Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 12th April at Kelloe Primary School

Members Present: Mrs W Drennan, Mrs C Scott, Mr T Hegarty, Mrs D Hegarty , Miss K Smith, Mrs J Blakey, Mrs M Plews,

Apologies:Mr J Lee, Mr P Jury, PCSO H McCabe, PC M Ogilvie

Visitors: Mr J Taylor

Clerk: Mr S Round

Police Report

  1. Mr Round received response from PCSO H McCabe no Police representatives would be in attendance. The Police report was emailed over for the period 8th March to 12thApriland the following incidents occurred:
  • Criminal Damage to a building
  • Arson to a vehicle
  • Assault with injury
  • Theft
  • Five counts of Anti-Social Behaviour

To be discussed at next meeting in conjunction with most recent report.

Mr Round has contacted R Hogg at Police Headquarters to request police presence in upcoming meetings as norepresentatives have attended for some time.

Minutes of Previous Meeting

  1. Mrs Drennan signed the minutes from the March meeting as a true record.


  1. Mr Round still awaiting conversion of signatories for account process to resume.
  2. Mr Round has applied for internet banking to allow statement access on demand.
  3. Mr Round circulated outstanding invoices for approval.


  1. Kelloe Parish Council failed to submit any nomination forms for re-election to the Parish; this will prevent the Parish being able to meet in May as the council is in effect defunct. Councillors will have the opportunity for a new submission by 18th May – if the election is uncontested, Kelloe Parish Council will be able to hold a meeting of the newly formed Council in June.

The Greyhound Inn

  1. Mr Round has contacted S Reed (Planning Development Manager) about the lack of development with the intended plans of demolition. The decision was approved at the previous meeting that Kelloe Parish Council would opt for a public meeting if a resolution could not be identified – this has been submitted to Planning.

The Cemetery

  1. Mr Taylor stated that there was an opening in the line allowing access for horses to ride through the churchyard.
  2. Mr Taylor had received complaints from residents about the puddle forming inside the cemetery.
  3. Mr Taylor identified a concern regarding the fur tree as the roots are beginning to lift footpath triggering a potential risk to residents. Mrs Drennan has received verbal quote to remove. To be acknowledged at next meeting.
  4. Mr Taylor raised the issue about residents inserting excessive items on graves – Mr Round checked Burial Regulations that suggests only flowers to be allowed.


  1. Mr Round has drafted a letter ready for distribution identifying the need for a price increase in resident allotment plots to cover annual water bills.

Donation Requests

  1. Kelloe Parish Council made a £700.00 donation to Durham Miners Gala (Durham Big Meet)


  1. Mrs Drennan stated that youths had been throwing bricks next to the Davy Lamp (Kelloe Front Street) there has been ongoing works carried out allowing access to building materials. Mr Round has reported this incident to Neighbourhood Support Services to follow up.
  2. Mr Taylor raised question about the possibility of a pay increase – Kelloe Parish Council to review and transmit outcome.

Next Meeting

  1. The next meeting will be the Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 7thJune at 7pm in Kelloe Primary School.