Minutes of a meeting ofBarrowden Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 27th November2013 at 8pm


Mr D Lanning Chairman

Mr J Haddon Vice-Chairman

Prof N Witts

Mrs J Hughes-Nurse

Mr N R Pridmore

Mr T Blake

Mrs J Park

Mrs G M WilkinsonClerk

Mr G Conde County Councillor for the Ketton Ward

19 members of the public were present.

The meeting began at 7.30m giving the public the opportunity to raise any concerns.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and read his account of the events surrounding the recent election as follows, and then invited public participation.

The Chairman gave details of the correspondence between himself and the County Council in an effort to obtain a re-run of the recent election on the grounds that Barrowden villagers had not had an opportunity to stand.

The problem had arisen because the notices calling an election had been sent by e-mail to an address which the clerk had not used for two years and therefore had not been received or displayed in Barrowden, so nomination forms could not be obtained and the Parish Council had not been informed by the County Council that an election was to be held or when. Both the clerk and a villager who had already notified RCC that he wished to stand could not get any information concerning a date despite frequent calls.

At this time three Councillors stated that they would not attend a meeting until the problem was resolved so we were unable to keep the village informed of the situation.

In spite of frequent appeals to the County Council, culminating in a meeting on 11th November with the Chief Executive of RCC, who is also the Returning Officer, they maintained that, although they accepted that the notices could not have been displayed in Barrowden, they had met all legal requirements. Since it was apparent that in any case they could not legally cancel the result we decided to appeal to the Electoral Commission. Unfortunately we found that they also did not have the right to change the result and our only resort was to lay a petition before the Royal Court of Justice, which would require legal assistance and would be beyond our means, we were also out of time to appeal.

He made it clear that none of our actions were directed at the person elected, our problem was with the County Council. He felt that we had tried our best to ensure that Barrowden got a fair election albeit without success

Questions were asked by Mrs Mitchell, Miss Jones and Mrs Last about the non-discussion of the forthcoming vacancy at the September meeting,and the fact that it was not put on village website or village email. Other parishes have advertised vacancies in these ways, and it was felt that the Parish Council had not been sufficiently proactive. Mr Rumbelow felt that it was the RCC’s failings to blame.

The Parish Council agreed that they should have discussed this at the September meeting, but pointed out that notices had been displayed in the village and, despite 13 members of the public being present, not one member of the public mentioned the vacancy of a Parish Councillor it in the open meeting or afterwards. Mr Hennessey said that the Parish Council generally did a good job and he had every confidence in them.

Mrs Coleman said that funding for the postoffice in the shop had run out and that they needed £775 to run it, and asked if the Parish Council could make a donation for post point funding. It was agreed that this would be discussed later in the meeting.

The open meeting then closed.

The Chairman welcomed the new Councillor Julie Park, to the meeting and stated that she would be responsible for grass cutting, trees, and liaising with the Cricket Club.


Mrs C Emmett County Councillor for the Ketton Ward


Councillor J Park (husband’s work in the village with wrought iron and the Jubilee Sculpture)


Notes were circulated regarding the election process, and Councillors Lanning & Haddon agreed to draw up a guide onapplying to become aCouncillor. The Chairman confirmed that nothing more could be done, but lessons must be learned from this. County Councillor Gary Conde commended the Parish Council on the way they handled this unfortunate situation and that the Democratic Services have implemented new procedures in their Department following this.


Councillor Witts proposed, seconded by Councillor Pridmore, that the minutes were correct, all agreed.


5.1 Jubilee Memorial Sculpture

Councillor Park declared an interest and took no part.

Councillor Witts said that he still had to finalise the site for the sculpture with Phil Wood.

5.2 Allotments

Allotment Waste: Councillor Blake said that he had erected a notice down near the gateinforming residents where to place garden waste.

5.3 Recreation Ground

Hand Gate: The Cricket Club’s request for the entrance to the recreation field to be widened by erecting a handgate was discussed, so that larger vehicles could get through the entrance more easily by opening both gates. Councillor Blake said that the options should be costed as a portion of the wall would also have to be removed. It was suggested that the Council should discuss with the Cricket Club how the new gate was to be paid for. Councillor Haddon feltthat when it was installedtheexisting gate to the play area should belocked to see if people would use the new gate, but others felt that it would be unpopular as it was much further to walk through the grass, particularly with push chairs, and that children would still use the stile.

