxabène Herbicide NT

Garlon 4 triclopyr Herbicide NT

Gesagard 480 SC prométryne Herbicide NT

Glyfos glyphosate Herbicide YES

Goal 2XL oxyfluorfen Herbicide NO

Gramoxone paraquat Herbicide Variable

Guardian -éthyl + glysophate Herbicide NT

Hammer imazethapyr Herbicide YES

Herbicide 273 endothall Herbicide NT

Hyvar X-L bromacil Herbicide NT

Ignite ammonium Herbicide NT

IPCO 2,4-D Amine 600 2,4-D* Herbicide NT

IPCO 2,4-D Ester 700 2,4-D* Herbicide NT

IPCO Dichlorprop D dichlorprop/2,4-D Herbicide NT

IPCO Premium 2-Way XP Turf Herbicide mécoprop/2,4-D Herbicide NT

IPCO Premium 3-Way Turf Herbicide 2,4-D/dicamba/ mécoprop Herbicide NT

Karmex diuron Herbicide YES

Kerb propyzamide Herbicide NT

Killex 2,4-D/dicamba/ mécoprop Herbicide NT

Koril bromoxynil Herbicide NT

Krenite fosamine d'ammonium Herbicide NT

Krovar bromacil /diuron Herbicide NT

Laddock bentazone/ atrazine Herbicide NT

Liberty 200SN ammonium Herbicide NT

Liberty Prime1 glufosinate ammonium + s-métolachlore/ atrazineHerbicide NT

Liberty Prime1 s-métolachlore/ benoxacor/ atrazine + glufosinate ammonium Herbicide NT

