
General questions: 1

Leisure and social time 1

Health questions 2

Travel booked by others 2

Claims 2

General questions:

Q. Have the insurance details changed?

A. We try to maintain consistency of insurance cover, however the provider of the insurance and supporting package is subject to change. It is best practice to only download information held on the intranet about travel insurance. Our current insurer has recently increased some insurance limits so taking a copy of the latest version on any journey is recommended.

Q. Where are the insurance details kept?

A. The Travel Hub on the intranet stores a summary of information relating to the latest travel insurance provider.

Q. What insurance documents do I need for my travel?

A. The Travel Hub has a ‘Travel Cover Summary’ document with details of the Certificate number and information to help you during travel. It is important that you keep this with you at all times because this details contacts for specific types of emergencies.

Q. Will I still have the support of Control Risks Group in the event of an emergency?

A. Yes, the provision is still available. Details are on the Travel Insurance Summary

Q. Where can I get more information about my destination?

A. The Control Risks website has a wide range of information about the cities and countries you are likely to visit. Login: umal213 Password: 88n12 Go to the left hand index and select Country Travel Guide. This gives a travel guide, practicalities (including cultural issues to be aware of), immigration requirements, and a host of useful information as well as traveller safety and security. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office also provides useful information. Key Travel have a useful checklist on cultural etiquette:,3MEY9,KWSTXB,D0Q5B,1

Leisure and social time

Q. Do I still get insurance ‘days of grace’ for holidays before/after my business travel?

A. Our existing insurer only allows travel / accommodation time in proportion to the business travel. Thus for a one day conference for university business insurance will apply to travel from the day before to the day after travel. For a business week, it is acceptable to travel out the Friday/Saturday before (to gain economies of travel) then return immediately the business has finished (with a day’s leeway allowing for availability of transport). If staff / students add holiday to the end of the business trip separate personal travel insurance should be arranged.

Q. Am I insured for leisure activities during my overseas business trip?

A. Our insurers appreciate that during business trips, especially overseas, there will be social activities and these are insured for the business period.

Any member of staff wishing to extend their business trip for holidays or to engage in ‘hazardous activities’1 during their social hours will need to arrange their own insurance. 1 – Hazardous activities are where a reasonable person would need to make a risk assessment e.g. the activity includes winter sports, bungee jumping, white water rafting

Health questions

Q. I am not travelling to Europe, so why would I need an EHIC card?

A. Many international flights involve changes of transport within Europe before onward travel. Anyone could need some form of medical treatment during their journey. Showing an EHIC card provides the medics with a European wide recognised identify enabling rapid medical action. Waiting for an insurer to confirm cover can take over an hour – longer if not in office hours.

Q. I have a pre-existing medical condition. Will the new travel provider be able to assist me with any special needs I may have?

A. Yes, travellers can contact Key Travel reservations team with details of the medical condition. Key Travel will then advise the airline/hotel to arrange any assistance required

Q. I have a pre-existing medical condition. Will our insurer cover me?

A. Yes, as long as you are not travelling or intending to travel against the advice of a qualified medical practitioner or for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment or medical advice. You will need to review your personal circumstances and refer to Occupational Health if appropriate (see ). After liaison with Occupational Health you may be asked to do a risk assessment. A template for overseas travel can be found at: You will need to think of extra hazards relating to your pre-existing condition and add these to the form.

Travel booked by others

Q. What do I need to do if my travel and/or accommodation has been booked by a third party (e.g. another university)?

A. If you are representing Northumbria University at your destination activity you will be insured by our insurance policies. Our Travel Insurance Summary is at

To ensure you are aware of potential risks and controls you can undertake, contact the third party to see if they have done a risk assessment. If not you should complete our travel declaration or standard risk assessment template. In addition, please register with the recommended mobile travel advisor and download the relevant app.


Q. How do I make a claim for travel insurance?

In emergencies, travellers should contact the companies listed on their travel insurance summary. Non-emergencies should be reported to the Insurance Advisor and a claim form completed. You will need to keep receipts for any extra costs you incur. If a theft has taken place you need to report this to the local police and gain a crime reference number (wherever you are in the world).

Q. Are there any exclusions on our travel insurance policy?

A. Yes. These include:

People related:

·  Any acts of war

·  Injury or illness involving radioactive contamination

·  Work related upper limb disorders

·  Any gradually operating cause – e.g. wear and tear

·  Pregnancy/childbirth within 1 months of the expected delivery date

·  Human Immune Deficiency Virus or sickness, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

·  Venereal disease

·  A travellers’ own criminal act or if they are involved in civil commotion or riot

·  Suicide and self-harm or in a state of insanity

·  Deliberate exposure to danger

·  Involvement in military naval or air services or operations

·  Air travel other than as a passenger

·  Dental or optical expenses unless as a result of an emergency

Property related

·  Damage/loss involving vermin, wear & tear, atmospheric/climatic conditions, gradual mechanical /electrical failure, cleaning , restoration, repairing , alteration

·  Loss / damage to property left overnight in any vehicle, or where the vehicle is unlocked or unattended (unless in a locked boot out of sight)

Losses must be reported to the Police/Consular or transport carrier within 24 hours of discovery of loss

For vehicle transport please also note the following exclusions:

·  No claim will be considered for theft in respect of property left in or on any unattended vehicle for the night except when such vehicle is either garaged in a building which is securely closed and locked or parked in a compound secured by locked gates

·  No claim will be considered for theft from any vehicle not individually attended unless all doors windows and other openings of the vehicle are left closed securely locked and properly fastened and entry or access to the vehicle has been effected by forcible and violent means