5.4Closure of Crown Lane to Vehicles

Councillor Haddon said there was no action from Rutland County Council on this.

5.5 Mill Pond

CouncillorHughes-Nursesaid that the mill pond was looking better, but to wait until after the winter to decide whether to usePhoslockagain.She suggested that we keep our options open and perhaps ask Phoslock to come again next spring.


Councillor Haddon said that he had advisedRutland County Council of the Parish Council’s decision to trial crushed stone on some of theverges, particularly King’s Lane and Church Lane, but has no more to report.

5.7Village Hall

Nothing to report.

5.8 Footpaths

Nothing to report on the footpathbehind Redland Close. Councillor Park was asked to ensure this is included in the contract.

5.9 Speeding

It was reported that Neil Tomlinson of RCC said that traffic policy was that they were not keen to put in anymore road humps. Councillor Haddon suggested that we do our own survey, and speak to Ketton PC for help on how to go about it. JohnSmith said that flashing signs were not effective, while County Councillor Gary Conde said that the humps tend to damage cars and are very noisy. To make case evidence was very important, and there had been no near misses or accidents to reinforce the case, other than the skip accident, which was not due to speeding. He also said that the new budget funding will be in the New Year, and he suggested contacting Mike Warrington of Ketton, who could give guidance on speed guns. Councillor Haddon to look into this.

5.10 Neighbourhood Plan

Councillor Blake had read the report, and recommended a plan should be prepared. It would replace the Village Design Statement, and since it would be vetted by an independent body, and have to be accepted by the Local Authority it would hopefully give the local community a much greater say and help to influenceplanning policy.

It was agreed that an advert would be placed in the magazine asking for volunteers to form a committee, a Parish Councillor would also attend meetings.

5.11Verge – Surgery to Community Shop footpath

It was agreed to ask the contractors to cut the verges and edges between the shop and the surgery. Councillor Park was asked to include this in the greens programme.

5.12 Changes to Home to School Transport

Councillor Witts is still looking into these changes.

5.13 Mineral Waste
Councillor Haddon said that he has read the final version of the Northants Mineral and Waste Development Framework,which includes the Wakerley site (this permission was granted years ago, and the right to quarry is subject to a section 106 agreement. There is an extension of the plan period from 2026 to 2031. Water monitoring not resolved. The access route will be via a haul road behind (to the south east of) Wakerley village, exiting to the A43 east of Wakerley Oaks, not the Top Lodge junction. The quarrying could start fairly soon.

5.14 Christmas Tree on Village Green
Councillor Pridmore said that the landlord from the Exeter Arms had offered to purchase a Christmas tree for the village green. Councillor Haddon proposed that the Parish Council spend up to £100 on lights for this. This was seconded by Councillor Pridmore and agreed. It was also agreed that Councillors Pridmore and Park will arrange with the landlord for the tree to be erected.


6.1 To Consider New Planning Applications


6.2 To Minute Planning Applications Received & Parish Council Responses

1. Mr Slater, Greyton House, Back Road, crown reduce three ash trees by 3 to 4 metres, crown reduce one silver birch. Ref 2013/0773/CAT. No objections.

2. Mr M Payne for the erection of 1.52 metre high iron gates at the end of the driveway

37 Main Street. The Parish Council were mixed with their observations, two objected and others did not. Ref APP/2013/0916/FUL.

3.Mrs J Wade, crown reduces two Prunus Ceresifera at 9 Dovecote Close.

Ref. 2013/0917/CAT. No objections

4. Mr S Preston, to fell two field maples, carry out crown thinning and reduction of six domestic plum trees, reduction by one third of height, Clipsham House, Chapel Lane. Ref: 2013/0950/CAT. No objections.

5. Mrs Wright,Walnut Cottage, Main Streetreduce height of one Silver Birch by five metres and reduce lateral branches to shape. Reduce height of one walnut by two metes and reduce lateral branches to shape. No objections.

6. Mrs L Worrall, 6 Redland Close, to remove to ground level one Bird Cherry, one Cotoneaster, one Cherry. Reduce growth extensions to one Rowan. No objections

7. Mr C Dunn, various works to trees, 6 King’s Lane. Ref2013/0992/CAT.

No objections.