Lontrel 360 clopyralide Herbicide NT

Lorox DF linuron Herbicide NT

Lorox L linuron Herbicide NT

Mamba glyphosate Herbicide YES

Mandate Thiazopyr Herbicide NT

Marksman dicamba/atrazine Herbicide NT

MCPA Amine MCPA Herbicide YES

MCPA Ester MCPA Herbicide YES

MCPA Ester MCPA Herbicide YES

MCPA Sodium 300 MCPA Herbicide YES

Mécoprop mécoprop-P Herbicide NT

Mecoturf Plus 2,4-D mécoprop/2,4-D Herbicide NT

Meridian Plus1 imazamox + bentazone Herbicide NT

Mextrol bromoxynil/ MCPA Herbicide NT

Muster éthametsulfuron- méthyl Herbicide NT

Nortron SC éthofumésate Herbicide NT

Nufarm 2,4-D Amine 600 2,4-D* Herbicide NT

Nufarm 2,4-D Ester 700 2,4-D* Herbicide NT

Option 2.25 OD foramsulfuron Herbicide NT

Option 35DF foramsulfuron Herbicide NT

Oracle dicamba Herbicide NT

Par III 2,4-D/dicamba/ mécoprop Herbicide NT

Paraquat paraquat Herbicide YES

Pardner bromoxynil Herbicide NT

Peakplus1 prosulfuron + dicamba Herbicide NT

Pinnacle thifensulfuron-méthyl Herbicide NT

Poast Ultra séthoxydime Herbicide NT

Primextra II Magnum s-métolachlore/ benoxacor/ atrazine Herbicide NT

Princep Nine-T simazine Herbicide Variable

Prism rimsulfuron Herbicide NT

Pro-Grass ethofumesate Herbicide NT

Pronone hexazinone Herbicide NT

propyzamide Kerb Herbicide NT

Prowl 400 pendiméthaline Herbicide YES

Pursuit imazéthapyr Herbicide NT

Pyramin FL pyrazone Herbicide NT

Refine Extra thifensulfuron-méthyl/triberuron-méthyl Herbicide NT

Reflex fomésafene Herbicide NT

Reglone Dessicant diquat Herbicide NT

Release triclopyr Herbicide NT

Renegade glyphosate Herbicide YES

Revolver foramsulfuron Herbicide NT

Reward diquat (aquatique) Herbicide NT

Rival trifluraline Herbicide NT

Ronstar 2G oxadiazon Herbicide Variable

Roundup glyphosate Herbicide YES

Roundup Dry glyphosate Herbicide YES

Roundup Transorb glyphosate Herbicide YES

Roundup Weathermax glyphosate Herbicide YES

Royal MH 60 SG hydrazide maléigue Herbicide NT

Salvo 2,4-D Ester 700 2,4-D* Herbicide NT

Select cléthodime Herbicide NT

Sencor 480 F mécoprop/2,4-D Herbicide NT

Sencor 75 DF mécoprop/2,4-D Herbicide NT

Sencor Solupak mécoprop/2,4-D Herbicide NT

Shotgun atrazine/2,4-D Herbicide NT

Simadex simazine Herbicide Variable

Simazine 480 simazine Herbicide Variable

Sinbar terbacile Herbicide NT

Summit primisulfuron-methyl/dicamba Herbicide NT

Summit Extra1 nicosulfuron + primisulfuron- methyl/dicamba Herbicide NT

Sword MCPA/ mécoprop/ dicamba Herbicide NT

Target dicamba/MCPA/ mécoprop-P Herbicide NT

Telar chlorsulfuron Herbicide NT

Topside MCPB/MCPA Herbicide NT

Tordon 101 piclorame/2,4-D Herbicide NT

Touchdown iQ glyphosate diammonique Herbicide YES

Transline clopyralide Herbicide NT

Treflan EC trifluraline Herbicide NT

Tri-Kil 2,4-D/dicamba/ mécoprop Herbicide NT

Trillion-P Liquid Turf Herbicide 2,4-D/dicamba/ mécoprop Herbicide NT

Tropotox Plus MCPB/MCPA Herbicide NT

Turboprop dichlorprop/2,4-D Herbicide NT

Turf-rite 2 + 2 mécoprop/2,4-D Herbicide NT

Ultim 75DF nicosulfuron/ rimsulfuron Herbicide NT

Ultim Total1 nicosulfuron/ rimsulfuron + diflufenzopyr/ dicamba Herbicide NT

Upbeet triflusulfuron-méthyl Herbicide NT

Valor imazéthapyr/ pendiméthaline Herbicide NT

Vanquish dicamba Herbicide NT

Vantage glyphosate Herbicide YES

Vantage Plus glyphosate Herbicide YES

Vapam métam sodium Herbicide NT

Velpar hexazinone Herbicide NT

Venture L fluazifop-p-butyl Herbicide NT

Viper1 imazamox + fomésafène Herbicide NT

Vision glyphosate Herbicide YES

Vision Max glyphosate Herbicide YES

Weed and Grass Killer paraquat/diquat Herbicide NT

Weedaway Premium 3-Way XP Turf Herbicide2,4-D/dicamba/ mécoprop Herbicide NT

Weedone CB dichlorprop/2,4-D Herbicide NT

ACE-CAP Acéphate Insecticide NT

ACTARA 240 SC Thiamethoxam Insecticide YES

ADMIRE 240 FS Imidacloprid Insecticide YES

ADMIRE SPT Imidacloprid Insecticide NT

ALIAS 240 SC Imidacloprid Insecticide NT

ALLECTUS SC Imidacloprid, Bifenthrin Insecticide NT

AMBUSH Perméthrine Insecticide YES

AMBUSH 25 WP Perméthrine Insecticide YES

AMBUSH 500 EC Perméthrine Insecticide NT

AMBUSH 500EC Perméthrine Insecticide NT

ANTI-PERCEURS Endosulfan Insecticide NT

AVID Abamectine Insecticide YES

BASUDIN 500EC Diazinon Insecticide Variable

BASUDIN 50W Diazinon Insecticide Variable

BASUDIN 5G Diazinon Insecticide Variable

BELEAF 50SG Flonicamid Insecticide NT

CHLORISECT Chlorpyrifos Insecticide NT

CITADEL 480 EC Chlorpyrifos Insecticide NT

CITATION cyromazine Insecticide YES

CLOTHIANIDINE Clothianidine Insecticide NT

CLUTCH 50 WDG Clothianidine Insecticide NT

CORETECT Imidacloprid Insecticide NT

Cruiser 350FS Thiamethoxam Insecticide YES

CRUISER 5FS Thiamethoxam Insecticide YES

CYGON 2E Dimethoate Insecticide YES

CYGON 2-E Dimethoate Insecticide YES

