Guidelines and Expectations for English
Mrs. McIver
(502) 863-4131 ext. 1226
I can be reached BEST by email; however I am available by phone as well. If you call during the school day, please leave a voicemail and I will return your call after school or as soon as I am able to check my voicemail. Please visit my online classroom to learn about what we study each week. Go to Scott County High School’s home webpage. Click on “Teacher Websites” and then look for my name. Click on the appropriate class: English II, English III, or English IV
What to Expect This Year:
Recently, Kentucky made the transition to a common core content that more closely aligns the skills we teach with the stronger national standards. While this is a good thing for teachers and students, changes are to be expected. First, our core content now includes a speaking and listening component to be carried throughout the year. This means that your student will be expected to speak in class and often present. I know this causes anxiety for some students, but it is a skill we will work on and improve. You should know that your English teachers spent many days preparing for these changes and we are coming to class prepared, with good ideas, ready to help students meet these high standards. While we have worked very hard, the changes to the curriculum also put some responsibility on the student.
Classroom Expectations:
1. Respect everyone in the classroom.
2. Remain seated during lecture/notes and do not ask to leave during a lesson.
3. Do not talk while Mrs. McIver is talking.
4. Remain seated until the bell rings.
5. The 10-10 rule applies.
6. Clean up your area before leaving.
If You CHOOSE to Break a Rule
Be familiar with the school’s discipline matrix. If you break a classroom or school rule, your consequence will follow the matrix.
v If you choose to be disrespectful and/or disruptive in my classroom, then the following steps will be taken:
First Time = Verbal Warning
Second Time = Discipline Referral with additional consequences adhering to the discipline matrix.
v Severe Disruptions = If you cause a severe disruption or create an unsafe environment for fellow students, you will be automatically removed from the classroom without the privileges of the first and second offenses.
v It is your responsibility to behave in a manor that does not threaten, interfere with, or deprive other students of their right to an education!
You are expected to come prepared to class. This means you are to be in possession of a pen or pencil, textbook, notebook, any novel or project assigned, and homework assignments.
1. 1 to 1 ½ inch binder
2. College-Ruled loose leaf notebook paper
3. Folder (for returned work)
4. Highlighters (at least two colors)
5. Markers
6. Flash Drive
Entering the classroom
v Go to your assigned seat, get out materials needed for class, and be ready to begin class when the tardy bell rings.
v There will ALWAYS be an assignment on the board when you enter the room. The assignment or “bellringer” will vary but it will always be something you can do quietly and without my assistance.
v Class begins when the bell rings. You should be in your seat and quietly doing your bell work when the bell rings.
v I follow the SCHS tardy policy; however, for me, a tardy is if you are not seated in your desk when the tardy bell rings.
Ending Class
v Do not pack up your bags until I tell you to do so. I will make sure you have plenty of time to pack up your personal items before the dismissal bell. Failure to comply with this policy will result in the entire class being detained after the bell.
v You may NOT line up at the door and wait for the bell to ring. You are to be in your seat when the bell rings.
v I grade on a point system. Your grade is based on how many points you have earned out of the total possible.
v Please check Infinite Campus for your grades. Contact Guidance for passwords for you and your parents and instructions on how to do this.
v Work is considered late if it is not turned in on the day it is due. Late work will be accepted no more than one week after the due date and for half credit only. More points could be deducted if the work is not completed and/or correct. This policy excludes major papers, projects, and assignments.
v Major papers, projects, and assignments will only be accepted ONE day late and will be deducted 10 points. After that the grade will be a zero. You will know about due dates for these assignments well in advance.
v Anyone caught cheating (sharing your work or copying someone else’s work) or plagiarizing (stealing or borrowing another’s words or ideas and claiming them as your own) will be subject to penalty as outlined in the SCHS student handbook.
v I follow the SCHS make-up work policy plus one. This means you have the same amount of days to make up work as days of school you missed plus one additional day. (If you miss two days, you must turn in your makeup work on day three).
v If you are absent, check the online classroom (see website URL on first page or use the QR code to link to the website). All make-up work will be available no later than 4:30 pm each day. I always make enough copies for every student each day, so if you do not have a printer you can get a copy of the assignment from me when you return to class. Check the online classroom for instructions on what you need to do to complete the assignment.
v It is YOUR responsibility to gather and complete make-up assignments outside of class time to avoid missing instruction. If you need to speak with me about make-up work, do so before or after school, in between classes, or email me.
v If you are absent on a day a test is given, you will have FIVE SCHOOL DAYS to make-up the test BEFORE or AFTER school. It is your responsibility to schedule a make-up time. After this period is over, the test score will remain a zero.
v Previously assigned work from an absence is due upon return to class or points will be deducted.
Hall Passes
v Each student will receive FOUR passes to leave my classroom per SEMESTER (two nine week grading periods).
v DO NOT ask to leave the FIRST TEN or the LAST TEN minutes of class. You are not allowed to leave class during that time.
v Hall passes not used by the end of the semester can be turned in for 3 extra credit points each (12 points possible).
My Desk:
v Students are not permitted to touch items on or in my desk unless instructed to do so.
Cell Phones:
v Cell phones are not to be visible during class time and must be silent or turned off. This means you cannot have it on your desk, in your hand, in your lap, etc. and the cell phone should not be heard. Failure to comply with this policy will result in confiscation. You may be asked to use your cell phone for educational purposes during class time, but I will let you know when it is appropriate to use your cell phone in class.
v This first time you are caught using your cell phone, you will receive a warning. The second time, I will confiscate it, and your phone will be turned into a principal. Your parents will be expected to pick it up. Refusal to comply with this cell phone policy will result in a referral for defiance.
Textbooks and Novels:
v If a TEXTBOOK or NOVEL is lost or damaged, YOU will be expected to PAY to replace the textbook BEFORE you receive another one. If a novel is lost or damaged, YOU will be expected to REPLACE the novel before another one will be issued.
Guidelines and Expectations Signature Sheet for English
Mrs. McIver
v Please sign and return the following page by ______for 15 points.
At the end of the school year, English II students will be required to take an end-of-course assessment. I will provide you with as much information as I have about the test, and I will prepare students for the exam, but students must work hard to acquire the skills because the exam will count for 20% of the overall grade in English II.
PLEASE NOTE: By signing below, you are acknowledging that you have fully read Mrs. McIver’s guidelines and expectations for English and that you understand and will adhere to the contents.
Student’s Email Address: ______
Parent/Guardian’s Email Address: ______
______I DO have access to the Internet on a regular basis.
______I DO NOT have access to the Internet on a regular basis, but I understand it is my responsibility to acquire access to the Internet for make up assignments and other class work.
1. Go to This is the district’s home page.
2. On the right hand side of the screen you should see a link that says “Teacher Online Classroom.” Click on that link.
3. On this page you will see the online classrooms for teachers listed alphabetically by last name. Scroll down the page to find McIver, Erin. This will take you to Mrs. McIver’s home page.
4. On the right side of the page you will see the classes Mrs. McIver teaches. Click on the appropriate class. When that page opens, you will see a description of the daily agenda on the left side of the screen.
5. To get any handouts, notes, PowerPoints, etc. given out in class you will need to click on the link on the right side of the screen that says Daily In-Class Assignments. These links will be arranged by the class date and a description of the assignment.