Councillor Witts said that he was not a tree expert and did not feel competent to make decisions on whether trees should be felled, buthe had spoken to Mrs Worrall who may be interested to help with this. Councillor Witts proposed that Mrs Worrall be asked to do this, this was seconded by Councillor Lanning and agreed.

Councillor Blake said that on some of the tree applications there is no specific reason for work to be done on them. Councillors felt that this was important and that they should press RCC to ensure that this should always be stated on applications by either tree contractors or the resident concerned.

13 Chapel Lane:Councillor Blake said that some changes have been made to this planning application and are shown on the RCC planning website, but the Parish Council did not receive the revised new plans. The most significant change is a repositioning of the garages- the properties have all been moved forward (nearer the road) and the garages have been squeezed in between them. It was thought that this application will be discussed on December 10th at the RCC.

6.3 To Report Results of Previous Applications from Rutland County Council



The following correspondence was received:

1. Mr Wood, Community Shop, asking if the Parish Council would help to fund the post point, as the funding they had received had now run out, and they would be struggling to pay for this out of the shop takings. After some discussion, Councillor Haddon proposeddonating £500 this year and £300 next year, seconded by Councillor Blake.

2.CGD Contractors, thanking the Parish Council for their custom this season and saying that they will continue to freeze their price if we enter into a three year contract. Councillor Park suggested getting other quotes, but Councillor Hughes-Nurse proposed that we should accept CGD’s offerfor the next three years, this was seconded by Councillor Pridmore, and agreed.

3.Mr Wood,asking if the Parish Council wish to accept a large marquee to use for future functions. Councillor Haddon suggested that it be kept in the barn behind the Exeter Arms.


8.1 To Report Balances

Bank of Ireland £9,489.80

Defibrillator fund £1,008.83

Tree fund £435.00

Recreation ground land £163.68

8.2 Minute Payments Since Last Meeting

1. CGD Contractors - grass cutting village greens, plus strimming and

mowing around the pond area £190.00+VAT £38.00 £228.00

2. Grant Thornton -audit fees £120.00

3. RCC - street lights for the year £300.00

4. Alpha Blinds for Village Hall £440 + £88 VAT £528.00

(£440 received from Village Hall)

5. Churches Fire Security fire extinguishers for Village Hall

£192.01+£38.40 VAT (£192.91 received from Village Hall) £230.41

6. RCC payment of Clerks salary £863.76

7. Wakerley & Barrowden CC – grass cutting recreation ground £720.00

8. C C Ltd Village Hall insurance (half to be re-imbursed by Village Hall) £719.83

8.3 To Consider Paying Outstanding Accounts

1. Leicestershire & Rutland PCA (Good Councillor Guides) £9.90

2. CGD Contractors – grass cutting village greens £120 + VAT £24 £144.00

3. Society of Local Clerks membership £76.00

4. E-ON replacement lamps £140 + VAT £28 £168.00

5. Society of Local Clerks for Clerks manual £47.00

All agreed for these accounts to be paid.


Nothing to report.


Councillor Haddon said that there had been three applications for Trustees: Mr Ball, Mr Mitchell and Mr Wood, and the Trustees had interviewed all the applicants. As Mr Mitchell had legal and commercial knowledge he wished to propose that he be appointed, seconded by Councillor Hughes-Nurse and agreed. Councillor Haddon said that his own three years term will be up at the end of the year, and this will need to be on the agenda for the next meeting.




Councillor Haddon asked whether we thought that a Good Neighbour scheme could be introduced in Barrowden. A representative from the Rural Community Council could come and help review what requirements are, transport, e.g. daily telephone calls, visits, shopping, loneliness, dog walking, offering services, etc. It was thought that it might be good idea to ask the Evergreens. Mrs Clayton was asked to comment and said that the village was already very supportive without a specific scheme. Councillor Park was in favour of sending round a questionnaire, while Councillor Blake suggested a note in the magazine.


The Chairman and Clerk wished to purchase a Councillor guide and Clerk’s manual, Councillor Pridmoreproposed, seconded by Councillor Witts, to do this.


The next Council meeting should take place on Wednesday 15thJanuary 2013.

There being no other business, the Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and the meeting closed at 10.00 pm.

..……………………………….……………….Chairman …………………………Date