In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, one God Amen.

Please hand over no later than March 25, 2018

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The Book of Job (part 2)

Chapter 22

Please answer the following :

1. In Gregory liturgy the priest says “You had no need of my servitude, but rather I had need of your Lordship.” Explain this through the words of Eliphaz to Job of this chapter? With reference


2. What didEliphaz accuse Job of? Was Eliphaz right? With reference


3. Mention the advice which was given by Eliphaz to Job to lead him to repentance?


Who or what is meant by:

1. “Your wickedness great” in verse “5”? ------

2. “Sudden fear” in verse “10”? ------

3. “Foundation” in verse “16”? ------

Provide the reference:

1. The way of the wicked is the way of destruction------

2. The wicked will silence his conscience until he gets away from God ------

3. God destroys the wicked and rejoices the righteous ------

4. Whoever draws near to God will be in peace ------


Chapter 23

Who or what is meant by the word below the line:

1. “Oh, that I knew where I might find Him,” in verse “3”? ------

2. “When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold.” In verse “10”? ------

3. “ I have treasured the words of His mouth”in verse “12”?------

4. “ Many such things are with Him.” In verse “14”? ------

Answer the following:

1. What mistakes did Job make in this chapter?


Provide the reference:

1. Job wished that he might die before this pain comes upon him ------

2. The trust of Job in the justice of God ------

3. Job’s claim against God that he will complete the cup of torment without return ------

4. Job’s complaint of Pain is not rebellion ------

5. Job lost his peace and was terrorized ------


Chapter 24

Match from column (A) to column (B):

(A) (B)

1. Landmarks they close the path of complaint to

The poor ( )

2. They push the needy off means famine and thirst ( )

The road

3. All the poor of the land are it is a stone that is set up to separate

Forced to hide two lands ( )

4. Drought and heat from the oppression of the oppressors ( )

Provide the reference:

1. Jobchallenges his friends should anyone doubts his words ------

2. The wicked hides his evil in the darkness ------

3. Job blamed God that he sees evil and does nothing------

4. The reason of the evil’s fear of light ------

5. Job equalizes between the righteous and the wicked ------

6. There is no blessing to the wicked, no matter how rich he is------

Who or what is meant by:

1. “His days” in verse “1”? ------

2. “The light” in verse “13”? ------

3. “The light” in verse “14”------

4. “The womb should forget him,” in verse “20”------


Chapter 25

Provide the reference:

1. Baldad’s testament to the greatness and glory of God. ------

2. God’s care includes everyone------

3. The amount of man’s sin in front of God------

Answer the following:

1. Write the name of the prophet who said about himself that he was a worm------

2. What do you think of the words of Baldad to Job in this chapter? Was he right? Why?



Chapter 26

Match from column (A) to column (B):

(A) (B)

1. Whose spirit came from you? Is Egypt ( )

2. The dead tremble all is revealed before God ( )

3. Destruction has no covering is devil ( )

4. The fleeing serpent to whom have you uttered words? ( )

5. The stormis the death ( )

Provide the reference:

1. Job’s recognition of the wonders of God ------

2. A symbol to the splitting of the Red Sea for Moses and the people ------

3. Job’s response to Baldad ------

4. Job said about the earth theories of modern times ------

Please answer the following:

1. Explain the verse “9” and provide examples of similar incidents of the Old & New Testaments?


Who or what is meant by:

1. “Sheol is naked before him” in verse “6”? ------

2. “The pillars of heaven” in verse “11”? ------


Chapter 27

Match from column (A) to column (B):

(A) (B)

1. I will teach you about the hand of God a disease that infects the cattle ( )

2. Watchman makes with the help of God I tell you

about truth ( )

3. They shall hiss him scarecrow ( )

4. Death they make fun of him ( )

Provide the reference:

1. When God is angry with the wicked, He destroys him ------

2. God Does not hear the cry of the wicked ------

3. Job is still suffering from self-righteousness ------

4. A verse in which the meaning was repeated twice ------

Answer the following :

