Leading Diversity – getting the mix to work well together
We all bring to work with us our diverse perspectives. The NDS Leading Diversity training program addresses diversity and its benefits, and will focus on the leader’s role in providing a supportive working environment.
Each participant with develop deeper understanding that each individual is unique andbrings diverse perspectives shaped by their ethnicity, gender, age, nationality, origin, disability, sexual orientation, education and religion.
The program will focus on leader’s role in setting/maintaining standards and ensuring the right conditions are in place for each person to achieve their full potential.
Participants will:
- Be introduced to key concepts, tools and techniques to counter the effects of our ‘biases’
- Develop skills to interpret and respond appropriately to the culturally defined behaviour of others
- Be presented with practical strategies to help them build inclusive effective teams in which each person can contribute the best of their abilities
The purpose of the Leading Diversity Training Program is the continued capacity building of the disability workforce.
Accredited - Unit of Competency
BSBLDR404 Lead a diverse workforce
By the end of this training, participants will have learned how to:
- Define diversity and its benefits
- Define bullying, harassment and discrimination, and understand the impact
- Promote a culture which values peoples’ differences
- Recognise our biases and how they prevent us from seeing others accurately
- Identify methods to counter the effects of our biases
- Identify methods to successfully interact with people from different cultures
- Identify methods for creating effective, inclusive teams
- Identify the importance of diversity in their day-to-day role
- Align the legal, moral and ethical aspects of diversity to their team practices and policies
- Identify their own role in enhancing their organisation’s diversity.
The program will consist of 2 x full day workshops.
After the first workshop students will complete 3 weeks on-the-job training to demonstrate skills in the workplace via work-place based projects.
Students will return to class for 1 full day workshop to present projects and finalise assessments.
Schedule of dates
Workshop One – Thursday 12th April
Workshop Two – Thursday 24th May
Work and Training
1 Bowen Road,Moonah
Workshop One - Tuesday 11th April
Workshop Two - Tuesday 22th May
Time: 9:30am-1:30pm
Work and Training
56 Oldaker Street, Devonport
This skill set is aimed at people who are: currently team leaders, new and emerging who lead within a diverse workforce environment, as well as other senior employees who want to enhance knowledge and skills
Unit of Competency
BSBLDR404 Lead a diverse workforce
By the end of this training, participants will have learned how to:
- Definediversityanditsbenefits
- Definebullying,harassmentanddiscrimination andunderstandtheimpactonthevictim
- Promoteaculturewhichvaluespeoples’differencesandwhichchallengesanythreattoanindividual’sdignityandwellbeing
- Recogniseourbiasesandhowtheypreventusfromseeingothersaccurately
- Identifymethodstocountertheeffectsofourbiases
- Identifymethodstosuccessfullyinteractwithpeoplefromdifferentcultures
- Identifymethodsforcreatingeffective,inclusiveteams
Employer Contribution - $80 per person
This training is subsidised by the Department of State Growth, Tasmania.
Register here:
Devonport -
Hobart -
Please direct any further enquiries to:
Michele Foley
Sector Consultant – Learning and Development
NDS - 1/160 Collins Street Hobart TAS 7000
p: 6212 7303
f: 6212 7303