These next pages contain information regarding the Illinois Concealed Carry Act, survey results, signage specifications and more. Please click on a bullet point below for information regarding Concealed Carry:
· Concealed Carry Survey Results
· Concealed Carry Proposed Rules
· Signage Specifications
· Open Security Meeting Overview (held on September 17, 2013)
· Overview of Concealed Carry Legislation
· Places Where Concealed Weapons Remain Prohibited
· Signage Regarding Prohibited Weapons on Premises
· Concealed Carry Illinois Website and FAQs
Concealed Carry Survey Results
With the State of Illinois poised to begin issuing permits under the recently passed Illinois Concealed Carry Act, building owners are in the process of determining policies for their buildings. In late February 2014, we conducted a short survey to determine how many buildings have already adopted a policy and whether that policy is to permit or prohibit concealed weapons.
From these results, we learned that about half of BOMA/Chicago member buildings have decided to exercise their right to prohibit concealed weapons and have either already posted the required notice or are in the process of doing so. A bit more than a third of member building owners have opted to permit concealed carry. About 15% are still considering which policy to adopt.
Tenant preference and safety are among the major factors being considered by building owners when adopting a policy. As expected, liability is also a concern, but remains an open question. Unlike many other states, the Illinois Concealed Carry Act is silent on the issue of liability and the law is too new to have been tested in Illinois courts.
Many buildings address firearms in their existing rules and regulations. Depending on the policy the building owners adopt or the applicability of current language with the new law, rules and regulations may need to be revised.
Concealed Carry Proposed Rules
The Illinois State Police have issued proposed rules concerning signage under the Illinois Firearm Concealed Carry Act. While owners of private property maintain the right to prohibit concealed weapons on their property, notice of the prohibition must be clearly and conspicuously posted at the entrance of the building, premises or real property. Owners of any statutorily prohibited area or private property, excluding residences, where the owner prohibits the carrying of firearms must also post the notice. The proposed rules from the Illinois State Police regarding the Firearm Concealed Carry law can be viewed beginning on page 94 of this document.
Signage Specifications
Pursuant to Section 65(d) of the Firearms Concealed Carry Act, signs must be of a uniform design and the Illinois State Police is responsible for adopting rules for standardized signs. The Illinois State Police has proposed rules which require a white background; no text (except the reference to the Illinois Code 430 ILCS 66/1) or marking within the one-inch area surrounding the graphic design; a depiction of a handgun in black ink with a circle around and diagonal slash across the firearm in red ink; and that the image be 4 inches in diameter. The sign in its entirety will measure 4 in x 6 inches. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE CONCEALED CARRY PROHIBTED SIGN.
The Illinois State Police’s proposed administrative rules allow the design and posting of a larger sign if the property owner believes the entrance of the building, premises or real property requires it. The administrative rules proposed by the Illinois State Police would also permit a larger sign to include additional language.
These administrative rules have been filed with the Illinois Secretary of State pursuant to the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.
To download a template of the approved sign for use, visit the ISP website at
NOTE: When printing the sign, please ensure the black borders surrounding the "no firearms" symbol measure 4 inches from top to bottom and 6 inches from left to right.
BOMA/Chicago Security Committee Hosted Concealed Carry Presentation on September 17, 2013
In July 2013, Illinois passed the Firearm Concealed Carry Act. Illinois will now allow citizens to carry concealed firearms and will begin issuing concealed carry licenses in early 2014.
What does this mean for building owners and property managers? What are your rights? How can you prepare? What are your resources?
The BOMA/Chicago Security Committee hosted an open meeting on September 17 to answer these questions and to thoroughly review your rights and obligations under this new law. Read about the key learnings from the meeting in the Elevator Speech Blog.
Former State's Attorney, Richard Devine, of Meckler Bulger Tilson Marick & Pearson, LLP, and current Assistant State's Attorney of Cook County, Brandon Nemec, discussed the new law and its impact on commercial office buildings. Please stay tuned as we put together information for how you can prepare for the concealed carry laws that will go into effect come early 2014.
The handout and presentation by Brandon Nemec are attached to the bottom of this page. You must be logged in to access this information.
Concealed Carry Overview
During the 2012 legislative session, the Illinois General Assembly considered the adoption of a law to permit the carrying of concealed weapons. BOMA/Chicago worked extensively with state legislators to ensure that building owners retained the right to either permit or prohibit concealed weapons on their properties. We were successful in introducing and keeping language to protect the rights of building owners in every version of the legislation.
House Bill 183, which contained the provision we had sought, passed both the Illinois House of Representatives and the Illinois Senate and was sent to Governor Quinn. On July 2, the Governor filed an amendatory veto of HB 183, attempting to add additional provisions, but both chambers voted to override his veto on July 9 and HB 183 was adopted as Public Act 098-0063 without the Governor’s changes.
With that action Illinois became the last state in the U.S. to adopt a concealed carry law.
Places Where Concealed Weapons Remain Prohibited
The law specifically bans concealed weapons in the following places:
· Bars and restaurants
· Airports
· Amusement parks
· Stadiums and arenas
· Public transportation
· Private businesses that choose to prohibit them
· Public parks, athletic facilities under the control of a municipality or park district
· Government buildings
· Courts
· Local government meetings
· Public libraries
· Municipal buildings
· Police stations
· Correctional and detention facilities
· Polling places on Election Day
· Nuclear facilities
· Schools
· Child care facilities
· Colleges and universities
· Hospitals and mental health facilities
· Zoos or museums
Signage Regarding Prohibited Weapons on Premises
After the new law is fully implemented, private businesses, including buildings, will still have the right to prohibit concealed weapons on their properties. Businesses or buildings wishing to prohibit them will be required to post conspicuous signs at the entrances stating that concealed carry is not allowed.
The law requires the Illinois State Police to develop criteria for that signage. There is no specific deadline for when the rules and guidelines for the signage must be issued by the State Police, but they can be expected to be enacted before permits are issued.
Until standards for the signage have been adopted, there is nothing in the law that would prevent property owners from posting a notice or temporary sign to indicate that firearms are prohibited on the property. Advising tenants of the intended policy in advance may also help to alleviate any issues or concerns.
If concealed weapons are prohibited on the premises, the new law allows a person with a concealed carry permit to store the firearm in a vehicle in the premises parking lot. They are required to keep the weapon and ammunition in a locked vehicle or container and out of plain sight. Permit holders are allowed to move the weapon outside of the vehicle for the purpose of storing it in the vehicle's trunk.
More Information
Information on the concealed carry law can be found by clicking here. You can also access the Illinois
State Police Concealed Carry FAQ by clicking here.
The text of the law can be found at: Illinois General Assembly Concealed Carry Law.
Questions can also be directed to Ron Tabaczynski, Director of Government Affairs, at .