1. On what did Job swear in this chapter? With reference


2. What is the reason why Job refused to resemble the bad guys?


3. In verse “2” there is a contradiction in the words of Job explain this?




Chapter 28

Provide the reference :

1. Man plants the earth’s surface and extractsminerals from its interior------

2. Man invented ways to prevent the streams from trickling ------

3. Only God drives the wind and the water ------

Answer the following:

1. There are types of wisdom explained by Job in this chapter, mention it?

2. In this chapter, Job asked a question twice and answered him, what was the question? What was his answer? Mention the reference to the question as well as theanswerto it, and why did he mentionthis question twice?



Chapter 29

Job is symbolic to the Christ

Match from column (A) to column (B):

(A) (B)

1. The rock poured out rivers of oil and Christ called the poor and the needy

For me His brethren ( )

2. When the ear heard, then it as Christ raised the widow’s son of Nain,

Blessed me then her heart was pleased ( )

3. When the eye saw, then it as Christ made healing miracles ( )

Approved me

4. And I caused the widow’s heart The Christ is the rock and the Holy Spirit

To sing for joy is the oil ( )

5. I was eyes to the blind, and I was Christ was teaching with authority( )

Feet to the lame

6. I was a father to the poor Christ was followed by the multitudes because

They saw His signs ( )

Who is meant by this:

1. “Oh, that I were” in verse “2”? ------

2. “His lamp shone” in verse “3”? ------

3. “I broke the fangs” in verse “17”? ------

Provide the reference:

1. Job’s confession that God never left him ------

2. Everyone respects Job------

3. Job is pitiful for his old days ------

4. Job believed that his days were many and without pain ------

5. Job’s confession that God is pleased with him ------

6. Job boasts that all his ideas are fair ------


Chapter 30

Who or what is meant by the underlined word?

1.“He has loosed my bowstring and afflicted me” in verse “11”? ------

2. “Terrors are turned uponme” in verse “15”? ------

3. “To the house appointed for all living” in verse “23”? ------

Provide the reference:

1. The feeling of Job that the hardships tied him------

2. Pride of Job ------

3. Job’s deep sorrow on his situation ------

4. The cry of Job to God ------

5. Job’s despair because of his humiliation ------

6. Mercy of Job on the poor ------


Chapter 31

Answer the following:

1. What is the question that Job asked and answered in this chapter? With reference


2. What is Job’s opinion in those who persecute the widow or the orphan? With reference


3. “Job was an exemplary model of many virtues which he embodies” Mention these from this chapter? With reference for each virtue?


Provide the reference:

1. Job speaks in the spirit of the New Testament ------

2. Job recognized that every sin makes God angry------

3. God’s eye is always on his children ------

4. Job’s confidence in his trustworthiness------

5. Job’s justice with his servants refers to his fear of God------

6. Adultery is a nasty sin that is punishable ------

Who or what is meant by?

1. “Does He” in verse “4”? ------

2. “My foot has hastened to deceit” in verse “5”? ------

3. “My harvest” in verse “8”? ------

4. “It is a fire that consumes to destruction” in verse “12”? ------

5. “I reared him” in verse “18”? ------

There are verses from the Gospel that are similar to some from this chapter ( mention only the reference)

1. prov. “6:27”------2. Gen. “39:9”------

3. Gal. “3:28” ------4. Mark “10:24”------


Chapter 32

Answer the following:

1. What is the cause of Elihu’s anger over Job and his friends?


2. What is the meaning of “ ElihuBarachel”


Provide the reference:

1. Elihu speaks the truth, because he fears God------

2. Job believed in the wisdom of the elders ------

3. The Holy Spirit is the source of guidance for man------

4. Elihu does not do any favor to anyone in his words ------

There are verses in the Gospel that are similar to some in this chapter ( mention only the reference):

1. Jer. “20:9”------2. Matt. “9:17”------

Choose the correct answer:

1. Elihu was one of Job’s friends (theoldest—the youngest—of the same age)

2. Elihu spoke and said his opinion because Job’s friends (they were unable to respond—they answered right—none of the above)

3. Elihu was (arrogant –bossy—humble)

4. Elihu wasvery angry at Job because he (considered himselfmore righteous than God—did not repent of his sins—strongly rebuked him)


Chapter 33

Provide the reference:

1. The words of Elihu to Job are coming from a sincere heart ------

2. Blessed are the pure in heart ------

3. God reveals His secrets to man as much as e can bear------

4. Elihu’sreproach to Job because of his self-righteousness ------

5. Elihu explained to Job the purpose of his words ------

6. Whoever complains to God is as if he is resisting God ------

7. God disciplines his children in their favor ------

8. Elihu spoke on behalf of God ------

Answer the following:

1. Explain how Elihu showed the correct purpose of God’s chastisement? With reference


2. What is the concept of pain in the opinion of:

a. Elihu ------

b. Job------

c. Other Job’s friends------

What is meant by the underled word?

1. “I open my mouth” in verse “2”? ------

2. “youhave spoken in my hearing” in verse “8”? ------

3. “He watches all my paths” in verse “11”? ------

4. “A mediator, one among a thousand,” in verse “23”? ------


Chapter 34

Provide the reference:

1. Elihu blames Job for his harsh words about God------

2. God does not have a favor for anyone------

3. God Permitstemptation according to the ability of man------

4. Elihu’s respect to everyone ------

5. God does not let the ungodly controls the righteous------

6. We must distinguish between everything we hear------

Answer the following:

1. Explain how Elihu placed Job on the first stair of repentance?


2. What is the reason of God’s punishing of the wicked in front of everyone as stated in verse “26”?


3. Mention some of the attributes of God that were mentioned in this chapter? With reference for each attribute



Who or what is meant by?

1. “The ear tests words” in verse “3”? ------

2. “Should I lie concerning my right?” in verse “6”? ------

3. “Who gave Him charge over the earth?” in verse “13”? ------

4. “The workers of iniquity” in verse “22”? ------


Chapter 35

Answer the following:

1. What is Job’s fault which Elihurebuked him for in this chapter?


2. What is Elihu’s advice to Job in this chapter? And why? With reference


There are verses in the Gospel that are similar to verses in this chapter ( mention only the reference):

1. Hos. “7: 14”------2. James “4: 3”------3. Acts “16: 25”------

Who is meant by?

1. “My righteousness is more than God’s” in verse “2”? ------

2. “I will answer you” in verse “4”? ------

3. “Justice is before Him” in verse “14”? ------

Provide the reference:

1. God will not respond to the wicked ------

2. Elihu replied to Job and his companions ------

3. Elihu explained to Job how to change his way of thinking------


Chapter 36

Provide the reference:

1. A broken and humbled heart God shall not despise ------

2. God has appointed all his children ------

3. The end of the sinner who does not repent is death------

4. God is everlasting and eternal ------

Answer the following:

1. What is the penalty of the wicked as Elihu explained in this chapter with reference? Mention an example from Old and New Testament?


Match from column (A) to column(B)

(A) (B)

1. Perverted persons thunder sound ( )

2. The hypocrites in heart like Joseph and Daniel ( )

3. They are bound in fetters lightning ( )

4. With kings He seats them people with homosexuality ( )

5. The spreading of clouds the bad hypocrites ( )

6. The thunder from His canopy as what happened with Paul and Peter ( )

There are verses in the Gospel similar to verses in this chapter ( mention only the reference):

1. Job “21: 7”------2. Rev. “3: 19”------3. Ezek. “18: 23”------

4. Rom. “2: 5” ------5. Rom. “1: 20” ------6. Matt. “5: 45”------

Chapter 37

Who or what is meant by?

