Popular Sovereignty

Unit Review


1.  political parties

2.  partisanship

3.  conservative

4.  liberal

5.  right

6.  left

7.  center

8.  moderate

9.  radical

10.  reactionary

11.  minor party

12.  suffrage

13.  franchise

14.  electorate

15.  off-year election

16.  political efficacy

17.  political socialization

18.  gender gap

19.  party identification

20.  straight-ticket voting

21.  independents

22.  nomination

23.  general election

24.  caucus

25.  direct primary

26.  closed primary

27.  open primary

28.  nonpartisan election

29.  absentee voting

30.  precinct

31.  polling place

32.  mass media

33.  peer group

34.  opinion leader

35.  propaganda

36.  single-interest group

37.  lobbying

38.  grass roots

Chapter 5

1.  What are the 5 functions of a political party?

2.  What are the 4 types of Minor Parties?

3.  Why are minor parties important?

4.  What is the difference between Republican-Democrat and a Liberal-Conservative?

Chapter 6

1.  List and explain the 5 Amendments related to voting rights.

2.  What are the four qualifications need to vote?

3.  List 3 reasons people cannot vote.

4.  List 3 reasons people do not vote.

5.  What are the sociological factors applied to voter behavior?

6.  What are the psychological factors applied to voter behavior?

Chapter 7

1.  What are the 5 different nomination processes?

2.  Know the difference between a closed and open primary.

3.  What are the three ways to vote in the United States?

4.  What is the date that has been set for the general election in the United States?

Chapter 8

1.  What are the top 4 mass media sources?

2.  What are the benefits to TV? Newspaper?

Chapter 9

1.  What is the role of interest groups?

2.  What are the differences between political parties and interest groups?

3.  What are the three major goals of interest groups?

4.  What is the goal of propaganda?

5.  How do interest groups influence parties and elections?