Church Happenings January 14 - 21
Today / 9:15 am / Sunday School
10:30 am / Worship / Sanctuary
6:00 pm / Youth Group / Hall
Mon. / 6:00 pm / Sr. High Youth Group / Hall
6:30 pm / Choir Practice / Sanctuary
7:00 pm / Lions Club / Adult Lounge
Tues. / 6:30 pm / Tai Chi / Hall
Thurs. / 7:00 pm / Deacons / Hall
7:00 pm / Trustees / Conference Room
Fri. / 10:30 am / Neuro-Restorative / Hall
Sat. / 10:00 am / Tai Chi / Nursery
6:00 pm / Birthday Party / Hall
Sun. / 9:15 am / Sunday School
10:30 am / Worship / Sanctuary
6:00 pm / Youth Group / Hall
AA Meetings – Mabel Cole Hall
Monday – Saturday / AA / 12 pm
Monday / AA / 6:30 pm
Monday / NA / 8 pm
Wednesday / AA / 8 pm
Friday / AA / 8 pm
Saturday / AA / 9 am
Saturday / AA / 8 pm

January 14, 2018

“Love Grows Here”

Fairview Presbyterian Church

4264 Avonia Road P.O. Box 340

Fairview, PA 16415


Pastor Lee Pomeroy

January 14,2018



RITUAL OF FRIENDSHIP (Greet one another)




Leader: Why have you come to this worship service?

People: Some have come to see friends; some have come because

itis there habit: some have come to hear a person in a

robe say a lot of words.

Leader: But others have come to be challenged; some have come to be

encouraged; some have come simply because they needed to


People: Help us this morning to remember how big our God is;

Help us to remember God’s love and grace. Help us to

listen and hear what God has to say.

Leader: Let us remember all that God has done; help us to see all that

God is doing; and help us to look ahead to what God will do.

People: We have come to hear what God will say. Together let us

worship our God!!

*OPENING HYMN #76 “O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing”


Leader: Lord, you call, but we do not always recognize your voice.
People: Sometimes we don't listen carefully. Sometimes we're

caught off guard.
Leader: Lord, you call, but we haven't always taught others to

People: Sometimes we stand in the way, allowing our voices to ring out over yours.
Leader: Lord, you call, but we don't always believe our ears.
People: Sometimes we believe we know better. Sometimes we

think you can't possibly be calling us, or her, or him.
All: Forgive us, Lord, our unpracticed listening, our closed ears.

Help us to hear. Amen.

--Based on 1 Samuel 3 and written by TeriPeterson.

CHILDREN’S TIME Linda Tobolewski




RESPONSE HYMN # 31 “I Love You, Lord”




SCRIPTURE LESSON I Samuel 3:1-20; Hebrews 1:1-4

Leader: This is the Word of God for the people of God.

People: Thanks be to God!!

SERMON“Listening for God” Pastor Lee Pomeroy

*CLOSING HYMN “Here I am, Lord”p. 21 white songbook



(*) Stand as you are able

Thank You to Our Volunteers

Coffee Cart–Joyce Getz

Greeters –Fred Ralph

Sound System – Don Twining

Nursery –Linda Tobolewski

Help Needed

Help is needed today rightafter church to take the rest of the Christmas decorations down, and put everything back in storage. Please stay after if you can help, it shouldn’t take long.

Thank you, and another BIG thanks to Cindy & Ralph Heidler for organizing this again this year!

This Week’s Number


The number of children and youths who participated in Fairview Presbyterian Church’s annual musical Christmas pageant, “Really, Really, Really Good News.” Thank you to Janine Sanner, Jessica LaFlamme, Linda Tobolewski and Jayme Sanner for coordinating and directing this event. As always, it was one of the highlights of the holiday season.

Joan Miller

Prayers are needed for Joan. She was feeling well after her heart surgery, and was ready to come back to play for us, but got some disheartening news from the doctors. They think there are still problems with her heart. Prayers for health & peace.

Soup Sale!

We will be having a bi-monthly Soup Sale after church as a fundraiser for the Belize trip this summer. THANK YOU to all who purchased some last Sunday!

There is a sign-up sheet in the Lobby. Please sign-up for the next Sale on January 21, so Shannon knows how much to make! The kind will be on the sheet. The cost is $7 for a quart, and if you return the container, your next soup will be $6.

Warm yourself up with some delicious HOT soup, and thank you for your support of our Mission Trip!

Installation & Ordination of 2018 Officers

The rescheduled date will be Sunday, January 28, during the service. ALL CURRENT AND NEW PEOPLE MUST BE PRESENT!

Annual Report

Attention Committee Chairmen: Please have your Committee Reports in to Amyfor the Annual Report by January 28.

Annual Congregational Meeting

Our Annual Congregational meeting at which the 2018 Budget is presented, and Committee Reports are reviewed, will be on Sunday, February 4 immediately following the service. PLEASE BRING A DISH TO SHARE FOR LUNCH!

Women’s Group

Theresa Weber would like to start a Women’s Group here at the church. We haven’t had one in a very long time, and she sees the need for one. This could be a time for the women to get to know one another better, a time where they can share, support, and encourage one another. We all go through the same things as Christian women, working women, mothers & grandmothers.

She hopes to start this Wednesday, February 7 at 7 pm,in the Adult Lounge, and meet the first Wednesday of each month. If you would like to participate please sign up on the tablein the Lobby.

Communion Servers Needed

Communion Servers are needed each first Sunday through the year. There is a schedule on the table in the Lobby. If you are a current, or past Elder, please sign your name by the date you can help. You will be reminded beforehand. Thank you for serving our church!