CYMBUSH 250 EC Cyperméthrine Insecticide NO

DECIS 5EC Deltametrine Insecticide NO

DELEGATE WG spinetoram Insecticide NT

DIAZINON Diazinon Insecticide Variable

DIAZINON 500 Diazinon Insecticide Variable

DIAZINON 50PM Diazinon Insecticide Variable

DIAZINON 5G Diazinon Insecticide Variable

DIAZOL Diazinon Insecticide Variable

DIBROM Naled Insecticide NT

DILOW 6.2 Trichlorfon, Dimethyl Insecticide NT

DILOX 420SL Trichlorfon Insecticide NT

DIMÉTHOATE 40 Dimethoate Insecticide NT

DIMÉTHOATE 480E Dimethoate Insecticide NT

DIPEL WP B.T. var kurstaki Insecticide NT

DI-SYSTON 15G Disulfoton Insecticide NT

DURSBAN 2E Chlorpyrifos Insecticide YES

DURSBAN HF Chlorpyrifos Insecticide YES

DURSBAN TURF Chlorpyrifos Insecticide YES

DUTOX 2 Dimethoate Insecticide NT

ENDOSULFAN 50W Endosulfan Insecticide NT

ENSTAR Kinoprène Insecticide YES

FLORITECT Folpet, carbaryl, primicarb Insecticide NT

FORAY 48B B.T. var kurstaki Insecticide NT

FORBID 4F Spiromesifen Insecticide NT

FOSBAN 2E Chlorpyrifos Insecticide NT

FRUIT PLUS Phosalone, Ferbam Insecticide NT

FYFANON 50EC Malathion Insecticide Variable

GAUCHO 480 L imidacloprid Insecticide NT

GAUCHO 600 Flowable Imidacloprid Insecticide YES

GRAPPLE Imidacloprid Insecticide NT

GRAPPLE-2 Imidacloprid Insecticide NT

GUTHION 50W Azinphos-méthyl Insecticide NT

GUTHION SC Azinphos-méthyl Insecticide NT

HUILE SUPÉRIEURE 70 Huile minérale Insecticide NT

IMIDAN 50-WP Phosmet Insecticide NT

IMIDAN 50-WP INSTAPAK Phosmet Insecticide NT

KELTHANE 50W Dicofol Insecticide YES

LAGON 480 Dimethoate Insecticide NT

LINDANE 25 WP Lindane Insecticide NT

LORSBAN 4E Chlorpyrifos Insecticide YES

MALATHION Malathion Insecticide Variable

MALATHION 25W Malathion Insecticide Variable

MALATHION 500 Malathion Insecticide Variable

MALATHION 50E Malathion Insecticide Variable

MALATHION 85E Malathion Insecticide Variable

MARATHON Imidacloprid Insecticide NT

MARGOSON Azateractin Insecticide YES

MATADOR Lambda-cyhalotrine Insecticide NT

MAVRIK Fluvinate Insecticide YES

ZIRAM Ziram Fungicide NO

MERIT 0.5G Imidacloprid Insecticide NT

MERIT 2.5G Imidacloprid Insecticide NT

MERIT 2F Imidacloprid Insecticide NT

MERIT 75WP Imidacloprid Insecticide NT

MERIT 75WSP Imidacloprid Insecticide NT

MÉTASYSTOX-R Oxydéméton-méthyl Insecticide YES

MÉTHOXYCHLOR 25-EC Méthoxychlore Insecticide NT

MÉTHOXYCHLORE Méthoxychlore Insecticide NT

MORESTAN Oxythioquinox Insecticide NT

MOXY 25-EC Méthoxychlore Insecticide NT

ORTHENE A&O Acéphate Insecticide YES

PARATHION 15W Parathion Insecticide Variable

PARATHION 960 Parathion Insecticide Variable

PIRIMOR 50 DF Pyrimicarbe Insecticide YES

PIRIMOR 50 WP Pyrimicarbe Insecticide YES

Poncho 250 Clothianidine Insecticide YES

Poncho 600 Clothianidine Insecticide YES

POUNCE Permethrine Insecticide NT

PYRATE 480 EC Chlorpyrifos Insecticide NT

PYRIFOS 15G Chlorpyrifos Insecticide NT

PYRINEX 480 EC Chlorpyrifos Insecticide NT

RIPCORD 400 Cyperméthrine Insecticide NT

SAVON INSECTICIDE Sel potassium ac gras Insecticide Variable

SEVIN BRAND 50W Carbaryl Insecticide YES

SEVIN BRAND 80S Carbaryl Insecticide YES

SEVIN XLR PLUS Carbaryl Insecticide YES

SILENCER 120 EC Lambda-cyhalotrine Insecticide NT

SMOTHER-OIL Huile minérale Insecticide NT

SNIPER 50W Azinphos-méthyl Insecticide NT

SOLGARD Chlorpyrifos Insecticide NT

STRESS SHIELD imidacloprid Insecticide NT

SURROUND WP Kaolin Insecticide NT

TALSTAR-ATTAIN Bifentrin Insecticide NT

TELONE II Dichlorpropene Insecticide NT

TEMPO SC ULTRA Cyfluthrin Insecticide NT

THIODAN 4EC Endosulfan Insecticide NT

THIODAN 50W Endosulfan Insecticide NT

THURICIDE-HPC B.T. var kurstaki Insecticide NT

TITAN ST Clothianidine Insecticide YES

TOP CHOICE Fipronil Insecticide NT

TRIGARD Cyromazine Insecticide YES

TROUNCE Sel potassium ac gras, pyréthrines Insecticide NT

TRUMPET Bendiocarb Insecticide YES

UP-CYDE 2.5EC Cyperméthrine Insecticide NT

ZOLONE FLO Phosalone Insecticide NT

Agrox B-2 Diazinon/Captan Insecticide/Fungicide NT

Agrox CD Diazinon/Captan Insecticide/Fungicide NT

Cruiser Maxx Beans Thiamethoxam/fludioxinil/mefenoxam Insecticide/Fungicide YES

Cruiser Maxx Potato Thiamethoxam/fludioxinil Insecticide/Fungicide YES

Cruiser Maxx D Potato Thiamethoxam/fludioxinil/Difeconazole Insecticide/Fungicide NT

Cruiser Maxx Vibrance beans Thiamethoxam/fludioxinil/mefenoxan/sedaxan Insecticide/Fungicide YES



yl-M et Isomère-S/Fludioxonil Insecticide/Fungicide NT

TELONE C-17 CA Dichloropropene/Chloropicrin Insecticide/Fungicide NT

TELONE C-35 Dichloropropene/Chloropicrin Insecticide/Fungicide NT

TITAN EMESTO Chlotianidin/Penflufen/Prothioconazole Insecticide/Fungicide YES

MIDAS 25:75 Idomethane/Chloropicrin Insecticide/Fungicide/Herbicide NT