Site Council Meeting Minutes


Members Present: Marianne Williams, Terri Nishimura, Lyn Chapman, Tracy Kliewer, Jamie

Stillman, Tracy Ryan, Jacquie Weaver, Nancy Pelley

Absent: None

Meeting called to order by Marianne Williams.

Election of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary

  • Tracy Ryan nominated Tracy Kliewer for Chairperson. Jackie Weaver seconded the motion. Approved: 8, Opposed: 0
  • Tracy Kliewer nominated Tracy Ryan for Vice-Chairperson. Jackie Weaver seconded. Approved: 8, Opposed: 0
  • Tracy Ryan nominated Jamie Stillman for Secretary. Jackie Weaver seconded. Approved: 8, Opposed: 0

Approval of Minutes from September 15, 2015

  • Jackie Weaver moved to approve the minutes of September 15, 2015 as written. Tracy Kliewer seconded the motion. Approved: 8, Opposed: 0

Club/Committee Reports

  • Leadership: There will be a rally on Friday, Oct. 22nd. Leadership would like to have funds to purchase prizes for future rally incentives. Leadership helped to plan Red Ribbon Week spirit days.
  • GATE: No meeting has occurred. Ms. Williams will meet with the district next week and report out at the next meeting.
  • English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC): Reviewed rules for the committee and CELDT scores at the last meeting. About 10% of the English Language Learner population attended the meeting.
  • Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO): Discussed the upcoming Harvest Festival. Appointed a Treasurer. One parent expressed an interest in yearbook.

Unfinished Business

  • After School Band: Pay for this position is $36 per hour. Ms. Williams will advertise in the newsletter for this position. It was suggested that Woodside check with the surrounding elementary schools to see if their music teachers were interested.

New Business

  • Site Council Training: Ms. Williams conducted the Site Council training. Rules, roles, responsibilities were reviewed.
  • There was a recommendation that the council receive the site plan ahead of time to review it before the November 3rd meeting. Additionally, the site council meeting agenda will be posted in the office 72 hours in advance. All site council members will be e-mailed a copy of the agenda as well.
  • DAC/SPAC Representative: Jamie Stillman volunteered to be Woodside’s representative on DAC/SPAC committee.

Public Comment/Questions

  • Question: Can we see schoolwide SBAC results? Ms. Williams will bring that information to the next meeting.
  • Discussion about SBAC included interpretation of scores and norms for the test
  • Question: Is Woodside doing a food drive this year? Parent who was in charge may not be at Woodside anymore. A suggestion was made for leadership to take on this service learning project. Ms. Williams will check with Ms. Bishop, the leadership teacher, to see if leadership is interested in participating in the canned food drive.
  • Discussion about the Giving Tree. Joanne may have been in charge of this last year. Staff nominates families in need. Families provide a list of needed items. Items are listed on stars or snowflakes with a corresponding number on a tree in the office. Families take the star or snowflake, purchase the items, wrap them and attach the star or snowflake to the wrapped package. The person in charge then matches the number with the family in need. It was suggested that Rita may be a good person for this task. Ms. Williams will check with Rita to see if she is interested in this task.


  • Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 3rd at 2:45 p.m.
  • Board Meeting: Tuesday, October 27th at 6:30 p.m.
  • Special Events: Principal for a Day, Attorney Larry Miles, Oct. 21 from 8-11 a.m.
  • Middle School Dance, Oct. 22nd, 6-8 p.m.
  • Harvest Festival, Sat., Oct. 24th, 5-8 p.m.
  • Oct. 30, Students may wear costumes for Halloween
  • Red Ribbon Week, Oct. 30 – Nov. 5
  • PTO Meeting, Wed., Nov. 11th, 6:30 p.m.

Tracy Ryan moved to adjourn the meeting. Terrie Nishimura seconded.

Approved: 8, Opposed: 0

Minutes submitted by: Nancy Pelley