Minor Ailment / NOT Suitable for / Useful information
Acute pain, ear ache, headache or temperature / Children under 3 months (except 2 month post-vaccination)
Discharge from ears
Pregnancy/Breastfeeding / Frequently used by parents for childhood pain, winter ailments, acute conditions
Headlice / No infestation
Children under 6 months
Live headlice must be detected on the patient (NOT a ‘just in case’ or ‘prevention in sibling’ treatment)
Nits are NOT live headlice, they are hatched and empty egg shells
Dermatitis, dry skin / Weeping, crusty skin
Affected areas face, genitals, armpits / Superficial inflammation of the skin- presents usually as red, itchy/flaky rash
Hayfever / Children under 6
Pregnancy/breastfeeding / Hayfever usually presents with one or more symptoms from: sneezing ,runny nose, watery and itchy eyes, dry cough. Usually only during spring/summer months.
Colds, flu like symptoms, nasal congestion / Children under 3 months old
Recurrent nose bleeds
Long term heat or lung disease
Persistent fever / Usually during winter months, and other times where hayfever has been excluded (summer cold)
Diarrhoea / Chronic diarrhoea
Under 2 years
Severe vomiting
Signs of dehydration
Recently returned from abroad
Blood or mucus in stools
Recent antibiotics
Pregnancy/breastfeeding / Sudden onset diarrhoea (within 24 hours)
Increased frequency passing of loose watery stools
May have cramps and farting
Sore throat / Children under 1
Had for more than 1 week
Difficulty swallowing (not just painful swallowing)
Already tried something / Painful sore throat often accompanied by other cold/flu like symptoms
Cough / Children under 1
Green or yellow phlegm
Asthma/CPOD/ chronic bronchitis
Chest pain
Shortness of breath
Have already tried something from pharmacy / Cough can be productive or non-productive
Please refer smokers to pharmacy (included in service)
Cold sores / Children under 12 years
SEVERE frequent recurrence
Evidence of bacteria (pus)
Pregnancy/breastfeeding / Only on or around lip area- NOT nose, eyes or genital area
Athletes foot / Children under 1 year
Fungal nail infection
Pregnancy/breastfeeding / Red itchy broken skin between toes, later turning white and flaky
Conjunctivitis / Children under 2
Contact lens wearers
Eye injury
Other eye conditions
Pain in eye
Sensitivity to light
Foreign body in eye / Bacterial infection presenting as itchy, puffy, red eyes. Feeling of grit/sand in eyes. Watery discharge, sticky discharge, eyes stuck together in morning.
Usually a one-off occurrence.
Constipation / Children under 1
Breastfeeding / Significant variation from NORMAL (for them) bowel habit
Cystitis / Females under 16 and over 65
Patients with confusion
Blood in urine
Cramps in abdomen/back pain
Vaginal discharge / Burning pain on urination
Increased frequency of urination
Haemorrhoids / Children under 18
Change in bowel habit / Itching, burning pain or discomfort around the bottom (swollen veins inside or outside the anus)
Heartburn, indigestion / Children under 12
First time had it and longer than 10 days
Recent changes in symptoms
Breastfeeding / Dyspepsia, reflux, previous diagnosis of minor GI problem
Infant colic / Other symptoms (baby not thriving, weight loss, parent not coping etc)
Already tried something
Mouth ulcers / Children under 5
Had for more than 3 weeks
On genital area
Recurrent or multiple episodes
Difficulty swallowing / Lesion affecting lining of mouth, quite painful, may have local swelling
Nappy rash / Broken skin
Severe, prolonged or recurrent fungal infection
Oral thrush as well as nappy rash
Baby seems distressed and nappy rash
Fever / Painful, raw area of skin- confined to nappy area
Oral thrush / Children under 4 months
Undergoing Chemotherapy
Recurrent infection / Fungal infection of lining of mouth, can be sore and painful. Burning tongue, altered taste. White patches/coating in mouth
Scabies / Children under 2 / Intensely itching skin, generally symmetrical areas of the body. Very contagious
Sprains and strains / Children under 12
Moderate to severe injury
Arthritis / Injury around a joint, muscle strain, muscle stretched beyond its limits or overworked
Teething / Children over 3 and babies under 2 months
White spots in mouth (oral thrush)
Fever / Children can start teething from birth (usually from 3 months- to +3 years)- presents with dribbling, swollen gums, pain, hot cheeks, nappy rash, chewing, restlessness, clingy
Threadworms / Children under 2
Weigh loss/appetite loss
Itching around anal region, especially at night. Usually treat whole family at the same time.
Threadworms can appear in poop.
Vaginal thrush / Under 16 or Over 60
First time symptoms
More than 2 episodes in 6 months
Recent STI / Previously had it before.
Itching and irritation to vaginal area, with or without creamy white discharge (not smelly)
ALSO- can treat symptomatic partners (itchy willy etc)
Bites and stings / Children under 1
Suspected bacterial infection (pus)
Face or bottom/genital area / Insect bites NOT animal bites
Local redness, itching and swelling
Recent- within last 24 hours

August 2017- LPC Summary for Care navigationRebecca Myers