November 25, 2008
The Regular Meeting of the Leland Grove City Council was called to order at 7:03 p.m. on November 25, 2008 by Mayor Rex Bangert. A quorum was present. The following members were present or absent as indicated.
Rex Bangert, Mayor P Peter Murphy, Ward I P
Aimee Gray, Clerk P Diann Reed, Ward I P
Saul Morse, Treasurer P Jill Egizii, Ward II P
Mark Cullen, Attorney P Sean Smoot, Ward II P
Mark Gleason, Police Chief P Donald LoBue, Ward III P
Paul LaMantia, Ward III P
A motion was made by Alderman Murphy to approve the minutes of the October 28, 2008 Regular Meeting. Alderman Egizii seconded the motion. By roll call vote, the motion carried;
Aye – Murphy, Reed, Egizii, Smoot, LoBue, LaMantia
Nay – X
In a letter dated November 12, 2008, residents Nick and Danielle Giacomini request permission to remove a tree in the City right of way. A motion was made by Alderman Murphy to grant permission to allow Mr. and Mrs. Giacomini to remove the tree. Alderman Egizii seconded the motion. By roll call vote, the motion carried;
Aye – Murphy, Reed, Egizii, Smoot, LoBue, LaMantia
Nay – X
A motion was made by Alderman Egizii to approve unpaid warrants P-11-728 in the amount of $22,531.30. Alderman Murphy seconded the motion.
Total Ace Hardware / 159.90Total Aimee Gray / 150.00
Total AT&T / 222.03
Total Big R of Springfield / 155.68
Total Chapman Stone & Marble / 112.00
Total City Water Light & Power / 233.45
Total Darren Burris, Inc. / 595.00
Total Diann Reed / 100.00
Total Donald LoBue / 100.00
Total Drive In Car Wash / 54.00
Total Entenmann-Rovin Company / 102.84
Total Evans Recycling, Inc. / 250.00
Total Fastenal Company / 45.90
Total Fort Dearborn Life Ins Company / 24.75
Total Highway Technologies / 64.00
Total International Code Council, Inc. / 32.52
Total Jill Egizii / 100.00
Total Lake Are Disposal Service, Inc. / 15.00
Total Local Government Health Plan / 5,701.00
Total Lube Master / 72.49
Total Napa Auto Parts / 57.17
Total National Pen / 199.05
Total Nextel Partners Inc. / 157.60
Total Paul LaMantia / 100.00
Total Peter Murphy / 100.00
Total Public Agency Training Council / 250.00
Total R & M Cyclery / 40.00
Total Ray O'Herren Company, Inc. / 346.97
Total Rex F. Bangert / 150.00
Total Rudin Printing Company, Inc. / 238.81
Total Sam's Club / 301.70
Total SAUL J. MORSE / 150.00
Total Sean Smoot / 100.00
Total Shell Fleet Card / 1,742.91
Total Shell Oil Company / 438.16
Total Sorling Northrup Hanna Cullen & Cochran / 3,576.49
Total Staples Credit Plan / 273.88
Total University of Illinois -PSEP / 122.00
Total Unum Life Insurance / 329.56
Total Vermeer of Central Illinois, Inc. / 4,844.21
Total VISA / 722.23
By roll call vote, the motion carried;
Aye – Murphy, Reed, Egizii, Smoot, LoBue, LaMantia
Nay – X
A motion was made by Alderman Smoot to ratify paid warrants P-11-729 in the amount of $31,818.46. Alderman Egizii seconded the motion.
Matthew T. Ambuehl / $ 713.19Mark Werries / $ 623.54
Andrew K. Sandhaas / $ 251.31
Mark Commean / $ 1,027.56
Mark Commean-O/T / $ 267.42
John Diefenback / $ 253.48
Rick Dunk / $ 1,424.66
Mark Gleason / $ 1,805.29
Jason Martin / $ 917.27
Jason Martin-O/T / $ 142.72
Kenton L. Oliver / $ 780.78
Kenton L. Oliver-O/T / $ 164.04
Dan Ryan / $ 1,187.28
Karen Stone / $ 25.01
Shad M. Shymansky / $ 219.16
Andrew J Watts / $ 200.63
J. Richard Stone / $ 622.99
EFTPS Federal Tax Deposit / $ 2,559.98
Shell Fleet Card / $ 920.62
Sangamon County Public Health / $ 125.00
Sangamon County Public Health / $ 125.00
Unum -Disability Ins. / $ 377.28
Matthew T. Ambuehl / $ 700.11
Mark A. Werries / $ 623.54
Andrew K. Sandhaas / $ 166.41
Mark A. Commean / $ 1,027.55
John W. Diefenback / $ 253.47
Rick Dunk / $ 1,237.81
Mark Gleason / $ 1,805.29
Jason C. Martin / $ 917.27
Kenton L. Oliver / $ 780.79
Dan Ryan / $ 1,187.28
Karen Stone / $ 62.55
Shad M. Shymansky / $ 27.39
Glenn Tuxhorn / $ 253.66
Andrew Watts / $ 85.78
J. Richard Stone / $ 622.99
EFTPS Federal Tax Deposit / $ 2,454.28
IL Dept. of Revenue / $ 765.07
IMRF / $ 4,113.01
$ 31,818.46
By roll call vote, the motion carried;
Aye – Murphy, Reed, Egizii, Smoot, LoBue, LaMantia
Nay – X
No report.
No report.
Insurance/Pension – No report.
Personnel – The Personnel Committee met on November 11, 2008. At the meeting, the committee decided to make no changes at this time. The City Police Department may organize to join the Fraternal Order of Police.
Utility Easement – No report.
Springfield Sanitary District – No report.
Traffic Control – The traffic committee met before the Council meeting. At the December meeting, the Committee will present a four-phase plan to address traffic issues. Two public hearings will be held to educate the community about the proposed changes. The meetings will be held on February 23 and March 23.
Commissioner Murphy reported the City will pay $50 per ton for rock salt this winter.
A motion was made by Alderman Smoot to approve the resolution for participation in the State of Illinois Federal Surplus Property Program. Alderman Egizii seconded the motion. By roll call vote, Resolution 08-11-01 was adopted;
By roll call vote, the motion carried;
Aye – Murphy, Reed, Egizii, Smoot, LoBue, LaMantia
Nay – X
A letter from resident Patricia Tatman requested the Council consider an ordinance limiting parking on Noble, north of Ash and south of Laurel. Alderman Reed will contact Ms. Tatman.
Chief Gleason reported statistics are slightly down for the month. He reported how he recently spend a $10,000 from the Illinois Department of Traffic Safety.
Chief Gleason invited Council members and their spouses to Illini Country Club for the Department Holiday Party to be held on Monday, December 22 beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Mayor Bangert reported the recent election results in regard to the IMRF referendum. The City intends to place the measure on the April ballot. The key to ensuring the referendum will pass is better education of voters.
No report.
At 8:00 p.m., a motion was made by Alderman Murphy to adjourn the meeting. Alderman Smoot seconded the motion. By roll call vote, the motion carried;
Aye – Murphy, Reed, Egizii, Smoot, LoBue, LaMantia
Nay – X
Aimee Gray
City Clerk