1. “My heart trembles” in verse “1”? ------

2. “The thunder of His voice” in verse “2”? ------

3. “We cannot comprehend” in verse “5”? ------

Answer the following;

1. Mention from this chapter how to approach God?


2. When the churches pray for Mother Nature ?


3. Mention names from the Gospels who asked us to contemplate the work of God “His creation”?


Provide the reference:

1. Elihu reminds Job of the wonderful works of God ------

2. The livelihood(provision) of man is with the hand of God ------

3. Elihu trembled when he spoke about God ------

4. God brings rain for many reasons ------

Match from column (A) to column (B):

(A) (B)

1. The rumbling that comes from the golden sun light ( )

His mouth

2. The ends of the earth The heavy rain ( )

3. The severe rain is God’s voice ( )

4. From the north as golden splendor its edges and ends ( )


Chapter 38

Match from column (A) to column (B):

(A) (B)

1. The line but the power of God is limitless ( )

2. The authority of man is limited it is a group of stars ( )

3. The ends of the earth The high clouds ( )

4. The mind a string with a weight to show the straightness

of the construction ( )

5. Pleiades Meaning corners of the earth ( )

Provide the reference:

1. God asked Job to prepare for dialogue with him ------

2. Every creature praise God ------

There are verses in the Gospel same verses in this chapter ( mention only the reference):

1. Gen. “1: 9”------2. Ps. “77: 19” ------3. Ps. “147: 4” ------

Answer the following:

1. “God spoke with humans in different ways” list the names of people God has spoken by himself? And the way He spoke with each one?


2. “In verse 22-23 God spoke of the hail and snow “list the events God used snow and hail to defend his children?



Chapter 39

Answer the following:

1. Why man now has no authority over all animals, even though God has given him from the beginning?


2. What is the purpose of the church in laying Ostrich eggs in front of the altar?


Match from column (A) to column (B):

(A) (B)

1. The wild donkey symbolizes symbolizes the spiritual person who is

Looking to the heavens ( )

2. As the wild donkey is useless of the believer led by Christ ( )

3. He who accepts the discipline for the sinful man ( )

Of God

4. The Eagle bad man too ( )

5. The Ostrich he lives in green pasture ( )

6. The horse symbolizes symbol of selfishness ( )

There are verses in the Gospel same verses in this chapter ( mention only the reference):

1. Jer. “2: 24” ------2. Ps. “92: 10”------


Chapter 40

Provide the reference:

1. God reassures the heart of Job ------

2. Shy of Job from God ------

3. God blames Job by accusing him of injustice ------

4. God’s wrath on the wicked ------

Answer the following:

1. List examples from the Gospel to people buried by God in the dust for their sins?


There are verses in the Gospel same verses in this chapter ( mention only the reference):

1. Ezek. “36: 31”------2. Ezek. “18: 23”------


Chapter 41

Match from column (A) to column (B):

(A) (B)

1. Disrespectful man Giant extinct animals ( )

2. The devil’s movements but the wrath of God is terrifying ( )

3. Darts shall be powerless before devil ( )

4. Wrath of the devil is scary makes the world turbulent ( )

5. Behemoth and Leviathan strong wood ( )

Provide the reference:

1. Devil has no authority except for those who lived in mud (the sin) ------

2. God gave us everything ------

3. He who thinks that he is standing will be warned, lest he fall ------

4. The arrogant continued to devil ------

5. God’s power over Satan ------

Answer the following:

1. Explain the characteristics of Satan as it mentioned in this chapter?



Chapter 42

Provide the reference:

1. The wrath of God on Job’s owners because they condemned him without justification------

2. God award Job double ------

3. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God------

4. Intercession is a literary concept ------

5. Job admits the infinite knowledge and power of God ------

6. Job regrets and admits his ignorance ------

Answer by numbers:

1. The number of times the word servant was mentioned------

2. Number of Job’s children------boy and------girl

3. Job died and his age ------year

4. Job’s age in the suffering time ------year

5. Job lived until he saw his grandchildren for the generation ------


See you in the book of the first Maccabees

Remember us in your prayers

The team
